Nadia's face turned sad suddenly, seeing his burdened self. She didn't know why but it looked that things weren't right with him back at home and it certainly had something to do with Amy.


"Your son is very cute!" Nadia responded. Daniel gazed at ozan and rasped.

"I know he is!"

"Are you still mad at me!" Nadia asked fidgeting on her feet with a cautious expression on her face. Daniel took a deep sigh dropping his pen on the desk, rubbing Ozan's back.

"I am not mad at you Nadia, I admit that I was once but not now. Though I am disappointed in you, I expected and needed you to act maturely at that time but you sided with that idiot." Daniel replied in a tired voice. In reality, he was tired of everything going around him, his life was swirling in anxiety and uncertainty.

"I am sorry Daniel, I wish I could help you but...!" Nadia mumbled with a forlorn expression.