Zenon pov

After I dissappear with Tiamut, I create a ship to big enough to me and Tiamut to reside in, Guess what due, to I been the first to see Tiamut but also the one speed up his progress, so yeah Tiamut considering a Baby toddler Celestial, while I am old enough to call a teenage Celestial, but due to I am old enough.

Now I have to take care of Tiamut until he matur enough to act on his own, just like raise a baby expect this Baby is god damn Cosmic God, so yeah I guess I am a Father now, Crotax Gona explode after this.

While on the ship, I transfer Tiamut raw data also connected him to Celestials Hive-Mind, so he can learn faster, as for me I Gona meet Arishem after this, as for now I Gona teach Tiamut.

Meanwhile back on Earth

The entrie Earth was in crisis, because now human know they not alone, and they was nothing compare to the Absolute powerhouse, not after what happen.

Avenger H.Q

"Can anyone please explain to me, What the F*ck just happen" Nick Fury a goddamn bald guy eye being scratches by a cat speak with anger and fear in his voice.

"Well I have no Idea, one moment we on Titan and then poof like magic we appear on that Golden giant hand" Tony Stark aka Iron man speak while drinking his Vodka.

"Well at least somebody tell what the hell is that thing" Nick Fury say with furstation.

"That Is not a thing" a voice sound behind Fury at he turn back he see A guy with a red Cape.

"Mind telling me who are you" Nick ask the guy.

"Dr, Stephen Strange, Currently Supreme sorcerer, Protecter of Earth" Strange say with a bit arrogant in his voice.

"Oh and Why don't you tell what we dealing with" Nick ask Strange.

"Do you want to know the Truth or the lie, believe me when I say you will regret is if you chose the truth" Strange say honestly.

"Oh yeah try me Sorcerer" Nick say without any hesitation.

"Well since I Gona tell this you guy should also listen to this" Strange say while looking at the rest of the team.


Tony Stark

Steve Roger


Dr banner



Spider man


Peter quill








Sam wilson

"Just tell us already" Rocket who say with annoying voice.

"Very well" Then Strange make hand motion casting his illusions magic.

Then he begun to tell story.

At Everything fall into Darkness

They hear Strange Voice.

"Before Creation begun, before even the Infinity Stone, They was there to create the First light That give Birth to the Universe".

The Illusion shift at they now see a Giant with Red color creating a Big Bang event with is two hand, Then Red giant shoot the ball of light away, as is exploded into massive light, creating a Big bang Event that give Birth to the Universe.

"They was older than The Universe is self, they are the creator of our Universe and also responsible for all life across the COSMOS, they give birth to Star, Galaxies and countless thing more.

The illusion shift again showing countless giant Making Star, Galaxies, planet using Their cosmic energy.

Everyone looking in awe and shock even fury himself.

"They also the one who created Earth and human, along with countless species in the entrie Universe, they also a few only being who capable manipulating the Infinity Stone to they desire, and capable of destroyed is, just like we see yesterday.

" Their also the creator of the Entrie Multiverse, this Universe just one of many Universe that they has created, there are countless of them outside there.

" What they name? "Tony Stark ask Strange.

" They are Call The Celestials" Strange say with a hint of Terror in his voice.

"So basically we're fighting God" Rhodes say.

"Oh no no no, we not fighting them, we just Bacteria compare to them, we can't do everything to them, the only thing that kept us alive that because they are fascinating with human species, if not because of is we be destroyed long ago".

"Why not kill they brain we done that before right Quill?" Rocket say with confidence.

"Yeah why not do that instead, I and Rocket along with few other done this before" Quill say with arrogant is his voice.

"Well that simple, this Is not Ego, Ego just a Planet, yes he a celestial but he just lowly one compare to them the higher one, The one we see yesterday, you think, blaster, magic and gun can harmed them think again, Ego just barely an Ant compare to them, You think we could just shoot it and they will die, No Mr imbecile, before we can do anything, they could absolutely destroy us in countless way.

Strange say while lecturing both of Rocket and Quill.

"Yeah like what?."Rocket say not believe in Strange.

"Simple they Throw the entrie Giant Star in your face, or Throw the entrie Galaxy if they want, they could change Reality on Universal scale, they could just turn us into Dust, oh and yes They could do anything they want, Space, Time, Reality, countless thing more, and Celestials could do all of them, to them Manipulation of a universe just Child play to them" Strange say Making Quill wet his pant a bit, while also making the Entrie Avenger Fear even more.

"So we're fucked in every way we can possibly imagine" Bucky speak up with Horror in his voice.

"Is there anyway we can defeat them" Wanda spoke to Strange desperately

"No I Fear not, they are the no way we could defeat them" Strange answer to Wanda.

"So what do we do now" Steve ask.

Strange raise his finger

"Unite, he giving us warning and also warn us, so there only thing we can do and that is united together is we want to survive".

"This Gona make the entrie pentagon wet themselves" Nick say with is amusing tone

"Yes I can Imagine that" Maria say to Nick with a bit happy in her voice.

On other every single corner of Earth, they has learn about the truth of Universe, They were never alone, and learn is the hardway, everyone on Earth now fall in to terror, however some of them believe that the Golden Giant is a Cosmic Deity, come to warning Earth upon the coming Armageddon, Most of human now begin to discarded they fear, at their begin to worshipped The Golden Giant instead.

At for countless leader of secret organisation, now they have know, they are nothing, they money won't able to protect them, what they see is Planetary scale annihilation, some idiot suggests they should attack the Golden Giant.

But that stupid idea quickly being forgotten, due to, they remembered, how easily they being pull out of Space in the Giant hand, they thought they can try Rule the Earth by Violence, now even know That outside The vast Universe is a Being that power beyond imagination, they could only hope the best to come, but deep inside they know all of them will die eventually.

For the Magician and mystic art user, they now must work together and they believe that is now time to reveal themselves to the world Know about they existence, After all their know about The Celestials and what they capable of.

On the other Side of Universe.

"So even thought you knew there are flaw inside your design, you still let them be?" Zenon ask the Red Celestial aka Arishem the Judge.

"Yes I am fascinating with them, despite the flaw in them, I have learn about they memory" Arishem answers Zenon.

"Now what of Tiamut" Zenon ask Arshem once again.

"It is stick to the rule, as you are the one who speed up the process, He born because of you, so the responsibility will belong to you" Arishem say to Zenon.

"I suggest you fix your mistake about the Deviant, or just do it yourself, and what About Kang, he aren't making any trouble?" Say Zenon.

"I will fix the Deviant, Kang the Conqueror hasn't making trouble..... Yet, but if he do he will answer to me" say Arishem.

"Well good to know, now bye, I have to take care for Tiamut and this Version of Earth a bit" After Zenon finish his word, Space bent at Zenon collapse into Blackhhole vanish from Arishem and back to his ship.

On Zenon ship, Tiamut was still learning, For Zenon he has send the Eternal of Arishem go to Olympic in 616 verse, he also explain to the Celestials about this version of Eternal, for Him, he will stay in few day, to Let Tiamut complete some part of his education then he will take Tiamut back to earth with him, they both Gona teach Earth another lesson, and if they don't learn about they mistake.

Then He will correct them by Force, as for now, He Gona teach Tiamut a few Trick.

Back in 616 version, the Deviant and human has quickly advanced them species, They begin to build they city, And many God has begin to show themselves on earth,The Celestial has noticed this, the Third Host will soon to come Earth.