Gaining Evil power

The daybreak began and my mother woke me up and threw me out of the house and made me work on the grass. The task was to cut the field low and it wasn't easy because the field was gigantic. But the upside was I could use any method to cut it except using swords because they temporarily banned them from me until I was ungrounded.

An hour in Karr came by and stayed with me a bit.

"Noah it's hot out here, why do they have you working in the sun instead of being in the geyser with the rest of us."

"Because I'm in trouble remember.."

After the conversation, he goes on about how our break would be if I were not in trouble for almost 3 hours. I couldn't believe he stayed this long, but after he tired himself from talking he decided to leave. I have been in the heat for 3 hours now and I was forced to cut the grass in the heat but since this is not a public place I can take my shirt off that was an upgrade and a downgrade I say this because I became itchy after cutting the grass.

On my fifth hour, my mother came out and said.

"Noah you cant do things like what you did a week ago."

"But you did things like that when you were young," I replied

"That's because I killed my shitty parents, sorry I didn't mean that... Exactly."

I looked down and giggled at the calm dark humor. She then says something and at the same time her voice began to fade away and I am just standing there but a second later I am back or so I thought. When I felt normal again I saw myself I thought I got hallucinations from the heat but I felt fine. I then see my mom talking but I can't hear her just see her talking. The longer I am in this state the background began to grow ever so dark.

I began to feel so cold and dizzy so I slowly walk towards myself and touch my back and.


I am back in my self and I can hear again and I am once again warm.

"So what are you going to do?" My mother says

I say "What?"

She looks at my eyes and said "What happened to you?!" With a worried tone


My father was checking to see what the problem was and he had no idea what was going on but he said he doesn't see the problem. My mother told him that I had black smokey eyes. My father said.

"Maybe he's been in the sun too long he'll take a break for now."

"What you're not even concerned with it." Mother added

"I don't see a problem Flake OK."

She storms out and says "Fine but you're watching him if he breaks."

I shake and my father says "What did you see Noah."

I say "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb Noah I've been through this before."

I sigh and tell him what happened outside and he gets ever more uncomfortable as I went on and he says.

"This is bad really bad Noah." He goes up and told me to follow him. He told me to put clothes in my bag and went to tell my mother the situation and that he was taking me to Dixon. My mother said she was going but my father demanded her to stay and keep the unborn baby safe.

We walk out the front door and leave, he put our bags in the carriage and attached the horses, and we were on the move. He has not rested since we left but we were just one region away so Mr. Dixon was fairly close. On our arrival, he rushed me to the door and knocked. Mr. Dixion answered the door to a surprise and my father said.

"I need your help."

I was sitting in his living space while they were behind closed doors but I could hear light muttering.

*Zero's POV*

"Dixon, did you see anything suspicious when I sealed The Devil 10 years ago like him leaking out or getting away?"

Dixion replies "No I didn't but if what we think is happening is happening then Noah is in danger."

I grab a seal from Dixon and thank him, and then walk out.

*Noah POV*

My dad walks out and tells me to put my arm out and I do so he ties a bracelet around my wrist and I feel light-headed but the weight seems to have been lifted off me. And we leave to home, he explains to me not to take the bracelet off under any circumstances. When we got home my mother was at the door with a weapon in her hand with a worried body expression.

We got out of the carriage and my father asks what's wrong and she says something that makes my father's presence like an evil person. She said something was in the house. And my father's battle armor was activated and his light blade and he vanished and the door blew open. After 5 seconds passed we heard a bang and light flashed so bright we had to turn away.

He came out with a crystal in his hand and he said it was just the projection crystal this means the phoenix will be born again. As he said that Black mist poured from my stomach and it gave me a giant stomach ache. My father snapped my bracelet and it vanished and my stomach was relieved. When I looked up my parents were shaking out of fear and my father said I've definitely felt that before.

The next morning I wake up and I feel weirdly healthy like I could do anything but my parents kept a close eye on me and since my parents are barbaric they still had me doing farm work. It has been exactly 2 hours and I have had no incidents and I think it was nothing to worried about until my left eye started to turn bad like it was burning my head off. I hold my eye and it stops all of a sudden and out of my left eye I could see what my right could not such as fire and people just standing there and it just vanishes. Aubrey walks up to me and says.

"What was that?"

I reply "Ugh n-nothing I think I'm sick."

She laughs and says ."Oh sorry about coming over too early last week."

I awkwardly laugh and say "It's fine I just didn't expect it to happen."

She talks for a little and then leaves I continue working.

*End Of Chapter 3*