Chapter seven :)

"Do you want me to wait or come with you?" Louis asked as he stopped the car in front of Harry's house. "It's too cold and I don't know how long it will take," Harry said as he got out of the car.

"I can't wait to see Mr Harry Edward Styles' home." Louis joked. Harry blushed at the way Louis called him by his full name. He unlocked the door and sneaked. a look before he walked in making sure his mom wasn't home. It smelled like the familiar smell of home.

Harry walked upstairs followed by Louis. He led him to his room at the end of the hall. "Whoa, your room is big enough to play soccer in it," Louis said overwhelmed. Harry chuckled grabbing a backpack out of his closet.

Louis let himself fall onto Harry's bed "No way." Louis giggled. "What?" Harry turned around and saw Louis holding up a little pink pillow with a teddy bear face on it. Harry rushed over to him "Give it back" He said laughing.

"Oh, try," Louis said challengingly. He tried to hold it as high as possible but Harry was a lot taller than Louis so he could easily grab it.

They suddenly were really really close Harry felt Louis' warm breath on his cheeks. He looked down in those ocean blue eyes his heart jumped as he saw Louis smirk.

"I-I can't sleep without it." He whispered and took a step back. "That's cute." He smiled so bright that it reminded Harry of the sun and made him blush way too much. Why did he always blush? Ugh.

Harry got back to packing and took a blue hoodie, new pair of black jeans, and his pyjamas out of the closet and stuffed them into the backpack. He cleared his throat before he looked back to Louis "What else?"

"Maybe some movies" Louis suggested. "I will quickly go down to the living room search for some and get my toothbrush I'll be right back," Harry said and left the room.


Louis scanned through Harry's room, looking at the pictures on the walls of him his mom and probably his sister. He stopped at the huge bookshelf next to the window and went through the book titles. Louis was impressed by the kind of books Harry was reading, he had a lot of classics by Shakespeare or poems by Charles Bukowski.

Louis pulled one of them out of the shelf, the title read 'you get so alone at times, that it just makes sense'. He flicked through the pages and all the notes Harry had taken at the sides until his phone started ringing.

"Hello?" He said tucking his phone between his shoulder and cheek. Eyes tugged at the page. "Nialler I told you we'll be there at 5." Louis was so fascinated by the poems that he barely listened to what Niall had said after. Something about their planes for the evening. "I'm sure it will be fun." Louis responded, "I have to hang up now, see ya."

He hung up exactly when Harry entered the room. "Who are you talking to?" He asked looking at the book in Louis' hand. "Just Nialler, hey can I borrow this?" Louis looked up to Harry. "Yes sure but don't make fun of my notes."

"Can I add some?"

Harry nodded.

He held three movies in his hand "I got the notebook, grease, and the breakfast club. Do you think the others would like them?" Harry wondered.

"You have a good taste in movies Harry uhm Harry Styles," Louis said acting impressed. Harry chuckled, trying not to blush. "Stop calling me that."

"Yeah, you're probably right I should stop. It's too long you need a shorter one." Louis mumbled spellbound by the book. "Whatever," Harry said trying to hold back his smile. "Oh don't try too hard," Louis said and they both started laughing.

"Are you ready?" Louis looked up from the book and felt his heart jump as he saw Harry's dimples that only appeared when he really truly smiled. "Yes Sir," Harry said playfully as he picked up his backpack and left this room, Louis by his side.


Harry had still no idea why he deserved Louis as a friend he was so caring and kind and funny and Harry was....just not. He didn't know what it was that made Louis like him.

"You know what?" Louis started as he stopped at the traffic light. Harry had always loved to drive at night because of all the lights and the rustle of the passing cars. It was so relaxing. "What?" He asked turning over to Louis. "We're going to buy some snacks at the grocery store," Louis said as the traffic light switched and they continued driving. "Sounds good,"

They decided to stop at Target. As they walked through the corridors Louis threw literally everything he saw into the shopping cart. "Don't you think it's a little too much?" Harry asked jokingly.

"Oh believe me that won't last longer than two days if Niall is around." Harry laughed.

He headed over to the chocolate section to get some hershe's as he saw Louis rushing down the corridor in the shopping cart. "You're such a child," Harry said sarcastically. "Push me." He said.

Harry wasn't sure if that was such a good idea he didn't want the staff to kick them out. "God Harry don't think so much just have fun," Louis told him. Harry took the cart and started running down the corridor. As they were fast enough he jumped on the shopping cart as well and the boys rushed along the long corridor.

Harry laughed so much he couldn't catch his breath. He saw how Louis' eyes lit up and showed those little crinkles as he smiled and laughed so hard his eyes started to tear up.

The woman at the till looked amused at them and the tons of snacks they put out of the shopping cart. "You two were cute over there." Louis and Harry just looked at each other and blushed "We're not, I mean we're just friends." Harry said. The Lady smiled "Sure you are."


"I can't believe you just spent 72 dollars on snacks," Harry said as they threw the snacks in the trunk. "Liam said he gives me the half of it back so, it's fine." Harry took the last pack of sour patches and was about to throw it into the trunk as Louis snatched them out of his hand. "We're going to eat them on the way." He said happily.

"I'll bring back the shopping cart," Louis said turning around, crossing the parking place.

Harry took a seat in the car and smiled, so wide it hurt but he couldn't stop he was so happy everything seemed to go better for him, he didn't get bullied the whole last week he wasn't alone in school anymore he had friends and he wasn't around his mom. He was around Louis, and he felt safe around him.

"What are you smiling at?" Louis asked as he entered the car. Harry pretended to cough to stop smiling "Uhm nothing, just about that it was fun in there."

"Oh yes, it was." Louis opened the pack of sour patches he got all excited like a child. He gave Harry the package.

They spend the whole ride singing to Ed Sheeran songs and eating sour patches. Louis had to drive so Harry's job was to give Louis sour patches every time he held out his hand to him.


As they arrived at Liam's house it already has started getting dark outside. Louis rang the bell. Niall opened "Guys where have you been it's already 5.30 pm?" Niall said trying his best to look mad. "We got some snacks," Louis said as he showed Niall the two bags full of sweets.

Niall's eyes lit up as he saw. "Ok, you can come in," Niall said snapping the two bags out of Louis' hands and ran further into the house. "See I told you he loves sweets," Louis laughed leading Harry through the house.

"Liam where are you lad?" Liam ran around a corner towards them "Where is the pizza?"

"What pizza?"

"Didn't Niall call you?"

"I did but I think Romeo here didn't listen to me, so I ordered some."

Niall said resting his hand on Louis' shoulder. Harry noticed Louis was blushing. "I- I did listen I just...I ugh shut up" Niall, Harry and Liam started laughing.

"Right." Niall padded Louis' shoulder and walked over to Liam "I brought the snacks to the cinema."

"You guys have your cinema?!" Harry asked excitedly. "Yes, we do. Lou could you show Harry the way up so he can put his stuff in his room." His room?

"Sure." Harry followed him upstairs.

"This house is huge," Harry said overwhelmed. "And you haven't even seen the pool." Harry stopped "What?! A pool? What is this place?"

"I told you it's Impressing." Louis walked over to a big white door and opened it. "So that's your room for the next.....well as long as you want." Louis smiled.

"Really?! I can stay?" Harry tried not to get too excited about that. "Thank you, really thank you for everything."

Harry turned around to look at Louis who stood behind him in the doorway. "Oh, it's not a big deal Liam and Zayn have more than enough space they don't even use." Louis grinned.

"I'm going to leave you alone so you can organize your stuff." He closed the door behind him.

Harry couldn't believe he had a place to stay and people around him who seemed to like him. He wondered why did they like him while he put his clothes neatly into the closet. He placed his pink pillow on the bed and sat down. He was so exhausted.

He checked his phone, 20 missed calls and tons of messages from his Mom. He decided not to read them and turned off his phone. He put it on the charger and walked through the room. The bed was placed beneath a huge window it was a king-size bed which was perfect because Harry was one of those people who moved a lot in sleep.

Next to the bed was the way too huge closet in white and next to the door a desk with a few books on it. Harry decided to move it a little so the desk wasn't that close to the door.


Louis walked downstairs taking off his jeans jacked. He smiled as he thought back to how excited Harry looked when he saw his room and the way his eyes lit up.

As he reached the kitchen he looked at three faces smiling at him. "What?"

"Niall told us," Liam smiled so wide his eyes crinkled up. Louis looked over to Niall "Oh, I'm gonna kill you." He said laughing.

"Does he know you like him?" Zayn asked as Louis went over to the fridge to get some water. "No, and none of you will tell him." He said warning.

"But you would be so cute together."

He heard Niall say, Louis felt a smile grow on his face. Would they?

The doorbell suddenly rang. "PIZZA!" Niall yelled and ran out of the kitchen. "I will take the drinks would you call Harry?" Liam smirked at Louis.

"You guys are such dorks."

But Louis did as told and knocked at Harry's door he wasn't sure if Harry heard it because he didn't respond. He decided to walk in. Harry was making the bed, wearing headphones singing along a song Louis didn't know. He smiled as he saw Harry like this.

As Harry turned around he jumped "Oh God you scared me. Since when are you here?" Louis saw how the curly-haired boy blushed. "I just came in, the Pizza has just been delivered."