ChilchVahide fell asleep shortly after their talk, she was still recovering and Amy wanted to be there for her but she also had to fulfill her promise. But how? That's exactly the question she has been asking herself for the past twenty minutes while sitting in her car outside SOFT- TECH corporation. It's still evening meaning Silas must be in his office. Finally attaining enough courage, she decides to propose to Silas himself. It shouldn't be a big deal, I have done this before. She thoughts but this she wanted Silas to take this step. But it's for mom, she reminded herself. picking the phone from her purse she dials Daniels's number.

"Hey Tesoro, I was going to call you," Daniel says gently answering her call.

"Hey, I hope you weren't busy," Amy inquires

"No! I just had a meeting before but is everything alright"

"Yeah! I am outside your office. If you aren't busy can you come down, I will explain it to you then?"

Amy hears some shuffling sound before Daniel replies

"Yeah sure, I am coming."

" And please bring Silas with you" Amy adds

" Um- okay," Daniel says before disconnecting the call.

After five minutes, Amy sees both of them exiting the office. Daniel was usually clad in his business suit while Silas was wearing a t-shirt with slacks and a tie.

"Tesoro is everything alright," Daniels asks anxiously standing close to Amy while Silas hugs her. Amy pulls back grinning

"Mom woke up this morning." She informs

"Really OMG! " Silas retorts dramatically while Daniel shakes his head at his antics.

"That's great Tesoro, how is she now," Daniel asks smiling at her.

" She's doing well "Amy replies.

" What are we doing here then? We should visit her." Silas says looking at Daniel but before he could reply Amy interrupts.

"Well Daniel, can you go and stay with her meanwhile, I discuss something with Silas" Amy states. Both Daniel and Silas frown in confusion.

"Umh, no issue. I will be there, you guys continue." Daniel replies looking perplexed.

"Thanks, we won't take long " Amy replies. Daniel nods calling his driver and then leaving not before giving Silas a ' don't mess up ' look. Silas looks at Amy confused

"So, I hope it's nothing serious," Silas asks stuffing his hands in his trouser pockets. Amy steps closer to him

"Well, It is serious Silas. Can we talk somewhere more private?" Amy says looking at the hustle and bustle of people living and entering the office building.

"Now, you are scaring me but let's go to my office. I am pretty much free since you made the boss leave." Silas chuckles nervously while making his way to his office with Amy walking beside him. Shortly they are in his office with Amy sitting on the couch and Silas sitting on the opposite chair. He stares at Amy who nervously fiddles with her purse straps. Silas having enough of this silence, starts the conversation

"Would you like to drink something?" He asks politely. Amy looks up at him

"Nothing at the moment." She refuses

"Okay, so...." Silas trails off looking at Amy hoping she would say whatever she wanted to in the first place. Amy's heart was scampering as she tried to find the right words to explain everything. Sighing she begins

"Mom wants me to get m-married " she blurts out starting at Silas who looked baffled at the moment but soon a worrisome expression takes place on his face almost like he is going to faint.

"W-what?" He stammers

"You heard it, Silas." Amy retorts nervously looking at him.

"What did you say" He questions looking more worried now. Thousand of things running in his mind, this was always the conversation he dreaded to have with Amy because he knew it will blow up the secret he was hiding from everyone.

"I promised to get married soon," Amy replies. Silas abruptly stands from his chair hearing this.

"Amy, no this can't be happening right now" Silas apprise but looking at the gloomy expression on Amy's face he shakes his head.

"Amy I mean everything is so messed up around us and vahide mom must be caught in her emotions," Silas explains trying to calm the environment.

"Even if she is, I made a promise to her and I am keeping that promise," Amy replies stubbornly

"Amy we can't get married because of vahide mom" Silas tries to reason but Amy stands from her place and walks towards him placing her hands on his chest and looking into his eyes. Silas could see the tiredness and pleading look in her eyes.

"Silas we have known each other since childhood and we have been dating for a long time now. We were to get married at some point so why not now." Amy inquires making Silas look away from her.

"Amy listen, I just don't lo..." His words get stuck in his throat as Amy places her hand on his cheek making him look at her once again.

"I know you are getting cold feet at the moment but Silas I love you, you love me and I am ready to spend my entire life with you. Think about mom, she would be happy, and even If for a while she can get past her broken state. " Amy states her voice breaking at the end as some tears fall on Silas's shirt. He looks at her tired state tempted to say the truth and not to make the same mistake he did all these years back. But again he was finding himself giving in and the mention of Vahide mom was enough to push him. He wipes a tear from her face before hesitantly nodding. His head screaming at him but he shuts it down. Amy smiles seeing him nodding and immediately hugs him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Silas, you don't know what it means to me" Silas places a hand on her back loosely swallowing his saliva and looking at the window behind. Amy breaks the hug and places a kiss on his cheek

"Let's go and tell mom and Daniel about this." She says before dragging him out of his office. Reaching the hospital Amy takes a look at Silas who appears to be in another world

"Silas, I know it's a lot to take in at the moment but we will sort out everything before this weekends" Amy apprises placing her hand on his and giving him a smile to which he frowns

"This week? " he asks perplexed.

"Silas, it's just if Ayla was here It would be her wedding and I was hoping to get married on the same day," Amy says looking down at her lap.

"Just fucking great" Silas mentally scoffs

"I don't know what to say, Amy, let's go, " He says rubbing his temples.

"We will figure out everything Silas don't worry." She says holding his hand weaving their fingers and moving forward. Although her mind was exhausted and somewhat anxious she was hopeful that she will work out everything between them. Entering the room she sees Vahide and Daniel laughing about something but they both look at them or more like their entwined hands. Vahide looks at them knowingly while Daniel slightly smiles. Amy takes one look at Silas before saying

"Mom, Silas, and I have decided to get married this week"