Part 1

London: 5/7/2020

I was on my bed seated after i just celebrated my eighteenth birthday with my family,

remebering my birthday two years ago when we were in Athens,Greece ,which happens to be my homeland ,

i really fucking miss our lovely big house there ,

it's where I've grown up ,where i was born and where i lived with my parents extremely happy and loved .

it just felt cozy there and i really loved the fact that i'm my parents only child ,

it seems weird because unlike me every child likes having siblings but i am just extremely selfish when it comes to my parents,

i hate the idea of sharing mum and dad's care with another child , i fuckin just hate it

Ugh whatever,

You're propably wondering why we're not in our beautiful lovely house in Athens and the answer is 'my father's shitty work' which required us to move to london in this house as he is the CEO of the famous ''Turner's company for mass production'' .

It's not that bad but the two cities are extremely different just like the two cultures and that what annoys me the most although i'm trying my best to get used to this city but,

I mean just look at the buildings in this weird city they're modern ,enormous and so boring and all look the same like if they were copied ,

The weather is always foggy and the sky looks always grey and cloudy ,

While in Athens it's the whole opposite just like another world ,the sky is always blue and clear ,

it's always sunny there and people are almost friendly and loving ,

Also the ancient streets and the buildings which look like art...


said that familiar lovely voice of my mum,

I sighed before getting out of my bed and moving towards my bedroom's door before going downstairs and towards the kitchen ,

I saw her opening the oven and saw the most lovely thing on earth,

"Ohhh myyy godd BROWNIESSSSS "

I said in an extremely happy voice ,

She smiled at me as she took them out of the oven before getting them into a small box on the table ,

she looked at me watching my smile fade away as she closed the box,

She chuckled and leaned to my ear,

"They're not for you little brat, We're expecting visitors tonight"

I rolled my eyes i really don't like the idea of having visitors ,

it sucks that i have to sit there with my parents and wear a fake smile all the time just because I'm a reflection to my family and if i just stayed in my room it would be impolite of me ,

Ughhh , i hate that senario my parents tell me every once in a while ,

"Are you okay ,honey"

she asked me in a caring voice,

I nodded as i was about to return back to my beloved room when my mum cut me off

"Won't you ask me who are them?"

I furrowed my eyebrows

"I really don't care,mum"

"You sure??" she asked playfully

"Ugh mum , stop it you really know i don't care!!  I'm not my dad,  i just want to stay in my bed all day and watch my favorite series in peace"

I said in a very bored voice,

"What about seeing your favorite series in reality"

she said with a smirk on her face, she knew that i watched the series because of kerem oh btw Kerem bursin is my celebrity crush since i was 15 , you can call him my 'OBSESSION


"I really wish someday i would see him in flesh but unfortunately my beloved dad  only works with English actors"

i scoffed as she looked at me in silence ,

I sighed and walked towards the refrigerator as i opened it looking for something sweet to eat ,

I found the chocolate bars my dad always brings from Brazil and took a bite of it ,

I was on my way out of the kitchen taking a glass of orange juice and some popcorn to eat while watching the series upstairs in my room,

"The Bursins are our visitors tonight"

She said with a singing voice


Author's note/

Hey sweethearts💕

So this is the first chapter of celiocaria and I'm incredibly happy that i took the step of publishing the first chapter✨✨

I just wanted to say that celiocaria is my very first trial to write a serious story as i used to write stories that i know I'm deleting later , However, I'm extremely excited about this one🥰 and i hope you enjoy it😘

Kindly vote and comment please guys💕💕✨