
Chapter 2 ~ Hurricane Agatha

The next morning Dani woke with a massive headache. She didn't dare leave the room. The sun hurt her eyes too badly and anytime she moved she got dizzy. She laid there for a long time. She didn't know what time it was and she didn't want to open her eyes to look. Then she realized today was the day for DCS to come and she figured she should make herself scarce. She sat up slowly cradling her head and looked at the clock on her phone which read 1:14. She didn't know what time they were coming in but no one was home. When she slowly made her way to the fridge she saw a sticky note that read: "had to check in at the dock be back by 4 - John B". She assumed that meant the appointment was around 4. She grabbed her clothes and walked home holding her stomach and head. Thankfully it wasn't bright outside. It was windy and cold and overcast, exactly how she felt. When she got home the car was gone and so was the Grady White so she assumed no one was home and she was correct.

Typically her aunt spent her days working while her uncle was drinking or begging. She didn't mind having the house to herself. She'd rather be here by herself then be here with them. She detested how hard her aunt tried to be the all-knowing wise mom when in reality she was the biggest pothead she'd ever met. Her uncle was just a sleeze and they had nothing in common. They didn't try anymore, they didn't care. Once she hit middle school and learned to skateboard they gave up on trying to know anything about her. Every once in a while her aunt will go out of her way and act all crazy about where she's been and what she's been doing. But that was it. Around the same time was when she started spending so much time with John B and his dad. She liked how he asked how her day was and how she was doing. She liked that he checked in on them when they were playing and made the PB&J's with the crust cut off.

She went inside and quickly took a shower changing into shorts and an old cut off t-shirt and a black long sleeved shawl. Then she made her way to the fridge hoping there was something full of carbs waiting for her. Unfortunately there was just a half eaten chicken drumstick, half a gallon of milk, and a bag of chopped onions. Great. No one went grocery shopping. She sighed, turning to the pantry where a half eaten loaf of bread sat open. This would have to do. She grabbed the bag and took out a slice and peeling off pieces to eat. It was slightly crusted and tasted pretty stale but it was all she had. She needed something to soak up the alcohol. She grabbed the rest of the bag and made her way out to the makeshift dock which was a couple planks of wood attached to 55 gallon drum barrels full of air. A rope was then tied to the planks which was tied to a post on the edge of the water. She grabbed the rope and pulled the raft to her. She then sat down on it and let herself drift until the rope wouldn't allow it. She sat dangling her bare feet in the water, watching the fish circle her feet and then swim away. She liked the way their scales reflected the light like they were trying to draw her attention. One fish, a pogue with silver scales, ventured close to her toes. She stayed extremely still hoping it would brush against her. It did, its soft silky scales rubbing the top of her foot. It's tail tickled her foot but she tried not to move. Then the fish circled back hovering in front of her toes. In a fluid motion the fish swam forward grabbing onto her toe with its mouth. She jerked back as the tiny teeth pierced her big toe.

"Ow ow ow!" she exclaimed, coddling her toe. The fish vanished in the commotion. Small red spots began appearing on the tip of her big toe. She wasn't mad. The fish was hungry, just like her. She took pieces of the bread and tossed them in the water. As they soaked up the water the fish swam up and sucked them into their mouths. She would split a piece in half, she ate one half and gave the other to the fish. When she was out of bread she pulled her feet to her chest and looked at the horizon. Dark storm clouds approached and the wind was picking up every minute. A storm was coming. I knew it! It didn't look very far away, maybe tonight at the latest. She loved when it rained. It was soothing.

Suddenly the raft was pulled backwards toward the bank. She jerked around to quickly making her dizzy. She feared in her blurred vision she'd see her uncle sneak up on her. Fortunately the blinding smile and freckles of John B appeared.

"What are you doing?" he asked, smiling.

She held up the empty bread bag. "Just having lunch with the fish."

John B chuckled and held out his hand. "Come with me to the store."

"What for? Don't you have an appointment in like half an hour?" she asked, taking his hand and standing up.

He shook his head, the biggest smile plastered onto his face. "Nope,"

"What do you mean?" she asked, pulling her hood off as the wind whipped her hair around her face.

"The storm," he said. "Hurricane Agitha came early, the last ferry left an hour ago and none are coming in until after the storm."

"What?!" she exclaimed, jumping to hug him. "That's amazing!"

"It's just like you said," he responded. "A storm is coming but everything will be okay."

"You're seriously giving me way too much credit." she pulled away from him.

"Come on let's go, I need to get some more supplies for the house then Pope and I are going to surf the swell." he said as they turned back to the house.

"You guys are insane," she laughed.

"But you're going to come with us, right?" he asked.

"Duh," she agreed. "Let me go get my shoes."

She left John B outside and grabbed her shoes, sunglasses, and a beat up navy blue hat. She then went outside and met John B in the van.

"So on a scale of 1 to 10 how hungover are you?" he asked as the two made their way to the local market.

It was one of the best places to get fresh food and was fairly kooke free. Hardly any of them wanted to step foot in a dirty place like the market. It was mainly their servants that came and did the shopping for them. However it was chalk full of torons. That was because one end of the market was produce and food and on the other was tourist shops. Most days it was packed with torons which was slightly bearable when she found a cute one to make eyes at.

"11," she answered.

"Damn party animal," he joked. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"I remember after you told everybody and that's about it."

"So you don't remember streaking the beach?" He asked.

"What?!" She exclaimed, glaring at him.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding." He laughed. "I mean you weren't completely naked."

She extended her arm and slugged his shoulder. "Not funny!"

"Ow!" He laughed. "You can't abuse the driver!"

"I can when he's being a punk!" She shot back.

John B laughed as he pulled into the market. It was practically empty.

"Come on, let's hurry." He said. They jumped out of the van and went into the market. They ran about gathering as much food that could be made with the least effort. Mainly snack foods considering they were never really at the Chateau to eat all together. But Dani snuck in some microwaveable dinner items for John B when he was home alone. When they finished they stacked the bags in the van and booked it to the Chateau. The wind had picked up extremely bad and the waves began to rise. Dark angry clouds covered the sky. Dani could feel the excitement building inside her. When they got to the chateau they put away the groceries in a rush and Dani threw on a simple black spandex bikini while John B changed into swim shorts. By the time they were done loading their boards onto the van the rain began to pour. Pope soon showed up and they headed off to the closest beach. With every thunder roll, butterflies grew in her stomach.

When they reached the beach their excitement exploded and they ran to the waves. They thundered and crashed several feet above her head but she wasn't afraid. She was home. Adrenaline lived in her veins and her heart beat fierce in her chest. The waves threw her in the sky where she soared over the land. Water crashed down all around her soaking her completely. She stood on her board, the thundering clouds above her and the powerful waves beside her. She zipped through the water past Pope and John B. She watched the almost black ocean as it heaved and bellowed them to and fro. It was like a dance, the waves flowed leading her across the beach then back again. It threw her and twirled her into the sky only to catch her with its weight. As she went under she witnessed the thundering undertow and then was pulled to the surface by the leash on her board. She climbed atop again to begin the dance over. Finally the waves got so high and fierce, she could barely keep her head above the water let alone stay on her board. She met the boys at the beach and they pulled into the car all high on adrenaline.

John B booked it to the chateau where JJ had already begun to barricade themselves inside. Dani scourges the house searching for flashlights and batteries as well as any candles she could find. She set some up in each room for when the power went out. It wasn't common for hurricanes to happen but she wasn't new at this either. She threw some frozen microwaveable sliders into the microwave and then served them to the guys.

"Okay, okay, did any of you guys see the boat out there?" John B asked.

"Boat?" JJ asked.

"There's no way, those waves were way too dangerous for a boat." Pope said.

"I swear there was a boat guys," John B said.

"What'd it look like?" Dani asked.

"A Grady White," he responded.

"It probably belonged to some kook who didn't tie it up right. I mean did you see anyone in it?" JJ asked.

"I couldn't really tell," John B responded.

"JJ's right. Nobody in their right mind would head out in a boat during a hurricane." Pope said.

Dani took out her phone not really listening to the conversation. No messages from her aunt asking where she was or if she was okay. However there was a message from Kie asking if they was okay and letting me know they were hunkered down at her house. Dani quickly typed in that she was okay and at the Chateau with the guys. Just after she hit send on the message all power went out in the chateau.

"Awe great!" JJ sighed as the thunder and wind increased outside banging against the house.

"Guess it's a sign to call it for the night." Pope said turning in the flashlight Dani gave him.

"You're right, I'm starting to come down." Dani yawned and stood up. "JJ, Pope, where are you sleeping?"

"Dibs in the spare room," JJ shot.

"I guess I'll take the couch." Pope said.

"You can take my room." John B offered.

"You sure?" Dani responded.

"Yeah I'll go sleep in my dads." He said.

"Okay," she responded and stood up from the couch bed. "Good night guys."

"Night," they said back. She walked to John B's room using her flashlight to guide the way. When inside she set it up on his nightstand so it pointed towards the ceiling illuminating the whole room. Then she walked over to his dresser. She knew he wouldn't mind if she borrowed a tshirt. She took the first one she saw, a white salty crew t-shirt that fit her like a dress. She then laid on the bed falling into a deep unbothered sleep.

Dani didn't wake herself the next morning. Instead the three boys thought it would be fun to run into the room screaming "Dani, Dani, wake up the house blew away!" Causing her to wake in panic. Startled, her eyes darted around the room resting on the three boys holding their stomachs from laughing so hard by the door.

"You guys are jerks!" She raged throwing pillows at all three.

"You should've seen your face!" JJ hollered then made a wide eyed face and quivered his lips.

To that Dani jumped out of bed and landed a good fist to his chest. She put as much force into it as she could muster, however JJ was nothing but muscle and bone and thus laughed it off. Rolling her eyes she stormed out of the room to the bathroom.

"Real mature assholes," she said, shutting the door. She could still hear their howls of laughter through the door as she threw her hair up and quickly washed her face. When she finished, she patted her face dry then put her hair down and walked to the spare room grabbing a pair of cut off jeans and sliding them on over her swimsuit. Then she walked to the porch and opened the door leading to the lawn.

"Where's Pope?" She asked as JJ walked past her wearing nothing but swim shorts and a boonie hat carrying a bunch of fishing poles.

"Had to go help his dad I think." he answered as he walked to the dock.

Dani looked around. Some hurricane. Trees and limbs were thrown about everywhere. The dock itself looked half destroyed. She took out her phone to see if there was any cell service to be met with a dead signal. The storm must have knocked out the towers. That probably meant the power was out too.

"You're off today right?" John B appeared beside her.

"Duh," she answered.

"Get your pole and let's go then!" he laughed looking at her as he walked down the steps to the lawn. He too was just in a booey hat and swim shorts. Dani smiled then ran back inside to the spare room changing into a bikini she forgot she had. It was a cute black two piece that criss crossed a recurring aztec design. In the front were two small strings that began at the chest and crossed to her back. The bottoms contained the same design and had strings that tied together on the side as well. Then she grabbed a white see through mesh swim cover and threw it over her shoulders while grabbing her flip flops and sunglasses. She then ran out to the HMS Pogue and joined the boys. They then slowly motored out of the marsh towards the dock.

"Did you guys hear it last night?" JJ asked.

"Yeah," John B said. "I thought the roof was going to fly off."

"I didn't hear a thing." Dani smirked at the two who rolled their eyes.

"Of course you didn't," John B said.

"Guess you really can sleep through anything." JJ laughed.

They pulled through the dock aweing at the destruction. Boards and branches and trees were thrown everywhere. Glass windows broken and various items strewn about the dock as well as the water.

"Oh hey there's Mrs. Johnson," John B. nodded to a twenty-something-year-old blonde woman in a way-too-tight teal tube top and a white skirt walking down the dock towards a boat. "Morning Mrs. Johnson did you guys make it through okay?"

"We're still here," she smiled back pulling her large Gucci sunglasses down, making eyes at JJ.

"Did you see that?" JJ said to them as he waved back to the woman. "She was so making eyes at me." he turned to the two.

"Oh yeah," John B nodded and Dani laughed.

"Guys look," Dani pointed to a garbage pile the size of a boat itself floating down the dock.

"Wow," John B whistled.

"Man we're going to be cleaning this up all summer," JJ groaned. "Thanks a lot Agatha you batch!"

Dani giggled as they pulled through to dock where Pope's dad Hayward had his shop.

"Psht there is a mandatory safety meeting over." John B called into his shoulder as Pope came into view hosing off the dock.

"Guys I can't," he said.

"You have no choice." Dani smirked as they got closer and closer.

"Oh hell no," Hayward came from behind his son.

"Come on everyone knows the day after a hurricane is a free day. Island rules." JJ said.

"I don't think so," Hayward spoke sternly as they reached the dock and were about to pass it.

"Come on Pope get in," the guys begged. Pope looked frantically between his friends and his dad. His dad threatened more chores while his friends enticed him into the boat. Dani held out her hand to Pope beckoning to come with them. Finally he grabbed her hand and jumped in next to her.

"I promise we'll bring him back in one piece," JJ called as they sped further down the dock towards "The Wreck."

"Oh my dad is going to kill me." Pope said.

"It's okay Pope. We'll all remember you," Dani hung her head with her palms pressed together.

"That's so not funny," Pope said seriously.

"Come on, lighten up." she nudged his shoulder.

They pulled up to part of the dock where Kie was walking. She was carrying what looked like a very large lunch pale.

"Hey Kie!" Dani shouted. Kie turned to face them with a big smile on her face. "Oooo, what's that?"

JJ held out his hand and Kie took it stepping into the boat.

"Juice," she smirked.

"What kind of juice, my kind of juice?" JJ asked.

"Of course," she smirked, setting the bag down into the boat. She hugged Dani then sat on one end of the stern and Dani the other while Pope sat in the middle and JJ stood just right of John B who was at the steering wheel.

John B turned and headed out of the docks as Kie passed them all Pacificos. JJ stood drinking his while the rest of them sat staring into the ocean. John B maneuvered his way back into the marsh where there was always good fishing after a storm due to the moving sand banks.

"Here Pope, take over?" John B asked.

"Sure," Pope said, finishing his beer then taking the wheel. John B then sat in the seat to the left of Pope. JJ walked to the front with the girls and stood on the seat.

"Throttle it Pope I gotta show you something." JJ said putting one foot up on the stern.

"Oh come on JJ that never works." Kie groaned.

"You always get beer everywhere," Dani agreed.

"Come on it'll work." JJ insisted as Pope gave it more throttle speeding faster and faster through the water. JJ held up his pacifico bottle. The high speed air caused the beer to fly everywhere but JJ's mouth once it exited the bottle.

"Ah JJ gross!" Kie exclaimed covering her face.

"JJ you're getting it in my hair!" Dani protested trying to cover her hair from the cold sticky liquid.

"JJ stop!" John B complained covering his face.

Before Pope could slow down the motor snagged and the boat immediately stopped sending the crew flying forward. JJ himself flew out of the boat into the water while Kie and Dani slammed into the stern and John B slamming into Dani's leg. Pope flew forward almost hitting the small windshield.

"Pope!" Kie exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. The storm caused the sand banks to shift!" He exclaimed.

"You okay?" John B stood up grabbing Dani's leg.

"Yeah," She held her head as her forehead throbbed and her shoulder ached. She had been extremely close to hitting the metal lining the boat.

"JJ!" Kie exclaimed.

They all jumped up looking over the edge. Finally his golden locks surfaced.

"Dude I think my legs hit the back of my head." JJ complained swimming back to the boat.

"Great it's going to take us all day to get around," John B complained as Dani looked over the edge at JJ. Pope joined her.

"Guys I think there's a boat down there." Pope said.

"What?" Dani asked and they all gathered around. Pope pointed a little past JJ and sure enough Dani saw the submerged white top of a boat.

"No way," Kie awed. Dani immediately took off her cover and shorts then jumped into the cool water swimming towards the boat. The rest of them quickly joined. She held her breath and dove deeper opening her eyes in the murky water to reveal a Grady White completely submerged. What if this was the boat John B saw? Whose was it? She tried to go further to explore but her lungs wouldn't allow it. She swam back to the surface and back to the boat.

"Guys! That's a freaking Grady White!" JJ exclaimed. "A new one of those easily goes for 500 Gs."

"Was that the boat you saw yesterday?" Dani asked John B as they all got back in the boat.

"I think so," he nodded.

"What boat when?" Kie asked.

"I saw a boat that looked just like that when we surfed the surge yesterday." John B answered.

"You guys surfed the surge?" Kie asked in astonishment.

"Hell yeah, True Pogue style," JJ held out his knuckles for Dani and John B to fist bump and they did.

"I can't believe you guys," Kie looked at Dani.

"It was fun!" she smirked.

John B stood up and opened a compartment in the floor revealing a newer looking anchor.

"What if there's treasure down there." JJ said.

"Or a dead body," Dani noted.

"Quite possible," Pope said.

"We're about to find out," John B smirked standing on the seat holding the anchor to his chest.

"John B please be careful," Dani said. His brown eyes met hers and he gave her a smirk that made her feel a little nervous.

Then, without warning, JJ shoved John B into the water where he and the anchor disappeared fast.

"JJ!" Kie smacked his arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" JJ asked, grabbing his arm.

"You could have hurt him!" she exclaimed.

She wasn't wrong, Dani thought. But then again John B would have done it if JJ pushed him or not. Still Dani watched the water like a hawk. After a minute or two she began to get worried.

"I'm going to go in after him." she said standing up. Before she could jump into the water however, he surfaced the water gasping for air.

Thank god.

"What'd you find?" JJ asked, pulling him into the boat.

"Don't do that you scared the hell out of me." Dani said quietly then slugged his arm.

"I'm fine I'm fine. I just found this." John B said holding a key attached to some kind of fob.

"What is that?" Pope asked.

"It looks like a room key," Dani said, grabbing it from John B. "Northwood Inn, room 29."

"I think we should check it out." JJ said.

"No, no way," Pope said. "You know what kind of person has a Grady White? Groupers."

"So? Worst case scenario we go there and find nothing. Best case we find something worth a lot of money." JJ said.

"I think we should turn it into the coast guard, maybe we'll get a finder's fee." Kie said.

John B walked to the steering wheel while JJ hoisted the anchor.

"I say we check it out," John B said repositioning the boat.

Dani looked at John B who smirked at her. They weren't too far from the Cut. What if it belonged to Uncle?

"This is ridiculous," Kie said sitting down next to Dani.

"Come on Kie," Dani nudged her shoulder. "Unforgettable summer remember?"

Kie sighed. "You're all crazy."

Dani laughed and threw her arm around her best friend.

"Shhhhh, just enjoy it," Dani laughed and so did Kie. The sped off through various marsh channels until it opened up and solid ground was in front of them. On said solid ground sat an old run down motel with a broken sign laying on the ground naming it Northwood Inn. This is the place.

"Psht coming in hot prepare for landing," JJ cupped his hands around his face jumping over the boat onto land. As they secured the boat, Dani observed a boat on its side in the middle of the courtyard, leaves and branches and trees thrown everywhere as well as dank looking mattresses.

"I can't believe you're doing this," Pope said. John B stood and jumped out of the boat while Dani shimmied her shorts on.

"We'll be right back," she said as she jumped out of the boat as well.

"Be careful guys," Kie called as they walked up the grass to the concrete steps leading to the second floor.

"Where do you guys think its at?" JJ asked.

"That on there says twenty-five," Dani pointed to the door just atop the stairs.

"What do you think we'll find?" JJ said a little too much excitement in his voice.

"Drugs, money, maybe a dead stripper," Dani joked.

"Who knows maybe." John B smirked. They climbed the stairs and down the hallway.

"Why are there mattresses everywhere?" John B asked.

"'Cause of the hurricane, they got all wet and moldy so they have to throw them out." JJ answered.

"Oh," John B said.

Finally they reached the door.

"You got the key?" JJ asked Dani. She nodded and handed it to him. He took it then knocked on the door.

"Housekeeping," he said in a very high pitched voice. When no one answered he put the key in the slot and turned to open the door. The room was dark. The lights and blinds closed shut. Dani was overwhelmed with the smell of dirt and mold and coughed when she entered.

"This is disgusting."

John B pushed her in and closed the door behind them. JJ took off to the bathroom while she searched the nightstand drawers. In the one closest to the door was an old moldy bible and a drawer still soaked with water.

"Hey look at this." John B said and they both walked over to him. He pointed to a map.

"What's that?" JJ asked.

"Fishing spot maybe?" Dani said.

"No, that's the continental shelf. The swell is too high for fishing." John B answered.

JJ left back to the bathroom while Dani rummaged through the papers John B found. On one a yellow sticky note was attached. On it was a combination of letters. She held it up. What could it be? She then turned around examining the entertainment center. Maybe there was something in one of the drawers or cabinets She opened drawer by drawer looking for something. Anything. Then she opened the cupboard containing the safe. Maybe.

She held up the sticky note and punched in the numbers. 6-1-5-5-3-0. The light turned green and the lock clicked. No freaking way. She turned the handle and opened the door. What she found made her heart drop to her stomach. She couldn't believe her eyes. The small safe was stuffed full off bundled cash from top to bottom. There had to be at least a couple thousands of dollars.

"John B," she could barely get his name out. She turned and looked at him wide eyed. He looked at her confused then walked over to her and looked at the safe.

"Holy shit," he breathed. Dani's eyes wandered when she finally saw the gun sitting there as well. Suddenly she felt sick.

"I don't think this was a good idea." she said.

"JJ come here!" John B called.

"What is it you find something?" JJ asked as John B grabbed a wad of cash and threw it at JJ.

"No fucking way," he looked at it as shocked as Dani felt herself. She stood out of the way so JJ could see.

"Guys this isn't a good idea." she repeated.

JJ grabbed the gun and held it up. "Guys this is freaking' awesome!"

"JJ put the gun down," Dani demanded her heartbeat increased in a panic.

"Hey get a picture of me," he told her holding the gun like he was aiming it.

"JJ this could be a crime scene," Dani pleaded.

"She's right JJ put the gun down." John B said.

"Just one picture and I'll put it back." He said.

As he finished his sentence Dani heard a tap on the window. She walked over to the curtains and pulled them aside. She looked down to see the flailing arms of Pope and Kie. She looked confused as they pointed towards the motel. Then she saw Pope mouth the word "Cops".

"Guys we have to go now the cops are here," Dani panicked.

"What?" JJ asked as she ran to the safe and closed it.

"Oh shit," John B whispered running from the front window.

"Fuck fuck fuck what do we do?" Dani panicked grabbing her head. Her heart raced faster and faster as she began to sweat.

"Here," John B ran to the window facing the marsh and quietly opened it. "Follow me,"

He climbed out the window and JJ followed. Dani took a second. Climb out the window and fall two stories and possibly break a few bones or let the cops open the door and see her here.

"Dani!" John B whisper yelled, his eyes wide. He held out his hand.

She heard the door handle shake and her feet moved without thinking. She grabbed John B's hand and he pulled her out the window and against the side of the building. Her feet planted on the overhang underneath them. Then quietly John B shut the window. Dani pressed her back against the wall as much as she could trying to be as thin as a piece of paper. She held her breath fearing that any sound she made they'd hear and all three get caught. Her heart raced so fast and loud it was all she could hear. She looked in front of her towards the marsh where Pope and Kie were waving at them.

"What are you doing?" Pope tried to be quiet. Dani slowly put her finger to her mouth. She then turned her head at JJ who was hugging the wall as well. She slightly leaned over looking into the window hoping the cops weren't looking. An older cop with a younger female walked in shinning their flashlights looking around. The older cop walked over to the safe and kneeled down attempting to open it. After a few tries he did.

"Well looky here," she could hear his deep voice. He took out a stack of hundred dollar bills and handed it to the female cop.

"I'm sorry sir?" she looked at him questioningly.

"Come on Valdez, everyones got to dip their beak sometime." he insisted, handing it to her.

"Right, dip their beak," she said then hesitantly took the money. My eyes shot to JJ.

"Did you see that?!" he mouthed.

Dani nervously nodded her head and tried to reposition herself so she could see better. Unfortunately the roofing was still a little wet and her sandals slid causing her to lose footing. Roof shingles broke and clattered onto the ground. At that moment she thought it was over. She was going to fall and break something and the guys would get caught. Fuck! Before she knew it an arm was around her pulling her back up against the wall. A large body in front of her pushing her so hard into the wall she could barely breathe. She looked up realizing John B had caught her and put herself between him and the wall.

Suddenly the blinds to the window flew open and out of the corner of her eye she could see the older sheriff looking out the window. Fuck fuck fuck!

"Shhhhhh," John B whispered quietly. She was so close to him she could feel everything. Her cheeks began to blush as she looked up seeing his face so close to hers. His shoulder pressed tight against her lips and nose, the prickle of his cheek against her temple. His breath surged down her neck and every rise of his chest pushed her closer and closer against the wall. Her hands gripped the sides of his t-shirt in fear of slipping and falling again. She could feel his lean muscles tighten holding her in place as his heart beat abnormally fast just like hers. His belt began digging into her just below her belly button. Wait, belts aren't this thick. She moved her hand to his waist. John B wasn't wearing a belt. She could feel her face turn so hot she felt as if her skin was going to boil right off. Immediately she turned her head to the side allowing his shoulder to dig into her cheek. John B realizing what was happening moved his hips away from her but still trying to keep her from falling. He looked at JJ completely embarrassed. His cheeks turning hot and his mouth ran dry. This Just HAD to happen right now. He couldn't help it. As soon as he felt her soft chest against his and her firm thighs against his leg... Stop thinking about it! Finally the blinds closed and they all let out a breath.

"Are you okay?" she felt his breath trickle down her ear, his deep voice making her knees weak.

She just nodded refusing to look him in the eye.

They waited until they heard the door open and shut again. Then John B peered into the room making sure it was safe. When it was he opened the window.

"Go," he said. He practically pushed her back inside and she ran over to the front window watching the cops leave. When they were finally out of sight she threw open the door and walked out without looking at either of the boys. She rushed to the boat jumping in and sitting down with shaky legs.

"Are you okay, what the hell happened?" Kie exclaimed, throwing her arms around Dani.

"I-I slipped," Dani answered. After a couple of minutes the boys came back to the boat and they quickly sped off before someone else came.

John B was driving and JJ was telling Kie and Pope about the cops and what we saw. Dani didn't dare look at John B fearing her face would again turn into a tomato. She couldn't believe what she felt. No it wasn't that you're overreacting.

"Did you guys find anything?" Pope asked.

"Did we find anything?" JJ joked. "Hell yeah we did!" Dani turned and saw JJ holding the gun and a bundle of hundreds in each hand.

"JJ what the hell?" Dani exclaimed.

"You took that?!" Kie exclaimed.

"I'm going to lose my scholarship." Pope panicked.

"Guys it's fine," JJ insisted.

"No it's not fine JJ," Pope said. "Think about it, a Grady-White, a shady motel, a safe full of money and guns, you know who has all that Groupers!"

"Yeah but nobody knows it was us. No one saw us there." JJ said.

"You don't know that!" Pope exclaimed.

They pulled into the dock where Dani saw an ambulance parked on the dock backed up to a boat.

"Guys I think something happened." Dani stood as they pulled in. John B pulled up to the dock and they tied off then exited the boat. They walked down the pier reaching a crowd of people. They tried to push their way to the front but then gave up and decided to hang back for a minute.

"Hey are you okay?" Kie asked, grabbing Dani's hand and pulling her back from the guys.

"Yeah, why?" Dani replied.

"You just seem a little off." she said.

"I'll tell you about it later," Dani brushed off. She looked at the crowd trying to avoid eye contact when she saw her aunt pushing through the crowd tears streaming down her face. Auntie?

"Hold on," Dani said not paying attention to what Kie was saying and pushed through the crowd one more time following her aunt. This time she shoved as hard as she could to follow and she wished she didn't. She wished they hadn't come back to the dock. She heard the wails of her aunt and saw her laying over a pale blue body on a gurney. She got closer and looked at the bald head and red beard. It was her uncle. Her uncle was dead. His body laying there, eyes open and lifeless. Skin torn around his hands and neck. Uncle Scooter was dead. A numbness spread through her body and she couldn't move. What happened? How? For a few moments it felt as if she even forgot to breath. The noise of the crowd faded away into nothing. She couldn't hear Kie or John B or JJ or Pope all calling her name looking for her. She didn't feel the EMT grab her shoulder and push her out of the way. Suddenly she felt hot. All around her was an intense heat, dancing around her getting closer and closer until her neck started to burn. "Dani," she heard a female voice she hadn't heard before. "Dani," Everything was black except for red flames. In those flames she saw eyes. Green eyes just like hers, and freckled, and long black hair. "Dani,"

Then suddenly reality came rushing back. As they wheeled his body past her her aunt looked at her, tears in her eyes and a rough makeup stained face. "Oh mija!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Dani and crying into her shoulder. Dani peeled her arms away and wrapped them around her aunt holding her tightly to comfort her. Dani's shirt began to soak and the skin on her shoulder became wet and yet Dani's eyes remained dry. She tried to muster a tear for her aunt to show her comfort but she couldn't do it. She was just numb.