Water. Strong and lucid. Water. The color of blue that can only be described by the region. It wasn't the same as the sky and varied in shades depending on the type of minerals that floated along through its body. Water. On the surface it looked calm and almost boring, but underneath was an almost alien planet to the human eye. Maybe that's why Dani felt drawn to it. The foaming turquoise waves shouted and bellowed her name. The deep dark blue depths whispered for her. The ocean was her home. Sitting here on her surfboard, letting the gentle breeze push the silky water and her board further and further out to sea, she couldn't help yearn to go and never look back. To sail from sea to shining sea, to discover the alienated world below. That was her dream. Only two more years left. She had been applying to colleges everywhere on the coast but her dream would be to go to Hawaii to become a marine biologist and study sharks. However that was just a dream. She didn't have the grades for a university that prestigious nor could her aunt and uncle afford to send her away. Hell they could barely afford the one bedroom shack they had in the Cuts.
The cool water lapped over her surfboard as the waves grew more and more. There was a storm coming, she could feel it in the waves. The ocean was always calmest right before the storm. This was the ocean she loved the most. It was silent and peaceful. You could almost hear the waves whisper.
"Dani!" she turned towards the shore to see a boy on a surfboard paddling towards her. She could see his tan skin and sandy brown hair from yards away. As he got closer she recognized his firm rock-like back and bicep muscles. His blue bandana that she gave him years ago hung slightly wet around his neck. John B. Her best friend since... forever. The closer he got the faster her heart beat. She watched his smooth skin sliding in and out of the cool water. She watched the water fly off his hands as he paddled and onto his slim physique in little droplets then run down to his body which was pressed tightly to the board. Finally as he reached the side of her board he sat up exposing his damp firmly sculpted chest.
"Exactly where I thought you'd be," his cotton candy pink lips drew back in a smile exposing his perfect white teeth making Dani feel like her heart was skipping a beat. The soft breeze pushed his messy curly hair across his face. It felt as if they had been friends since the beginning. They pretty much had. Her uncle was a friend of John B.'s dad and since she could remember, the two were stuck together by an invisible glue only they could describe.
Dani smiled and looked back out to the ocean.
"I thought you were working today or else I would've called you." She said.
"I finished early," his voice added to the calmness of the waves.
Dani nodded. The sun warmed her tan skin and was getting warmer and warmer by the minute.
"There's a storm coming," she said.
"How do you know?" John B asked.
She closed her eyes and let her head fall back to let the sun hit her neck.
"I can feel it,"
"Oh that's right I forgot you can speak ocean." He joked.
Dani looked at him and rolled her eyes splashing him with water.
"Just you wait John B, when that storm hits I'm going to say I told you so." She smiled.
"Okay weather guru, but until then we're going to sneak into that new housing development on the east side and your presence is mandatory."
Dani turned to her best friend and smiled. "Oh yeah says who?"
"Me of course," he smiled back. She loved the way he smiled. It was so pure and warming. It drew her in and captivated her making her feel as if she was about to capsize. "Dani it's summer vacation! You know what that means?"
"Two months of nonstop hangovers?"
"And some fun," he nodded smiling.
Dani smiled and rolled her eyes. She laid on her stomach down on her board and began paddling back to shore. She could hear John B follow behind her. She could feel the sunburn on her arms as she dipped them into the ocean. It was refreshing and sent goosebumps crawling up to her shoulders.
When she got to shore, she lifted her board out of water with ease. She remembered the first time she went surfing and John B had to help her carry her surfboard. Now it was as easy as batting her eyelashes. She stuck her board in the sand as she approached her clothes exactly where she had left them on top of her long board though now there was a large pair of white vans and a large white t-shirt.
"Is that a new bathing suit?" John B asked as he approached her. She looked down at the army green bikini she had on. The top was a smooth fabric, the string tied around her neck. It split into a "V" just under her chest and had a string that criss crossed through the v almost like a shoelace then wrapped around her back. The bottoms were plain green and tied together at her hips.
"No," she shook her head as she shimmied into a pair of daisy dukes. Truth is she had just bought it. Kie had convinced her she needed to spice up her wardrobe to get the attention of a certain sandy-haired boy. But Dani would never tell him that.
"How come I've never seen you wear it?" He asked towering over her. His broad shoulders cast a shadow over her face.
Dani shrugged. "I don't know I just never felt like it,"
"It's nice," he said, making her smile.
Mission accomplished. "Thanks," she threw a lacy white cardigan over her shoulders and grabbed her sandals in one hand as John B put on his white t-shirt. He grabbed her long board and they both headed to the Infamous VW van. They loaded the boards on top and put Dani's longboard in the back.
"Are those my sunglasses?" Dani asked, pointing to the pair of beat up aviators hanging from the driver's sun shield.
"I don't know what you're talking about these are mine." John B. responded putting the glasses on his face.
"I've been looking for those punk ass." she said, grabbing the glasses of his face and putting them on. John B laughed turning over the engine. Immediately she took over the radio. That was her job. John B drove, Dani sat shotgun controlling the radio. Immediately La La Land by Bruce Vine played over the radio.
"La la la la la, waste your time with me in California." Dani sang along as they rolled down the highway letting her hand float in the breeze. She took on a deep breath of the summer air.
"This summer is going to be unforgettable," she said.
"Why's that?" John B asked.
"I don't know," she said. "I just have a feeling."
"You think this is probably what a three story drop?" John B announced from the roof of the half built beach front condo the group had snuck into. He was balancing on one foot with his other hanging over the edge.
"Do it, I dare you," Pope stated. "I'll shoot you on the way down." he held up the drill and pulled the trigger causing the drill bit to spin.
"Oh you're going to shoot me?" John B raised his eyebrows and pointed his fingers in guns to Pope and made gun noises.
"Just don't drop that beer, I'm not giving you another one." As soon as the words left JJ's mouth, the beer in John B's hand slipped and splattered onto the deck below.
Dani laughed at her friends. Pope was the smartest of the group. He was a finalist for the Merit award scholarship. He was a bit quirky and awkward, but never turned down a debate with her. JJ was the bravest of the group, no one caused more trouble then him. If you couldn't find him at the Chateau he was most likely fishing, conning, or in a jail cell. But he was one of the funniest and horniest guys Dani had ever come to know and he made life interesting. Kiara was Dani's best friend, other than John B. She was one of the only people she could talk to and confide in. Not to mention her kick ass hippie personality. She was the only one of the group who actually had money, but for some reason she chose to hang out with them.
It all started with us. She looked at John B who was in the middle of telling JJ to fuck off. When they hit third grade JJ had become friends with the two. Then when sixth grade came around and John B introduced Pope. Freshman year came and Dani introduced Kiara and thus became the pogues.
"They're going to have a freaking Japanese toilet." Kiara said.
Kiara was one of the only girls that Dani got along with at school. She figured it was because of their shared interest in ocean life. That and she was one of the only people that could keep up with Dani once she started drinking.
"It's sad that they built this over a turtle habitat." Dani spoke.
"Look at you guys always out to save the turtles, it's cute." JJ said then taking a sip of beer. Knowing he was making fun of them Dani raised her middle finger. They laughed.
"I see you're wearing the suit I convinced you to get." Kie approached Dani and leaned against the railing facing out to the ocean.
"Yeah," Dani muttered. She looked at John B up on the roof who was looking down smiling at her. Then she turned towards the ocean.
"And is it working?" She asked.
"Come on Kie you know the rule," Dani said and took a big gulp of her beer.
"Who cares about the rule? Come on this is you and John B!" She whisper-yelled so the boys wouldn't hear her.
When the pogues hit high school and Kie joined the group they made a rule: no pogue-on-pogue macking. The boys had brought up the rule, though unknown to Dani it was John B's idea. He had grown tired and jealous of JJ flirting with the girls. Especially Dani. She was his best friend in the whole world.
"I don't think he feels the same way," Dani said.
"How are you going to know unless you try?" Kie hinted.
Before Dani could respond to shoot down Kiara's hopes, Pope interrupted.
"Hey uh, security's here." Dani turned and looked to see a white car pull up and a large security man exit the vehicle.
"Shit," she muttered and chugged the last of her beer.
"Gary is that you?" JJ joked running down the stairs. Dani threw her beer inside the house and ran for it.
As she ran, heart racing with excitement, she could hear her friends laughing and calling out to her. Since the house was barely finished, her thin body could easily slide through the framing. She easily ran to the gate, grabbed the top of its wooden boards and hoisted herself over. As she did she felt a pair of hands grab her waist and push her over. She jumped onto the sand on the other side of the gate then turned to see John B half over the fence himself.
"Come on," he chuckled, his smile enticing excitement and mischief. Her stomach turned with butterflies as she ran after him to the van opening her arms out wide and throwing her head back.
"Yeeeyeeeeyeee," she called out feeling the wind against her skin and the pavement beneath her feet.
"Ayeayeaye," Kie called back to her.
John B scrambled into the driver's seat of the van as Dani threw open the sliding door and got in. They pulled up to the side of the house where Kie jumped in right before JJ.
"Come on Pope!" Dani screamed as John B began to drive away. Pope burst out of the gate with the security guard close behind him.
"Grab my hand!" Kiara held her hand out to Pope and he grabbed it. As she pulled Dani grabbed Popes shirt and threw him inside.
"Oh god," Pope gasped.
"Oh come on Gary you have to run faster if you want one." JJ mocked holding a beer can put to the guard.
"Ah you know what, close enough."
"JJ stop you're going to give the guy a heart attack." Kie said.
Dani laughed as she climbed into the passenger seat. This was life. Pogue life. They were the ignored and neglected and they took advantage every single day. They spent most days either on the HMS Pogue, riding waves, or breaking into places they shouldn't be. Most nights they spent at The Chateau which was John B's place. It was practically her second home. John B's dad has always been so welcoming to her and allowed her to stay whenever she wanted. Especially when her uncle was on a binge. Then when he went missing nine months ago, she was practically there every night. He didn't have to say it but she knew John B was lonely there. That's why he was always inviting them over.
JJ lit a joint in the back of the bus as they crossed through Figure 8, the rich side of the island. The plantation houses towered over the roads and expensive looking vehicles lined the streets. Home of the Kooks.
"Dani," JJ held up the joint asking if she was going to join him.
"Hell yeah," she turned and grabbed the small joint. She took a hit and inhaled deep. One more hit and inhaled deep, then let it out handing it back to JJ.
"You guys are really doing that here?" John B asked, raising his eyebrows at the two.
"The kooks wanted to live on an island." Dani said.
"Yeah they asked for it," JJ said, taking a hit.
"I'm not sure that's how it works guys." Kiara said.
"Oh well," Dani smirked at her friends, grabbing the joint and taking another hit.
By the time the pogues reached the cuts, it was already starting to get dark.
"Let's party!" Dani said jumping out of the van, her cardigan hanging off her shoulders.
"Wooooo-ahhh" Kiara called into the dark.
"Yee yee yee," Dani called.
"Yeah let's go!" JJ cheered and they all ran into the house.
Dani who could already feel the high ran to the old stereo sitting below the wall of pictures framed in the living room. She turned it to the local radio station that was playing Alien Boy by Oliver Tree.
"Oh I like this," JJ said approaching Dani as the rest walked to the kitchen.
Her body felt as light as a feather as she danced to the beat in the living room.
"Kie!" She called out. "Come dance with me,"
"I will," JJ said, grabbing her hand.
"Oh no you won't," Pope said handing him a beer.
Kie approached Dani with two cans of beer in her hands. She handed one of them to Dani who in turn took it and cracked it open. She held it out to all of her friends.
"Cheers," she smiled looking at all four. "To the greatest summer yet."
"Yee yee yee," JJ hollered.
"Owwwwwah" cried John B.
"Wooooah" Pope shouted.
"Ayeeee" Kiara squealed.
They held up the cans and toasted then chugged the alcohol. And that's how the night ended. They danced, drank, and partied their hearts out.
When morning came, John B ignored the slight headache in the back of his head and sat up. He was in his small room, he still had his flip flops and board shorts that he wore last night. He smiled. Summer. The wind pushed a warm breeze through his room and the smell of the marsh. He stood feeling slightly dizzy walking to the bathroom. Everyone still seemed to be asleep so he didn't bother shutting the door. Much better. JJ passed out in the spare room with a random he invited over while the girls had knocked out on the couch bed. Pope passed out on the couch on the patio.
He made his way to the kitchen. His stomach had started to rumble but there wasn't much food. He looked at the questionable pizza on the stove. He honestly couldn't remember the last time the pogues even ordered pizza and decided not to risk it. Since his dad disappeared at sea almost nine months ago, he hadn't kept up with the house keeping... nor cooking. Dani came over most of the time and worried about all that stuff. If it hadn't been for her he probably would have died of starvation months ago. Hell if it wasn't for her he probably wouldn't have been able to stay sane after his dad disappeared. Sure the rest of the crew were there for him, but they too thought he was dead. Dani was the only one who didn't look at him crazy when he said he knew his dad was alive.
He turned and walked out of the kitchen to the porch. Light was beginning to pour into The Chateau. As he looked out he could see someone sitting in the hammock just in front of the water. He walked to her.
"Morning Dani,"
"Morning," her sing-song voice floated through his ears as she turned her head to look at him.
She was laying across the hammock in the small cut off shorts she had worn yesterday and one of his t-shirts she had taken and tied just under her chest.
He lifted her small tan feet and slid onto the hammock next to her then placed her feet onto his lap. She was beautiful. But he'd never tell her that. He couldn't. Though the rule prevented JJ from trying to get into her pants, it had also ruined any chance John B had at confessing.
"I made some coffee if you want it?" She said, handing him her coffee cup.
"Thanks," he took it from her small soft hands.
Dani was one of the most down and toughest girls he had ever met which still surprises him to this day because of her size. She was probably about the same size as Kiara but more... curvy. In a good way of course, she sure had it in all the right places but he couldn't. He could still remember over summer break freshman year she had come out of nowhere looking like a fully grown woman. She was purely remarkable. He sometimes caught himself admiring the way her tan skin glistened in the water and the way the wind blue her black curls all over her face. Her green eyes were like beacons against her freckled face drawing you right to them. High cheekbones framed her face and her large sun kissed lips sat perfectly above her rounded chin.
"Are you doing anything today?" He asked while taking a sip.
"Not really," she said. "I have to be at work in about an hour then JJ and I are going to hit the waves. Why what's up?"
"I got a call from DCS. They want me to go down there and meet with someone today."
"About what?" She asked.
"I don't know," it honestly kind of made him nervous. Since his dad disappeared his uncle was his lawful guardian. His uncle however was in Mississippi building houses and hadn't been here in months.
"Are you nervous?" She asked. He liked how she could always tell what he was feeling.
"A little bit," he said.
"I could dress up like your uncle and go with you if you want." She joked.
"Yeah that'd so work," he scoffed.
"It so could! I could take a bandage and wrap it around my chest, then I could take my hair and stuff it in a hat." She smiled pulling her hair back and holding it on the very top of her head. "See," she turned her head side to side giggling.
When she turned he could see the small burn marks on the back of her neck.
"You should get a tattoo there," he said, changing the subject.
"Where?" She asked, the smile disappearing from her face as she dropped her hair. He knew she didn't like to talk about it nor let people see it. That's why she never put her hair up.
He pointed to the back of his neck. "You could get an octopus that way it would cover all of it and you could put your hair up more."
"Why would I want to do that? I like my hair down." She said avoiding the thought.
John B shrugged. "It was just a suggestion. I just thought you'd like to know your hair looks good when it's up." He brought the mug to his lips and took a sip.
"Shut up," she smirked, laying her head back and looking out at the water. He couldn't imagine life without her. She was his best friend and the only one who understood what he was going through. When she was just a baby, there was a house fire. Too late to do anything a neighbor had seen the flames and pulled her out but it was too late for her parents. She had been living with her aunt and uncle ever since. She doesn't talk about it much. John B assumed it was because she didn't remember most of it. No one else in the crew knew what exactly happened. Just John B.
"I should probably get going," she said and sat up.
"I'll drop you off," he said, sitting up as well.
She agreed and they walked to the van. She only lived a couple houses away from him but he didn't want her to struggle with her board on her longboard. Just being a good friend. He reminded himself.
The shack she lived in wasn't much larger than his in fact it was two bedrooms smaller. Dani slept on the couch because she didn't have her own room. Which was partly why he assumed she was always at his house. Her uncle was a begger, true marina rat. Her aunt was a waitress at one of the many restaurants in Figure 8. From what Dani had told him her uncle spent all the money on alcohol and the hopeless search for The Royal Merchant.
"You can stop here," she said a few feet away from the driveway.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah this is perfect." She opened the passenger door before he even stopped. When he did she grabbed her longboard from the back. Then she stood on the side to get her board.
"Hey, just leave it there," John B called.
"You sure?" She asked and stepped down.
"Yeah, I'll leave it at The Chateau for later."
"Okay thanks!" She stepped down and smiled at him.
"I'll see you later," he called after her as she walked down the road. She turned smiling and waved at him, her beaded bracelets twisting and clanking. He watched her signature purple bandana tied to her belt loop sway with her hips as she walked. When she went out of sight he pulled away and back to The Chateau. He grabbed her board atop his van and leaned it against the porch.
"Where'd Dani go?" JJ's voice came from behind him.
"Home," John B replied. "Has work."
"Oh okay," he said. John B turned to see JJ leaning against the door arms crossed against his chest. He had a look on his face John B knew too well.
"Don't," John B said walking inside.
"Don't what?" JJ called. "I was just going to ask if you hit it yet?"
"Come on man it's Dani you're talking about." John B responded as he walked down the hall to his room. JJ followed.
"Exactly, it's Dani, hot ass Dani!" JJ exclaimed.
"No pogue-on-pogue macking." John B rummaged through the clothes piled in his room. He had to get ready for his DCS appointment.
"Bullshit," JJ said.
"Dude she's like my sister."
"Bullshit, again. I know you have a thing for her. 'Only Dani can sit in the front seat'." JJ mocked what John B had told everyone but Dani.
John B signed. "Dude even if I did, she doesn't feel the same way."
"Bro you are so oblivious! Haven't you noticed all the new clothes she's been wearing? She's clearly trying to impress somebody and it's sure as hell not me." JJ said.
"That's ridiculous," John B said pushing past him to the bathroom.
"Bro I'm serious. We all know that you guys have a thing for each other. Just make a move." JJ followed.
"I'm going to take a piss are you gonna stand there and watch?" John B mouthed off.
"Fine," JJ held up his hands in surrender. "All I'm saying is you better make a move before she moves on to someone else."
John B turned away and looked at the mirror in the bathroom closing the door with his foot. Maybe he should do something. It was Dani after all. Just the thought of her made a smile form on his lips. She was fun and exciting and daring and she was loyal. Maybe.
As Dani turned down the driveway she looked cautiously to see if her aunt and uncle were home. Unfortunately she could see her aunt in the kitchen window and the beat up Corolla under the overhang meant so was her uncle. She quietly set her longboard against the closed in porch steps and made her way around the back of the house. As she looked out to the marsh hoping to see her uncle's boat nowhere in sight, she noticed something very unusual. A Grady White? What the hell? There sitting on the water tied to the makeshift dock on the property was a Grady White. Who would be at the house that owns a Grady White? Still confused she made her way up the steps into the house.
"Auntie I'm home!" she exclaimed. The house was full of her aunt's nick nacks and always perfectly cleaned. The clothes she had here were neatly folded in side table drawers on either side of the couch. The rest she kept at The Chateau.
"Danica Jane Grubbs where the hell have you been all night? Did you forget you had work this morning?" she came bellowing out of the kitchen. Her black curly hair pulled back into a messy bun and tan skin covered in water. She had probably been doing dishes.
"Yes, I know I have work, relax. I was at John B.'s." Dani said walking to the bathroom.
"You were partying weren't you?" She followed Dani to the bathroom and stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips.
"We were hanging out," Dani pulled the top layer of her hair back, throwing it into a messy bun. Then she bent down to brush her teeth.
"You were doing a lot more than hanging out looking like that!"
Dani practically choked on the water she had started gurgling. "Auntie!" she exclaimed after spitting out the water. "It's not like that!"
"You kids hanging out over there wearing close to nothing. No supervision!" Even through her tan skin Dani could see her aunt's face turning red with anger. "How would I know you weren't involved in some kind of orgy!?"
"OHMYGOSH!" Dani exclaimed, grabbing her aunt's shoulders. "There is no orgy okay?! Just friends hanging out with friends." She looked into her aunt's dark brown eyes. "The same friends I've hung out with since forever!"
Dani could feel an empty knot of agitation forming in her chest. If she was so worried maybe she should have called her three days ago which was the last time she had been here.
"Next time call me so I don't stay up all night worrying about you mija." she said, grabbing Dani for a hug.
"Mmmhm," Dani said hugging her back.
Her aunt pulled away and walked into the kitchen. "Hurry up and get ready, I made breakfast."
It was a little cold so she grabbed a plain grey long sleeve shirt that had a "U" shaped neckline. It had three buttons at the bottom of the "U". She left the top button undone and grabbed her only pair of shorts that didn't have a rip in them. Once she had changed she slipped on her white vans and ran to the kitchen. There her aunt had laid out a plate of scrambled eggs.
"Auntie, who's Grady White is that outside?" Dani asked, sitting down.
"Ward Cameron's," she answered facing out the kitchen window. Dani was confused. Why was HE here?
"Why is Ward Cameron here?" Dani asked, shoveling the eggs into her mouth.
"He's not," Her aunt answered. "He's letting your uncle Scooter borrow it to search for that damn ship wreak."
The Royal Merchant. A ship lost to see hundreds and hundreds of years ago just off the coast. It is said that it had been carrying about 400 million dollars in gold and it was all lost at sea. You couldn't live in the Outer Banks and not know of the Royal Merchant. Everyone was obsessed with it and the gold. This was also the same shipwreck John B's dad disappeared looking for.
"Where is Uncle?" Dani asked.
"He walked down to the marina, something about more bait I think." Dani finished eating and set her plate in the sink. "JJ and I are going to go surfing after I get off so I don't know when I'll be home."
"Be safe and call me okay?" Her aunt replied hugging her back.
"Yup!" Dani called running out of the house. And with that she was off to one of the many popular tourist restaurants "The Wreck". She had worked there as a waitress over the summer for the past two summers. The owner, Kiara's dad, had given her the job after some heavy convincing from Kiara. It was a nice job, always busy and the pay was decent. Tips were amazingly good but the best part was she got free food during her shift. Plus Kiara was there almost all the time and as long as they got the job done, her dad let them hang out as much as they wanted.
The shift went quickly as they normally do, plenty of tourists and their families here for summer break. Today was a short shift but she had already made enough in tips for a new wetsuit.
"Hey," Dani could hear Kiara's voice from the other end of the bar.
"What's up?" Dani asked, holding out her fist.
"Just a massive hangover," Kiara bumped her fist. "How was it this morning?"
"Not bad, pretty steady got a lot of morning torons, slap 'em with some good island charm and now I can get that new wetsuit I was showing you."
"Nice!" Kie slapped Dani's hand for a high five.
"Dude I cant thank you enough for this job," Dani smiled.
"What do you mean my dad loves you, You got this on your own." Kie reassured her.
"Yeah, right."
"You gotta give yourself more credit. You're a lot more amazing than you think you are."
Dani scoffed. "Yeah yeah yeah,"
"Anyway, what do you say we hit the pier for a little shopping?" Kie asked leaning against the counter.
"I can't, JJ and I made plans to surf." Dani said standing up.
"Cool thanks for the invite," She said sarcastically.
"Come with us," Dani stood up. "I have to go get my board from The Chateau anyway."
"I can't, Mike the dishwasher called in so guess who's on dish duty." she pointed her thumbs at herself closing her eyes and giving a sarcastic smile.
"Ew, have fun with that." Dani grabbed her tips from the counter and shoved them in her pockets. "Meet us at the boneyard when you're done."
"Hell yes," Dani smiled and hugged her best friend.
"Have fun," Kie called as Dani walked away. She walked to the deck of the restaurant that faced the boat yard. She followed it around to the back of the restaurant. There she had left her longboard. She grabbed it and rode it to the Chateau. No one was home but then again, John B never locked the door so she just walked right in. She left her clothes in the spare room in an old beat up dresser John B's dad let her borrow. He knew her situation wasn't ideal and he knew what a dirtbag her uncle could be so he had always been welcoming to her. In fact, he had been more of a father figure than anyone else in her life. Sure John B fought with his dad, especially over his obsession over the Royal Merchant. She knew John B hated his dad's obsession, he felt like he wasn't a real father. If he only knew how much his dad cared. If only he knew what father figure she had to deal with.
"Dani!" She heard JJ in the living room.
"One sec!" She grabbed her black spandex bikini and changed quickly. She threw one a pair of shorts over it and a baggy sweatshirt then ran out to the living room. There stood JJ and Pope.
"You guys ready?" She asked, throwing her hands on her hips.
"Are you ready?" JJ asked mimicking her.
She rolled her eyes. "Race you there!" She exclaimed running to the porch and jumping off the steps. She grabbed her board and then her longboard and started down the road to their usual surfing spot. It was a perfect little spot hidden off the road so no tournie could easily find it. They were in pogue territory which also meant no kooks. The water was beautiful, the sand warm, and the surf perfect.
"What are you waiting for, let's hit it!" JJ exclaimed running into the water. Dani smiled to herself and threw off her sweatshirt. She slipped out of her shorts and ran down the beach with her board into the cool water a smile plastered on her face. Pope followed closely behind her as she lightly slipped her arms in and out of the salty ocean. This is where she felt home.
"That was awesome," Pope was smiling from ear to ear as they walked up the beach.
"Agreed," Dani panted.
JJ set his board in the sand and sat down. He took a joint out of his bag and lit it taking a hit then handing it to Dani.
"Really guys?" Pope asked.
"Come on Pope, just relax." JJ said as Dani handed him back the joint.
"Smoke signals the other way." Pope replied.
"Comeon, let's hit the boneyard." Dani replied. It was starting to get dark and cold so the three made their way up the beach and back to the chateau. As they walked up, Dani noticed the van pulled up to the house. Dani set her board against the back of the house and followed the boys up the porch and into the house. John B wasn't in the living room so she assumed he was in his room. As Pope and JJ walked into the kitchen going on and on about surfing techniques, Dani made her way down the hall to John B's room. The door was closed so she knocked and then opened the door. She saw John B sitting at the end of his bed holding his dads picture in his hand.
"Hey," she said softly walking in.
He turned around surprised, slipping the picture into his pocket and standing up to face her.
"Hey what's up?" He raised his eyebrows.
"N-nothing," she said pretending she hadn't noticed. "How'd it go today?"
He shrugged and looked at the floor. "I'll tell you later I don't really want to think about it right now." He yawned and stretched his shoulders acting like he was okay.
"Okay," she said and looked at the floor. "Well we're going to go to the boneyard, just a little bonfire on the beach."
"Okay, sounds good," he said and clapped his hands together. "I'll get the keys," he gave Dani a wink as he walked past her out the door. She could tell he was trying to play it off. Something happened at the appointment today. Something not good.
They grabbed all the beer they could and got in the van. It didn't take long to get to the boneyard. It was about a ten minute drive. When they got there the four walked the hidden trail to a sand dune rising higher than the rest. Just in front of it they laid the beer out and JJ kicked the ashes from their last fire out of the way. This was the perfect spot facing the ocean. On a windy day they could sit just below the dune and be protected from the cold and hidden from the trail. Not long after they set down and Pope got the fire going, Kie showed up.
"What's up?!" She exclaimed, jumping onto Dani's back.
"Ah!" Dani screamed falling to her side in the sand. "Get off me fatty!"
"I want to smother you!" Kie exclaimed squeezing Dani on the ground.
"You're suffocating me!" Dani laughed.
"Woah woah ladies break it up," JJ smirked.
"You're just jealous," Dani remarked as Kie got off of her and she could sit up.
"Hell yes I'm jealous," he smirked.
Both girls rolled their eyes. Kie sat between Dani and Pope, completing the circle.
"Did anyone bring any food?" Dani asked as her stomach began to grumble.
"You guys are lucky that I thought ahead," Pope said, holding up an white plastic bag. Pope then pulled out an already open bag of hot dogs.
"Oh cool where'd you get those from?" JJ said excitedly, grabbing one from Pope. JJ pulled out a large pocket knife and stuck it into the middle of the hot dog then held it over the fire.
"My dad cut it open when he was unloading boxes for an order. He was just going to throw it out so I grabbed it." Pope answered.
"Wow Pope, taking hot dogs without your dad's permission?" Dani asked, shocked, throwing her hand over her mouth pretending to gasp. "I'm so proud," the three laughed but Dani noticed not a peep from John B. Man something really bad must have happened.
Pope passed around the hotdogs and JJ shared his knife. The group sat and laughed and joked around just like any normal Saturday night. The sun started to set and they moved up on top of the sand dune to watch. The mixture of colors mesmerized Dani. She awed at the canvas of orange and pink mixed together. She admired the seagulls flying above going wherever they wanted to go calling any beach on the earth their home. JJ sparked a joint and shared it with Dani as Pope and Kie vacated the area back to the fire. John B stood as well but didn't go to the fire. Dani watched as he walked down to the edge of the water and just stood, staring out of the sunless sky.
"Did he say anything about how it went today?" JJ spoke softly so no one else would hear. She had known JJ the longest next to John B. She remembered when it was just the three of them and they would tease her for being a girl like typical little boys. It wasn't until Dani finally had enough and socked JJ in the mouth after a fight over a mud pie that they got close.
Dani shook her head. "No but I can tell it's not good." She took a hit and handed the joint to JJ. "I'm going to go talk to him."
"Good luck," JJ nodded.
Dani stood up and brushed the sand off her shorts. She slid down the dune and grabbed her jacket to stay warm. Then she approached John B who had started to walk down the beach.
"Hey," she spoke softly.
"Hey," he said, turning to her. His face seemed serious.
"The stars are beautiful tonight." She said admiring the sky.
"Yeah, yeah," John B said then sat down in the sand with his arms resting on his knees. Dani sat down next to him with her legs crossed.
"Talk to me," she said softly.
"DCS is threatening foster care," he said and looked at her.
"Threatening? For what?" She asked.
"It has come to their attention that I am an unemancipated minor living on my own." He said mocking his case worker. "Somehow they found out Uncle T isn't here. Obviously I told them he was and now they're sending people out tomorrow to talk to him."
Dani nodded. "What are we going to do?"
John B shrugged and looked down at the sand. "I don't know, but they want to send me to the mainland."
A void opened in her stomach causing an uneasy emptiness. She would lose her best friend tomorrow. They had been by each other's side since preschool, the only kid on the playground that didn't make fun of her scars. Instead, he taught her to laugh, to trust, to surf, and even to drive. She had to figure out a plan for John B to stay and she had to do it fast. In silence she sat scanning her brain trying to think of every possible outcome but nothing seemed to work. She sighed frustrated and laid her head onto John B's firm shoulder wrapping her small arms around his bicep. She held on tight as if the tighter she held his arm the less chance he'd leave her.
"We'll figure something out." She said.
"I know," he said, leaning his head to rest on hers. She absorbed his warmth, fearing that this would be the last time they'd sit on this beach together. "No matter what happens," he began. "I know I'll have you to count on."
"Of course," she said clinging to him a little bit tighter. "Pogues for life,"
"Not just that," he hesitated. "You guys are my best friends, without you guys-"
"You're not going to lose us," She interrupted sitting up to look at him. She looked him in the eye getting lost in them. She tried to keep her composure, keep the fear bottled up. She had to be strong. She had to make him believe it would be okay even if she didn't. He nodded at her letting out a relieved smirk. "Have you told the others?"
John B shook his head. "I wanted to tell you first,"
A small smile formed on her lips but she quickly hid it. "They've been worried about you."
"Really?" he asked.
She nodded. "You're not very good at hiding your emotions John B."
John B scoffed. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that." he sat up and she gazed into his eyes. He had the warmest brown eyes she had ever looked into. Something about them put her in a trance. The fire light cast shadows along his tanned face, dancing across his lips. She began to day dream of him leaning closer and closer until she could taste his breath. Suddenly her face got hot and she was forced to look away.
"You should tell them," she said brushing her hair back behind her ears and turning her gaze to her bare toes in the sand.
"Yeah," he cleared his throat. She felt the sand shift behind her as he stood up and she did the same. She hugged the old stretched out sweater she found in the van close to her body as a shiver danced down her spine. She turned to face him as he looked at her.
"You know no matter what we'll still be here annoying the hell out of you." She said and nudged his shoulder with her own.
"I wouldn't want it any other way," he smiled and threw his large arm around her shoulders. They both walked over to the group who was still around the fire. Kie and Pope we're sitting while JJ was standing making a large arm gesture telling a story that probably wasn't even true.
"Oh hey guys nice of you to join us," JJ stopped mid sentence. Dani sat down in the sand between the two while John B sat next to Pope. "And then this guy takes the rockets and aims them at the ceiling and bam! Sets them off! I'm looking at him like he's on freakin' crack and I'm trynna get the hell out of there. Thankfully the ceiling collapsed on his boat and I booked it. I was running like the freakin flash okay."
"Oh yeah I'm sure you were." Kie remarked taking a swig of beer.
"You don't believe me?" JJ asked, astonished walking over to Kie.
"Not one bit," she responded as he collapsed into the sand on the other side of her. They all laughed as he sat up clearly crossfaded but he wouldn't let you believe that.
"Come on just a little bit?" He asked, throwing his shoulder against Kie.
"Keep dreaming," she giggled, taking his arm off of her.
"It was worth a shot," JJ said, taking another swig.
Dani soaked in the warmth of the fire and the laughter of her friends. She wanted to cherish this night and live in it forever because this could be the last time she would see John B.
When the laughter died down they all looked into the fire until John B finally said it.
"There's something I need to tell you guys," he said looking at the fire. She felt their eyes turn to him. "DCS found out my uncle is not here and they're coming to take me away tomorrow unless he miraculously shows up by then."
"Wait what?" JJ said sitting up.
"You're not serious are you?" Kie exclaimed. "Dani, tell us he's kidding."
Dani shook her head looking at the sand.
"How'd they find out?" Pope asked.
"I have no idea," John B replied.
"What are we going to do?" Kie asked.
"You could stay at my place for a few days and wait until they give up looking for you." JJ said.
John B shook his head. "If I do that they'll take the house and all my dad's stuff. I can't let them do that."
"Shit," Kie breathed.
"Come on there's gotta be something we can do." JJ said. "They can't just take you away like that, I mean you've got rights."
"I could emancipate myself but that's not going to happen before tomorrow." John B responded.
"We just hope and pray for a miracle." Dani said.
The group was faced with a grim silence as they knew what was yet to come.
"Pogues for life," Pope said, raising his bottle. We all did the same.
"Pogues for life," we all toasted. We took a swig and the night continued as if it were any other night.
They played music and danced. There was a light tension in the air. They knew this could be the last time but refused to believe it. They drank some more and laughed some more until finally they couldn't drink anymore. Dani's vision was blurring so bad she couldn't walk in the sand and could barely keep her eyes open. Eventually, John B carried her to the van and they all piled in. He had gotten a good buzz but realized he would have to drive home. As much as he wanted to drink and forget, he couldn't. Kie left due to having work in the morning. She insisted she wasn't as drunk as he thought she was but she refused to let him take her home. Pope had to take off as well. Something about helping his dad with deliveries in the morning. That left Dani and JJ who both would crash at the Chateau. Both of them were very cross faded and babbling to each other incoherently the whole ride home. It brought a smile to John B's face. Two of the people that meant the most to him laughing their asses off in the back. He pulled into his yard and JJ stumbled out the back. Dani attempted but instead fell out only for John B to catch her before she hit the ground.
"Aww noice catch," she giggled, her tan freckled cheeks turned a light pink.
"Thanks, I try," he said holding her in his arms and using his feet to slide the van door closed.
"What're you doin' I c'n walk muhself," she slurred laying her head against his chest.
"I'm sure you can," he said following JJ into the house. He was going to lay her on the couch but as soon as he stepped foot in, JJ slumped on the already made couch bed. Instead he made his way to the guest room.
"Wait," she said, attempting to sit up in his arms. "I thin' I'm gonna be sick," immediately he made his way to the bathroom where he set her down on the cool tile floor. She leaned over the toilet and started to heave. He refused to look but still grabbed her hair and pulled it out of her way. It was the least he could do. He was going to be leaving her. He was breaking his promise to her. Even if she didn't remember it he did.
He remembered when she found out about the fire and her aunt and uncle not being her real parents. They tried to hide it from her. She'd been so young when the fire happened she didn't remember it. She grew up thinking her scar was a birthmark. She thought her parents were alive and well. Somewhat deadbeats but still. Then in middle school she came across the article. It had her name and everything. She brought it to her aunt and that's when she found out the truth. He would never forget her face that day. It was the one and only time he had ever seen her cry. His stomach turned sick as if he'd been punched over and over. He promised her he'd be the one who would never lie to her nor leave her. It made him want to throw up thinking about it.
"I'm sorry," he heard her say. He looked at her taking deep breaths trying to hold down the vomit.
"It's okay, don't worry about it." He said.
She scoffed. "You have more important things to worry about."
"I'd rather worry about you," he responded.
She smirked sitting back on her feet and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Don't lie to me,"
"Someone's got to worry about you," he smirked. He looked around the bathroom counter for a cup. He grabbed one he used to rinse out his mouth checked to see if it was clean then filled it with water from the sink and handed it to her.
"Thanks," she said, taking the cup. She drank it rather quickly than set it on the ground.
"Are you going to be alright?" John B asked brushing hair out of her face.
"I'll be fine," she said. "I just need to sleep." She closed her eyes.
"You can sleep in my room," he said, pulling her to her feet.
"Mmm your bed is comfy," she agreed. He picked her up again, her head resting on his shoulder. She was very light and petite which made maneuvering the halls easy. His room was the closest to the bathroom so if she felt sick again she wouldn't be far away. He pushed open the door and laid her in the bed.
"John B?" She asked softly.
"Yeah," he answered standing up.
"Can you bring me spare clothes?" She asked with her eyes closed.
"Yeah of course," he said. He made his way to the spare room and grabbed an old pair of pajama pants and a baggy t-shirt then walked back to his own room. She still lay on his bed curled into a small ball. She was cute. No not cute she was beautiful. Adorable. Her long curly hair sprawled all over his pillow. Her face was so relaxed and unbothered. She looked so peaceful.
"Dani," he said softly.
"Mmm," she responded, not opening her eyes.
"Here's some clothes," he said.
"Okay you can just set them there, thanks," she mumbled, still not opening her eyes. John B chuckled. She was about to pass out and he knew it. He set the clothes in his dresser and walked to the opposite side of the bed to face her. He grabbed the blankets that were at the end of the bed and pulled them to her shoulders. She latched onto them and pulled them closer as if she were cold. He smiled. She was just like a little kid sometimes.
"John B," she grabbed his hand as he turned to leave.
"Yeah," he said. She pulled him to the bed and he sat down.
"Thank you for being my best friend," she said softly.
He smiled putting his hand on her cheek stroking her soft hair. "Go to sleep,"
"Okay," she breathed.