[Bonus chapter]CHAPTER 72

"Thanks for telling me that!" Amy said with a dry laugh.

"It still doesn't justify your behaviour, that you hated him and neglected both him and Ozan." Silas sneered as if he suddenly remembered that.

"I don't hate him, Silas, don't say that. It was so sudden and hurting Silas. Ayla died and then mom's health deteriorated, you left me, the marriage condition and Ayla's case. I just made him a victim of all my frustrations and anger, it didn't sit well with me to see the person I called my best friend as my husband. At one point, I felt the intensity between us and instantly dodged it thinking that how could I feel that way with him. I guess it just infuriated me further and I ignored him to the point where I became plain rude. I was fighting my own battles which I wasn't successful in and then Ozan was born. I wasn't ready to be a mother Silas, I wasn't. " She cried out, wringing her fingers in her lap.