Chapter 113

Let's not walk, let's fly

Even if we don't know where to

So, all roads are without an address,

Let's maintain a distance from the world

And a bit distance from ourselves

That's a selfish wish

Let's live breathlessly

It's a lovely moment....


Amy was standing in front of the dresser brushing her hair, getting ready for bed. Wearing the same night piece but covering it up with a sweatshirt, the energy drained from her body playing with Ozan. From the mirror, her gaze fell on Daniel who was coming out after tucking Ozan in bed.

"He really liked his presents!" He muttered staring down at her bare legs before looking the other way.

"Why wouldn't he, I spent two hours finding his present which by the way, you didn't bring one mister!" Amy raised her brows in question, this thing wasn't sinking in her mind.

"I did, it's over there," Daniel pointed towards the nightstand.