Still thinking about those judgmental officials, Amy entered her mother's hospital room. Daniel was already there helping Vahide to sit properly who was still weak. Amy smiles and hugs her mom before continuing.

"You ready to leave mom," She asks to which vahide scowls.

"I am more than ready to leave this place, Amy" Amy chuckles at her mom before turning to Daniel who was staring in space. She then noticed his appearance, there were bags under his eyes and she could spot a light stubble on his face. Seeing as Vahide was talking to the nurse who brought discharge papers, Amy turned to Daniel placing her hands on his arms. Daniel felt the warm touch and immediately looked towards the source only to be met by Amy's confused face.

"Daniel, are you okay," she asked. Daniel stared at her face. He wanted to shout that he wasn't okay, that he was crumbling inside, but he knew he couldn't. Shaking his head he slowly removes her soft hands from his arms because the longer she stayed closer the more hurt it would cause him.

"I am fine tesoro, just couldn't sleep properly" he replies solemnly. Amy remains uncertain about his behavior but before she could ask any other thing, Daniel speaks

"Don't get worried, just go and sign the papers, I will walk Vahide mom to the car." He says before turning around to Vahide.

'Now, what happened to him? Amy thought while signing the papers and mentally making a note to ask him in detail later.

Naomi welcomed them as they reached home but Amy could notice the tears in her mother's eyes as she walked inside and glanced in the direction of Ayla's room. Daniel hugs her before saying

"Vahide Mom, you need to believe that Ayla is in a better place and looking at us all." Vahide unwillingly settles herself in the living room while Amy goes inside the kitchen to ring Silas but unlike every time his number was switched off. She finds it unusual because Silas was not the one who will switch off his number whatever the situation is.

"Mom, Daniel dinner is ready," Amy says entering the living room where Daniel is trying to lift Vahide's mood.

"I am not in the mood to eat dinner Amy" vahide replied tiredly.

"No excuses Mom, you have to eat and then take your medicines," Amy says in a demanding tone to which Vahide scowls

"When did you become my mother". Daniel chuckles

" She is right Vahide mom, now let me help you to the dining room." He says holding her hand but she slaps it away.

"Keep your hands away, I can walk myself so stop treating me like a paralyzed patient" Vahide huffs before slowly walking to the dining room. Daniel rubs his hand while walking behind Amy who looks distracted.

"Tesoro," he asks


"You look distracted," Daniel says before entering the dining room and staring at her. Amy turns around to face him

"No, I am wondering where Silas is, he should be here and his phone is also switched off."

"I was thinking the same he didn't even come to work today and that's so unlike him"

"Then where the hell he is" Amy whispers yell considering Vahide was near.

"Don't get hyper tesoro, he must be home planning the wedding with Aunt Kyla," Daniel says but his mind wandering to Silas.

"I hope that is the case, Daniel, now is not the time to act like a child." She angrily says before stomping off towards the table. Both settle down near Vahide who is being served by Naomi.

"I was thinking about the wedding Amy," Vahide informs twirling her food. Daniel stiffens while Amy nervously asks

"What about that?"

"I know I asked you guys to get married but how will you manage it in five days?" Vahide asks placing her cutlery down. Amy's mind was flooding with different thoughts all ending at how but she couldn't say this in front of Vahide. Shrugging her shoulders she apprises

"Don't worry Mom, everything is the same as it was planned for Ayla and I asked Talia to send Invitations to everyone around."

"Amy this is your wedding don't you want everything according to you."

Amy simpers lightly before placing her hand on Vahide's fragile one

"We planned everything together mom, there's not much difference between Ayla's and my choice, and as for reception, I know Silas will take care of it," Amy told uncertainly. Daniel looked at both of them and how hard they both were trying to make this conversation light despite the hurt caused by Ayla's name.

"What about the wedding dress," Daniel asks joining the conversation.

"Well I designed a dress for Ayla but she couldn't get the....." she couldn't complete her sentence as Amy spoke

"So what if she didn't get the chance, I will wear it after all everything looks good on me," Amy says swiveling her hairs making Vahide laugh

"You are so full of yourself " Daniels retorts scoffing

"Oh please! everyone around me says the same " Amy replies pouting

"People don't always say the truth," Daniel says as Amy smacks his shoulder

"Okay okay, enough both of you. Amy I will get the final touches done to the dress when I will visit the factory." Vahide states

"Yeah! Aunt Selma will be happy to see you."

"What about Emir, I hope he will not be offended with you getting married on the same day," Vahide asks suddenly remembering Silas.

"Don't worry, I will talk to him." Daniel asserts before they all continue to eat dinner silently. Soon Vahide went to sleep taking her medicines. Gently kissing her forehead Amy leaves her room and went downstairs. Daniel was sitting on the couch waiting for her.

"What are you thinking, " Amy asks sitting beside him. With all the drama in their lives, Amy missed the friendly time he spent with Daniel sharing each other's worries or more like Amy rambling about her problems and Daniel listening to her as she was singing a melody and helping her. Daniel gazed at her best friend who looked tired leaning back on the sofa. Her eyes closed, loose strands of hair falling on her face, her somewhat pale skin glowing. He wanted so badly to remove those strands from her face, to caress that soft skin of her and comfort her, or more like comfort himself from her embrace. Clearing his mind from such unguarded thoughts Daniel speaks

"Tesoro, don't stress yourself everything will fall into place one day."

"Maybe you are right, but everything is happening so quickly" she murmurs eyes still closed. Daniel chuckles

"Yeah! it's like watching fast and furious, who's knows in a few months you will be playing with your children" Daniel teases.

Amy giggles before playfully punching his shoulder.

"Shut up Daniel" Daniel sighs before standing from the couch. Gazing down he says

" I must be leaving, I have some work to do. Get some sleep tesoro." He begins to bend down to kiss her forehead but then abruptly stops. 'The distant the better ' he thoughts

"I will sleep Daniel, bye" Amy replies slightly smiling. Daniel nods briefly before making his way out.