After talking for a few good minutes Vahide went to sleep and as Amy was the only blood relative, she was allowed to stay overnight. Silas took his leave although Amy insisted to drop him off as his car was still at the office but he refused simply and rushed away quickly without hugging Amy. Amy was still confused about his behavior but again shrugged it off thinking he still is overwhelmed although there was a nagging feeling in her mind. She decided to better let it go for the moment. On the other hand, Silas took a cab to the office and retrieved his car, oblivious to the fact that Daniel was still in the office fighting his demons. As he sat in his car, the whole marriage deal started to circulate in his head, bugging him. He knew it was late but he decided to talk with Daniel. 'Maybe he could suggest me something to cancel this whole thing' he thought.

Silas was foolish to even accept this proposal. He was feeling such a wimp right now for not being able to tell Amy his true feelings. The truth was he never loved Amy in the first place like she did, maybe as a friend but not as a lover. He knew it for a very long time but not wanting to hurt anyone he tried to give this relationship a shot. But everything went downhill when his cousin Nadia came back from abroad to live with them after graduation. She is aunt Kyla's daughter, her somewhat tomboy personality and sense of humor intrigued Silas, and the cherry on top she started to work in his department. He could feel the chemistry between them which he never had with Amy. Not wanting to feel guilty, he decided to tell Amy about everything his attraction for Nadia, his liking towards her although Nadia was unaware of his feelings. But every time he decided to tell Amy about everything they got interrupted by something. It was like the universe was playing a game with them. He didn't know whether to call his feelings for Nadia love or attraction but whatever it was, it was more than what he felt for Amy or would ever feel. The day Daniel confronted him about his feelings, he decided to end this relationship with Amy. He couldn't understand why Amy never realized his feelings for her. He gave so many hints to her on several occasions but it was like she purposely ignored them or either she was dumb enough not to understand. Silas knew ending his relationship with Amy would hurt her because no matter what he knew Amy had an infatuation with him. Not only it will hurt her but Vahide mom and Daniel. He gulped thinking about his reaction because when it came to Amy his protective instincts would come out and almost destroy the other person. But he refused to be emotionally blackmailed now. He won't let this thing continue only to let it become more and more hollow. But then with the death of Ayla he didn't find it appropriate and he also didn't know what Nadia feels for him. Today when Amy proposed to him, he wanted to make it clear but with the desperate look in her eyes he had to succumb. He banged the steering wheel remembering that moment. Catching the attention of nearby people but he could care less at the moment. His train of thoughts came to a halt as he parked his car inside Daniel's house outside his porch. He tried to ring him several times but his phone went to voicemail every time.

'Maybe he is sleeping or busy' Silas wondered making his way to the front door. Considering how close both were Daniel gave him the password of his house. Punching it in the machine, he went inside. The house was quiet and dark, giving a chilly feeling. Martha and the rest of the staff already retreated to their quarters. Switching some of the lights on he went upstairs to his room only to find it empty. Furrowing his eyebrows he went to the bathroom but it was also empty. 'Strange' he thought. Deciding to check him in his office, Silas stood midway as he glanced at the walk-in closet that was slightly ajar. Going there he softly yelled

"Daniel, you there," he asked roaming further in the closet but he only met with silence. Sighing he made his way back only to stumble and fall, groaning he pressed his nose and began to get up when he noticed a scrapbook placed in the lower rack almost covered by clothes. He eyed it rubbing his nose. Curiosity getting the best of him as pulled it out from the rack.

"Daniel has our childhood pics " he mumbles looking at the old scrapbook. He started to flip the pages, his eyebrows knitting in confusion as he stared at the pictures. His eyes widen and his jaw drops when he reads the lines beneath those pictures. It wasn't their childhood pics like he wondered instead it was Daniels and Amy's pics with dates and events written. Judging the writing he knew it was Daniel who wrote this. He wasn't surprised seeing their pictures together since they were best friends but what made him stunned was the confessions and feelings, Daniel poured in. The time when he first met Amy to everything that happened over the years. His emotions, feelings, and his love for Amy everything were flowing from those pages and words. Silas had an obvious ache in his heart as he read every page coming to the end where there was a note dated.

18 March 2007

Today I am nervous and happy at the same time. Happy because I made my first million today and nervous because today I will express my feelings to Amy. I hope she accepts my love. Today after gaining my first million, got some strength that maybe I have made myself capable of for Amy because I want to give everything to tesoro I hope everything goes well.

Daniel S

The remaining pages were empty after that note, then it clicked to Silas that Amy proposed to him on the same day no wonder Daniel disappeared after the graduation ceremony, and when he returned he was ghastly pale and wasn't himself. Silas took a heavy breath closing the scrapbook and placing it back. With a heavy heart, he walked back into the room. His heart was galloping, the person he called his brother, who made him stable was going through this alone. He wasn't mad why would he be when didn't reciprocate Amy's feelings. But Daniel how come he never noticed that he was deeply in love with Amy to the point where he had to hide his feeling for her happiness. Then everything came to him like a flood of water. The way his eyes sparkled when he was with Amy, the fact that he knew every single thing about her, the way he would become protective of her, and the way he called her tesoro. Silas knew how much Daniel suffered in his past but he couldn't comprehend how much he endured all these years seeing his love with someone else, not someone his brother. His eyes caught the sight of the photo frame placed on the nightstand. He slowly approached it to see it was a picture of Amy and at the end of the pic was written " My tesoro".

Silas hated himself at the moment for being a coward and not rejecting Amy's proposal for the first time, for not understanding these things before but today he learned why people called Daniel ' ICE KING' he surely knew how to mask his emotions. Running a hand over his face he rushed past his bedroom towards the front door. Learning on his car, he felt a surge of emotions hurt, disappointment and anger. All these years he was the obstacle in Daniels love.

" I c-cant do this to Daniel" Silas kicked the side door of his car, alerting the guards who watched him with curiosity. At that moment he made a decision that would have consequences but at that time he could give a damn about everything.