Chapter eighth :)

"So which movie first?" Liam asked as he handed each of the boys a pizza carton. They sat on a couch in front of a huge screen. "Harry brought some. We can't watch the same movies over and over again."

Harry opened the carton and smelled the delicious, smell of fresh warm pizza. "I just have three, but all of them are pretty old so I don't know if you're gonna like them." He said a little insecure. "Oh, I'm sure it's better than watching Zombie land for the fifteenth time."

"Hey! It's a good movie" Niall protested rolling his eyes.

They ended up watching the breakfast club first. Niall was constantly talking about how good the pizza tasted. Liam decided to sit on the floor for some reason, Zayn almost fell asleep and Harry laughed at Louis' commenting on the movie.

It was already 1.44 am. when Liam started the Las movie. The notebook, Harry's favourite movie but he knew that he wouldn't watch it to the end because his eyelids were already heavy and about to close every second. His thoughts were all about Louis and how he made him feel happy.

The last thing Harry noticed was his head leaning against something strong, as his eyes closed and he fell asleep.


Harry's head was settled on Louis' shoulder, he noticed how he stopped breathing for a second. The boy who he had a crush on since last year is sleeping on his shoulder. A smile grew on his face as he eyed the younger boy. He looked so beautiful, his curls hanging into his face. A slight tingle spread through Louis' belly.

"Aww," he heard Niall squeak from behind just as he stroked the curls out of Harry's face and landed his head against his'.


"GUY'S!! Wake up!" Liam shook Louis' shoulders. "What why? What's the time?" Louis yawned. Ugh, his back was hurting. Harry looked as tired as himself. "7.46, we're late for school."

They were still in the cinema room. Louis jumped up "Fuck I have a meeting with the landlady at 8!"

Harry watched him run upstairs. "Don't you wanna get ready?"

Liam looked down at him. "No, I have no school today." He said in his slow, deep morning voice almost falling asleep again. "Oh, right you're not a Senior I forgot."

"But you are all alone at the house so do whatever you want. Just, please don't burn it down." Liam said giving Niall a mad glance. "Come on it was just once and not even that bad."

"We had to renovate the whole kitchen." They laughed. "Sure I will be careful and uhm Liam." Liam turned around to look at Harry "Thank you."

Liam just smiled as he left the room and Harry was all alone.

He decided to check the house, it had three floors with corridors that seemed endless.

He walked upstairs to the third floor which seemed to be the last. He stood in a hall, two doors at the right and one at the left. Across from him was a widow which reached from the floor to the ceiling.

The two rooms at the right turned out to be a bedroom and a bathroom. The room on the left side had a slightly bigger door, as Harry walked through he was overwhelmed by the tons of books he saw. The room was a whole library.

Harry already knew he would spend a lot of time in there. He walked further in, the room was surrounded by bookshelves and there was a table in the middle. It reminded Harry of the library in the movie Notting hill. He walked over to one of the bookshelves and took some books out to read them.

As he got hungry after what seemed like hours he left the Library it was relaxing for him to just sit down and read for hours, forget about everything around him. He hadn't done this in so long. He walked downstairs towards his room to change before he made some breakfast.

As he checked his phone he noticed it was already noon, so maybe he would try to cook for the guys instead of making breakfast. He put on his blue hoodie and the black jeans he had chosen yesterday when his phone rang.

Anne's name appeared on the screen. Harry knew if he wouldn't answer she would probably call the police so he took his phone and pressed it against his ear. After a while of silence, he choked out a "Hello."

"Harry? Where the hell are you?!" Anne asked angrily but with a slight sound of worrying in it.

"I'm safe."

"Come home Harry, please. We need to have a serious talk." Tears started building up in Harrys eyes. He tried to stop his chin from tremble by biting his lip.

"No," Harry said trying to keep his voice low. "I don't wanna talk with you I'm happy here without you and I don't need people around me who constantly think I'm lying!" His voice got louder with every word.

Harry hung up and sank on his knees he pressed his shaking hands in his face and cried. He tried to keep the flashbacks as far away from him as possible but they kept coming back.

He saw Charly right in front of him he had that smirk on his face, always the same disgusting, dirty smirk he had when he was about to hurt Harry. He felt his hands all over his body. Harry felt his heartbeat getting stronger at the picture.


The warmth made Louis' cheeks burn and caused a shiver to travel down his spine as he finally closed the door behind his back. He kicked off his shoes and made his path through the hall. Finally home he thought. Well at least as long until he had his own apartment, which was actually pretty soon. A proud smile appeared on his face.

Passing Harrys room he heard a sudden yell coming out of it. The door was a gap opened, Harry was kneeling on the floor sobbing so hard he could barely breathe.

"Harry!" Louis rushed over to him "Come on breath, breath with me." He said taking Harry's shaking hands, looking him into the eyes which were filled with tears that streamed down all over his face. "Take a deep breath in." Harry tried to follow "and out." Louis' hands felt strong and warm around his.

"What happened?" Harry knew he couldn't reject Louis a fourth time "I-I fought with m-my mom, she called me." He sobbed "About what?" Louis had a concerned look on his face but his voice stayed calm. Harry felt his chin tremble again he bit his lip so hard he tasted the blood, looked down and tried not to cry again. "I-I can't tell you."

"Look at me, Harry." Louis put his fingers under Harry's chin and lifted his head. "It's okay you don't have to talk about it if you're not ready. But if you ever wanna talk about it I will be there, Promise." Louis said with a comforting smile on his face.

"Thank you, Lou." Harry couldn't take his eyes away from his eyes, there was something in them that made him feel a lot better. "Did you just call me Lou?" And there it was Louis adorable, bright smile that made the tingle in Harry's belly grow.

"I guess I did." Harry smiled a little, he wanted to call him by his nickname for a long but he never did. " Have you eaten something today?" Louis looked worried as Harry shook his head "Then let's make you some lunch." Louis got up and pulled Harry on his feet.

Harry felt the slight touch of Louis' thumb on his cheek as he swiped his tears away and gave him that sunshine smile he loved.


Sitting at the kitchen table reading a book he took from the library Harry sometimes sneaked a peek of Louis who stood at the stove, a pan in front of him trying to cook. He looked cute trying to figure out what exactly he had to do. But cute in a like funny way not like in that romantic kind of way Harry shook the thought out of his mind.

He cleared his throat."What are you doing?" Harry asked smiling as Louis jumped between the fridge back to the oven and then over to the pan. "I told you it's a surprise. Don't look."

"Okay, Okay." Harry chuckle holding back a laugh.

After a while, it started smelling like chicken and cheese? Something fried. Louis had taken two plates out of the shelf and told Harry to close his eyes. "Okay open." Harry opened his eyes and looked at the meal in front of him, Louis sat across the table.

"First of all, I have never cooked in my life before second it's a family recept and I have absolutely no idea if it tastes as good as when my mom did it." Harry smiled at the tough that Louis had never cooked before.

"It looks delicious I'm sure it tastes good. But what exactly is it?"

"It's chicken, stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with some homemade mashed potatoes," Louis explained and gestured with his hands. "Sounds good." He replied not able to hide his wide smile.


"Wow, that was soo good." Harry leaned back and rested his hand on his belly. "Ou good, I was afraid you wouldn't like it." He said relieved.

"Give me your plate I'll clean up."

Harry got taking the plate out of Louis' hand. "Are you already tired?" Louis laughed as he heard Harry yawn. "No, I'm not." Harry wanted to respond as the door swung open.

It was Niall his hand covering his eyes as he walked in. "Everyone put their clothes on. I swear if I see any naked body part I will kick both of you out."

Liam and Zayn who stood behind Niall burst into laugher. "Niall we are just cleaning up." Harry felt his cheeks blush at Niall's comment.

Niall slowly uncovered his eyes "I just wanted to make sure I won't get blind." He said smiling.

"Hey we brought you some food from Mc Donald's but as I can see you already ate?" Zayn looked surprised as well as the other two boys.

"Yeah, Louis decided to cook,"

"Louis?!" Niall said confound.

"Yes?" Harry frowned over to Louis who kept staring at the ground trying to cover the slight reddish tone on his cheeks.

"Louis hates cooking. He always finds excuses not to." Why were all the boys smiling at Harry like he just... "Well, I did. Get over it." Louis cut his thoughts off. Niall looked like he was trying with his whole energy not to smile too wide, he did a terrible job of it.

Zayn walked over to the table and placed the bag on it. "Should we do a game night?"

"Oh yes, we haven't done one of those in so long. I will go and get some board games." Niall shouted already halfway upstairs. "Just if you're up to it." Zayn made sure.

"Sure." Harry looked over to Louis who just nodded.

"So I got poker, Monopoly, and another one I don't know the name of." Niall threw a stack of cards over his shoulder. "So who wants to play poker?" All of the boys agreed except for Harry. "Uhm I've never played Poker before." He admitted scratching the back of his head embarrassed.

"Oh, it's really easy. I'll help you the first round and then you will get along." Louis who sat at his left offered grinning. "Okey then let's play poker."

Niall passed out the cards, Louis took them and showed them to Harry "You should memorize those, and don't say out loud what we got." Harry just nodded. He was paralyzed by how close Louis was he got more nervous with every touch of Louis' shoulder against his own.

Zayn started to tell him about the rules and ways to win, Harry slowly started to get how it works.

"One 'high card' is the lowest you can get and it goes up to a royal flush," Louis explained.

"And after each card I turn you have to place coins, it's called the bet. If you say fold you can leave the round if you think the bet is too high or your cards shitty. But if you decide to go for it then you can say check and bet the same as the others or raise your bet by saying 'rise'. Got it?" Niall asked. "Yes." Harry nodded.