
Chapter 3 ~ The Boneyard

"John B!" he heard Kie's voice shout. He turned and looked at her, a worried expression across her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's Dani," Kie answered. "She disappeared over there." Kie pointed to the source of the crowd.

John B tried to look above everyone to find her but he couldn't.

"Dani!" he shouted.

"Dani!" Kie shouted as well.

"Dani!" he shouted again. She didn't answer. "Come on," he looked at Kie and nodded to some steps that lead to an open kiosk. If they stood up there they could probably find her. The four of them walked over and began searching the crowd for her.

"Look there she is." Pope pointed to the middle of the crowd and they all looked. Sure enough John B could see her smack dab in the middle of the crowd staring at something. John B followed her gaze to the gurney.

"Oh shit," he whispered.

"What?" Pope and JJ asked at the same time.

"What is it, what's wrong?" Kie asked.

"They guy on the gurney, the dead guy. It's Dani's uncle." he answered.

"Oh no," Kie whispered.

"Shit, man," JJ whispered.

John B watched as Dani just stared at the body, how she didn't even move until her aunt threw her arms around Dani. He watched as they wheeled the body away and Mrs. Grubbs pulled Dani along with her. They loaded the body in the ambulance and it drove away. The crowd then disbursed. John B walked over to Dani who was still being clung to by her aunt.

"Dani," he said approaching them. When she looked at him, he didn't know what to make of it. He had never seen that look from her. It was blank, expressionless. Like looking at the face of a stone statue.

"I-I have to go," she said, not looking him in the eye. Then she turned, her aunt clinging to her arm and Dani holding her aunt's hand on her arm. He watched her walk away, a pain hitting his chest with each step she took. He needed to be there for her. He needed to talk to her and hold her in his arms. He needed her to be okay.

"What happened?" JJ asked as they approached.

"I don't know," John B responded.

"Is she okay?" Kie asked.

John B shook his head. "Come on, let's go, she needs some time."

No one spoke up against him. They all knew that if John B couldn't get her to talk then none of them would. They all piled into the boat and made a silent trip back to the chateau. JJ tied the boat up and they made their way to the house.

"How did Scooter Grubbs get his hands on a Grady-White?" Pope asked.

"Look, no offense to Dani, the guy was a scumbag," JJ said.

"We can't tell anybody we saw anything," Pope said. "Like complete amnesia. Who knows what that guy was involved in."

"Whatever it was Dani might already be in the middle of it." Kie said.

"No, she avoided him as much as possible. She didn't like him just as much as anyone else." John B said.

"Does she know anything?" JJ asked.

"If she did she never said anything to me." John B said. A twisting feeling spread through his stomach at the thought of Dani keeping secrets from him. It's not like he controlled her, but she was his best friend. She told him everything.

"Pope's right," JJ said. "Deny, deny, deny."

"Guys we can't keep that money," Kie said. "We need to give it to Dani."

"The guy was a scumbag, he probably got it dealing with groupers." JJ said.

"Yeah, he was a scumbag who made Dani sleep on the couch and stole her paychecks out of her bags while she slept to spend it on who knows what." John B said.

"You're kidding me," Pope said.

"What?" Kie asked shocked.

"We have to give it to her JJ," Kie said. "Some of it is probably money she already earned and he stole."

JJ nodded. "Okay, we give it to Dani."

"Then we have to go dark," Pope said.

"No," John B said and they all looked at him surprised. This was his chance to help her. "I'm just saying this dirtbag probably never even had 40 bucks to his name without stealing from Dani. Now all of a sudden he has a Grady White?"

"Square groupers," JJ said. "He had to be involved in something."

"Smuggling?" Pope suggested.

"Then the people that money belongs to might come looking for it. They'll go after Dani." Kie said.

"We need to find out what's in the cargo hold of that boat." John B said.

"Hold on, we could be putting all of us at risk here," Pope said.

"Look whatever is in that boat I guarantee is worth something. And if it is we give the money to Dani." JJ said.

"Okay even if we did do this what next?" Pope asked

"Well we find out how to get down there. Until then, hang low and be there for Dani." John B said.


It was his boat at the bottom of the marsh, but she didn't tell her aunt that. It was his money in the safe and it was his gun, but she didn't tell her aunt. He was out in the surge. It was him John B saw. But why? How did he get all that money? Why was he hiding that while she was struggling to feed herself? Why did he have all that money and steal her paychecks? Why did he have all that money and make her pay the bills? How did he even get that money? What was he involved in? Whatever it was it involved Ward Cameron. Or maybe he tricked Ward just like the rest of us. Dani heard the sound of a car pulling up to the house. They went to the coroner's office to ID the body then came straight home. Since they did their aunt had been held up in the room. Dani stood and walked to the door. She was no longer numb. Just angry.

There was a knock on the door and she opened it. She was shocked at first but then again it seemed obvious that Ward Cameron would show up at their doorstep. Ward Cameron was one of the richest men in Outer Banks and father of the queen of kooks. HE was a tall man dressed in slacks, loafers and a button up shirt 24/7.

"Afternoon," he said.

"Afternoon, she responded.

"Is your aunt home?" he asked.

"She's not seeing visitors right now," she responded.

"That's understandable," he said. Silence filled the air. "You sure have grown up have you? I remember when you used to be this big." he held his hand to his knee.

"All due respect sir I should really go check on my aunt." she said emotionless.

He cleared his throat. "Right um, well I just wanted to stop by, and uh give my condolences. Your uncle was a good man."

"Only to the people he wanted to mooch off of." she said plainly.

She took in Ward Cameron's face and assumed he didn't know what to say.

"I'll tell my aunt you came by." she said.

"Uh right, Thank you Dani," he said.

She nodded then closed the door. She knew her uncle and Ward and John B.'s dad all had an obsession with the royal merchant and they had known each other a long time. But he was a kook and never showed interest in the rest of us. Dani walked to her aunts room and found her sitting on the bed staring into the wall, a lost blank look on her face. Then she turned and went to the bathroom. Dani stood under the hot water for a while until she finally washed herself. When she was done she threw on shorts and a hoodie. She put the hood up and walked out to the dock, pulling it to her sitting in it then letting herself drift out.

So much had happened in just one day. It was almost as if she couldn't process it all. So many questions that didn't have answers. She had to get them. She needed to know what the hell he was involved in. She had to figure out why he would go out to see in the middle of a hurricane. He was dumb but he wasn't that dumb. She watched the fish swirl in the water. More anger building inside her. She had struggled so much and he was hiding a safe full of thousands of dollars.

It was starting to seem as if anyone who got close to her whether she like them or not died or disappeared. First her parents, then the only man who had been like a father to her, and now her dead beat guardian. Should she feel sorry? Why wasn't she sad? Why was she filled with so much anger? Should she cry even if she wasn't sad?

"Dani?" She heard behind her. She turned and saw John B. Oh great. Not you too. A pain of anxiety shot through her chest. She still couldn't even look him in the eye after what happened.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked. She nodded as she turned back around not making eye contact. She felt the raft being pulled and then sink as he stepped onto it. As they drifted back out, John B sat next to her putting his feet in the water with hers.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I feel like I should be sad... but I'm not. I'm just... angry."

"You don't have to be sad." He said. "He wasn't exactly dad of the year."

Dani nodded.

"We all put it to a vote and decided you should have this." John B said handing the stack of hundreds to her.

She stared at it not saying anything. What money was that where did he get it from? Was it money he'd stolen from her? Was it smuggling money? Drug money? What?

"He owed you a lot more than this but it should be yours." He said.

"Thanks," she said, taking it.

"We're going to find out what's going on," John B continued. "We're going to get into the cargo hold of the boat, JJ has a plan."

"What's the point, he's just another dirtbag off the street. Who cares?" She said looking at the water.

"Because that money belongs to you, and you deserve it." She didn't say anything after that.

"We're throwing a kagger at the Boneyard just to lay low for awhile before we can get JJs plan together. Come with me." He said.

" I don't know I don't really feel like going anywhere. Plus I should stay here and take care of my aunt." She said.

"Why she never took care of you," he said. "Come on well drink and party and you can forget okay? Please, I need you there."

"No you don't, you'll be fine without me." She said.

"Don't even say that," he said. "Dani look at me," she turned her head to look at his shirt but not his face. He grabbed her face in his hands and lifted her face so that his eyes met hers. That's when he saw it, the single tear sliding down her cheek. "You are my best friend in the whole wide world okay? I need you." He whipped the tear away. She nodded and buried her face in his torso.

He then pulled her to her feet and they walked off the dock to the house. She went inside to change into a soft teal lace bralette and a pair of torn white daisy dukes that she tied her bandana to. She grabbed her favorite oversized flannel and threw it around her shoulders. She slipped her feet into her converse and walked over to her aunts room. She still lay on her bed in the same position she had been in earlier.

"I'm leaving," Dani said. But her aunt didn't respond. Pointless. She turned on her heal and walked out to the van climbing into the passenger seat.

"Lets go," she said softly as he stared at her.

He started the van and they drove off towards the boneyard. She could hear the music as they pulled up. It got louder and louder as they trudged through the grass and sand to the dead trees. There were easily a hundred teens, most she knew from school, however some she didn't. Torons. She followed John B to the keg. He took the nozzle and a red solo cup and filled it to the brim then held it out to her. She accepted it and he poured himself a cup.

"Just let loose Dani," he said holding his cup out to her. She tapped his cup with hers and smirked. Maybe he was right. She just needed to forget about her family. After all, they forgot about her all the time. She pressed the cup to her lips and chugged the bitter alcohol until there wasn't a drop left. Then she handed John B the cup.

"Hit me again," she smirked.

John B chuckled to himself and poured her another cup.

"Dani!" she turned at the sound of Kie's voice. Kie came running from behind a large dead stump up to Dani and threw her arms around Dani. Dani took a step back almost spilling her cup.

"I'm so sorry," Kie said.

"It is what it is," Dani responded.

"Are you okay?" Kie asked pulling away.

"I will be if we don't talk about it and just drink," Dani answered honestly.

Kie rolled her eyes and poured herself a cup. "Well in that case, cheers."

"Hey Dani!" JJ called from a couple feet away. He was standing in the middle of a crowd of girls, one blonde one he had his arm around. "Bet you won't chug that shit." All eyes from the people around him were now on her.

"Bet," she called out and raised her cup. Again she chugged the bitter liquid to the last drop. She then lifted the cup to show him it was empty and the crowed roared out. She could feel a buzz already.

"You're an animal," John B said handing her another cup then throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"You're next bud," she said looking up at him. He made eye contact and smiled. He took her cup and filled it up again. He then held out his elbow and they tapped cups. She leaned back and let the liquid drip down her throat. Maybe she could just forget about today. Maybe tomorrow she's wake up and realize it was all a dream.

John B walked over to JJ and the group of girls so Dani surveyed the sand. Music was coming from a large speaker sitting a few feet from a fire. On the opposite side Kie was talking to a few new faces Dani had never seen before. Probably some Torons. The song Post Malone by Sam Fedlt started to play and she smiled. She walked over to Kie whose eyes lit up as soon as she saw Dani.

"OMG you're here!" she exclaimed throwing her arms around her.

"Hell yeah I'm here," Dani responded. "Come on dance with me!"

Kie laughed as Dani pulled her closer to the speaker and the two began to dance to the beat while drinking from their cups. Once the two started dancing, others she'd never met before danced with them as well as a few from the cuts.

"Eh Dani!" she heard as a blond haired boy approached her. His hair sat in a wave across his forehead and his white teeth practically blinded her. Seth was a kid from the cuts she knew. He was a good surfer, not as good as JJ but almost. He was an attractive guy, but he tried way to hard in her opinion. She knew he'd had a thing for her since the sixth grade, but she just wasn't attracted to him. He was one of those guys that would say anything to get your attention. He was a storyteller, he'd do anything to impress the people he wanted too and had a really big head. Dani turned her head to Kie who was dancing with her back to back.

"Quick hide me it's Seth!" Dani exclaimed slightly slurring her words.

"Quick give me your hand!" Kie shouted holding out her hand. Dani took it and Kie pulled her away and pushed her into another crowd of people. She scrambled threw the crowd trying to put as much distance between her and Seth as possible. She made her way back to the keg and pored herself another drink. She brought it to her lips and took a swig. At this point she had lost count in the amount of times she'd refilled her cup.

"Want to do me a favor and refill mine as well?" she lowered her cup at the sound of a deep voice. When she did her eyes met a tanned brown haired boy towering over her. The moonlight cast shadows across his sharp features and his brooding eyebrows hid mysterious brown eyes.

"Not at all," she smiled and so did he exposing bleach white teeth. He was definitely a Toron, but a cute one. He wore a tacky pair of board shorts and a tight black muscle tank. She recognized the shark tooth necklace he wore from a tourist booth not too far from The Wreck. However, his broad shoulders and thick arm muscles were enough to win her over. She grabbed the cup gently brushing her hand against his. She held her hand there for a second too long then took the cup. This trick easily worked on most torons. He gave her an approving smirk. She took the cup and filled it to the brim then handed it back to the boy while leaning into her hip. He took the cup.

"I'm Ben," he said holding out his hand.

"Dani," she responded taking it. It was abnormally soft for a boys hand, but it was large and warm.

"This is a dope setup, are you from around here?" he asked.

"Born and raised," she answered taking a sip. "You?"

Ben scoffed. "I wish, no I'm from Arizona."

"Wow, that's quite a ways to travel." she said.

"Anything is worth getting away from the desert." he responded and she let out a fake school girl giggle.

"Oh come on I bet it can't be that bad," she said.

"Says the one who lives in paradise," he responded.

"The grass is always greener," she said and took another swig. "But I'd be happy to show you a few things." she took her free hand and placed it on his bicep feeling his smooth skin. Before she knew what was happening she found herself leading Ben to a quieter side of the party. She found herself pressed against a tree trunk and Ben leaning over her. His arm just above her head, his forehead almost touching hers. His other hand holding the curve of her hip. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and her own vision practically a blur. Just the warm touch of another being against her skin felt comforting. She couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like if John B were to touch her like this. What would it feel like if he were to lean down and kiss her neck like this boy. As she thought this she couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her. She slightly opened her eyes, though the area seemed like it was moving in waves, just as the sea. Maybe she was imagining it, maybe she was just too drunk. But she could've sworn it was John B's eyes staring at her.

She turned away immediately remembering what had happened this morning, the hotel room. Him. The way her heart beat so quickly with him pressed firm against her. The way he pushed himself against her. Why couldn't he be here gripping her ass and kissing her lips. Why wasn't it John B sneaking a hand up her side to her chest. No stop that! She just wanted to forget. Forget about her failure of a love life. At her failed attempts at happiness. John B saw her as nothing more than a friend. A sister probably.

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of skin hitting skin and a crowd of yelling teens. She lightly pushed Ben away as she stared.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Mmm who cares," his voice was aggressive and he pushed her deeper into the tree. She almost gave into him until she saw the flash of sandy brown hair.

"John B," she gasped pushing away from Ben.

"Who?" he asked. She could hear the hurt in his voice but she didn't care. Immediately she wriggled out of his grasp and ran through the marsh to the beach. The ground was still shaky, but she felt more awake as her eyes focused on the crowd of chanting teens. She pushed her way threw ending up next to JJ, Kie, and Pope. At the edge of the water she could see John B and Topper, a dickhead kook, fighting. John B had Topper under his arm and was throwing punches to his ribs.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dani exclaimed.

"I-I don't know!" Kie exclaimed tears in her eyes. "They just started fighting!"

"Hey Dani!" Fuck. The kook princess herself showed in front of Dani. "Control your boy." Sarah Cameron snooted in her face.

"How about you learn to make your dog heal bitch," Dani responded.

The sound of skin hitting distracted the girls as Dani realized Topper now had the upper hand. He punched John B across his face and John B fell into the water. He was hurt bad. She could see the swelling beginning around his face.

"John B get up!" she screamed tears of her own threatening to spill out. What the hell happened?! Topper kicked John B in the ribs and he fell to the ground again. Each grunt of pain escaping John B's lips felt like stab in her heart. She was still so confused. John B wasn't a fighter unless he absolutely had too. Dani turned to JJ who looked scared out of his mind. She ran to him and grabbed his shoulders.

"JJ you have to do something," Her heart ached watching John B get hurt. He had to get up! This had to stop!

Behind JJ's eyes she could tell even he didn't know what to do. This was a fight between two guys, anything else was a gang up and enticed retaliation.

"Don't make me drown you like your father," she heard Topper say. She looked over to see Topper with his knee on John B's back and his hands holding John B's head under the water. No. He's going to drown him! He's trying to kill John B! Without thinking, her feet moved and she shoved with all her might. She tried pushing Topper off of him but she didn't do a thing. She was too wasted, she couldn't use all her strength. In an effort to get Dani off of him Topper swung his fist and it connected with her cheek knocking her back on her ass.

"Get the fuck off me bitch," he exclaimed still holding John B under.

As soon as JJ saw Dani fall, he grabbed the gun from his belt and held it against Topper's head and removed the safety. It was one thing to have a fight man to man, but to put hands on a girl, especially Dani...

As soon as Topper let up on John B she raced to his side pulling him out of the water. He choked on water and gasped for air. She picked him up, hugging him to her relaxing at the sound of him breathing again.

"Dani," he panted.

"Shhhhhhh," she said patting his back to get the water out of his lungs. Then she felt him go limp in her arms as she heard JJ scream and two shots fired in the air. Each one felt as if they were aimed at her heart.