Chapter 2

Amy ....

Amy Moretti

The name which brings happiness in my empty soul and at the same time leaves a ache in my heart ,she is the love of my life the one whom I wanted to spend my forever with but you don't always get what you want .

I shook my thoughts away and continue to do my work ,I don't know how much time passed when I heard the ringing of my cell phone I mentally cursed myself remembering silas and his warning I immediately picked up the call

"You are still in office aren't you"i heard him saying in agitated voice

"I just lost the track of time but don't worry I am leaving " I replied

" Daniel why are you such a stubborn workaholic freak" he said

"Hey! I am not a freak and as I said I am leaving , so don't worry" I said

"You are telling truth, right "

"Yeah ! Silas I am not lying "

"Now that's like a good boy no no I mean like a good Daniel "he said

" Shut up you idiot "

He laughs then replies "Bye my love have a good night"

"Bye idiot "I chuckle at his calling me love .

I pick my office bag and leave my cabin walking towards the elevator, I walk out of the elevator on reaching ground floor exiting the my office building I nod at the guards on duty I walk to my Audi A8 settling myself I pull the car in the direction of my house.

Within 20 minutes of my drive I was outside my mansion the guard on looking who is at gate opens it, I park my car in garage and I walk to the front door typing password on pad . I went inside my house only to be greeted with silence and loneliness you must be thinking why I live in such a huge house alone ,I was more than okay in my studio apartment but a business partner of mine was selling his house and he wanted a responsible man to look after it so Silas started to pesture me to buy it as he wanted me to start thinking about having a family on his insistence I bought it . It is a 2 storey mansion with 8 bedrooms, swimming pool ,garden ,home theatre and a mini office for me .Most parts of this house is made of glass reflecting the shade of pool . How much I would give to come home to see Amy sitting on poolside laughing at our children playing in garden. I smile sadly at my thoughts .I make my way to bedroom to take shower after taking a shower and changing into my sweat pants and shirt I went to kitchen to eat dinner. I have a housekeeper Maria she is a middle aged woman who comes everyday to look after house ,she also makes me breakfast and dinner ,I see lasagna in oven so I simply heat it and begins to eat .After finishing I place the dishes in dish washer and went to my room again,laying on my side of bed I come face to Amy's picture on my nightstand it was a picture from school when she was sitting on grass ,smiling with a bottle of water in her hands the wind blowing her hairs away .

Silas I started going to elementary school near our orphanage there I met Ayla Moretti she was shy yet confident girl ,she didn't judged me and silas for being orphan like others did . I still want used to trusting people and it resulted in me being anti social kind of child but despite all she became our good friend ,she was also new in town and came from a wealthy family her mother was an interior designer and her father died when she was 4 .She also had a little sister who we didn't met at that time as she was 2 years our junior.Silas and ayla would always cheer me up and would drag me to interact with our children but I couldn't find the strength in me to start over again. I still had my panic attacks and it would get worse when people used to bully me or mock me for being a orphan .At such times I would go and sit at the lake behind our school, somehow listen to waves of water calmed me .Silas and ayla would stand up for for most of times and used to support me alot. I slowly begin to came out of my shell and joined debate society so that I could gain some confidence in me ,it worked for me because with time I started to gain confidence and stand for myself. I also joined many other societies and focused on achieving good grades ,silas and ayla were happy to see me like that and gran she would always be so proud whenever I brought her my trophies and show her my achievements but still I would stay away from much socialising and spent my time in library or doing my homework, silas would call me nerd as he always liked to play around and whenever he asked to be part of his pranks i would refuse him.

It was an other day in school i was in grade 5 at that time ,Silas and ayla went home but I stayed to complete my science assignment. As I was doing my work I heard the class room door closing ,I rushed only to see it locked , I heard some people laughing and went to see through key hole ,there I saw Xavier and his gang smirking, he used to bully me alot so one day I went to our class teacher complaining about him ,he was given detention for a whole week he didn't took it well and promised to get back at me . I begged him to open the door but he went away laughing with his gang.I started to hyperventilate all those terrifying moments when my mother would lock me in store and starve me started to get back to me . I started to bang at the door praying that someone hear and help me , my body started shaking and sweating I realised I was having a panic attack .I tried to stabilize myself but I couldn't stop it .

Just when I thought no one will come to rescue me I heard the door opening without seeing who was saved me I bolted outside the room towards the ground breathing in fresh air , I slumped to the ground my body still shaking when a pair of arms wrapped around my neck and a angelic voice asked "Are you okay"...