Being Watched

When I was sitting in the chair the headmaster picked up a cup and sipped on it and said.

"This tea is pretty good." And makes a hand gesture towards a cup in front of me which also had tea in it I take a sip and he says.

"Please finish it I'd hate to waste it, oh yeah, and nice performance on your match but you didn't have to injure him though."

I take the cup away from my mouth and thank him for the compliment and for the invitation but then he says something that threw me off.

"Hey, let's race to the bottom of the cup."

I kind of was uneasy about that request but I accepted his challenge by thinking it was a challenge. I gulp the drink down in one go and at the bottom of the cup was some wording and the words said.

(They Are Watching Us Be Careful)

My eyes shot open and I slowly pulled the cup down and the headmaster looked me in the eyes and nodded and he flicked his head to the exit and I got up and walked out as instructed. When I got to the outside of the office the corridor was empty and it was night time so I made my way back to my room.

Walking there I started getting flashes, and some fatigue then it kind of stopped but was light I rushed to my room. But at the end of the hallway was a figure and this time my eye was not active so I was wondering what that figure was. It turned at me inhumanly and limped in my direction.

I was scared so I activated my left eye and I used my gate to get out of there. I ended up in my room not wanting to leave it all night long.

In the morning I woke up to screaming it came from the corridor and when my roommates and I rushed to the noise and in the hallway laid the headmaster his eyes were wide open. He had died and we didn't know-how. I activate my right eye and there were words on his chest and they read.

(They Found Me)

I don't know who "they" are and I do not want to know who they are but they killed someone so they must be stopped. Teachers had to evacuate the halls and we all had to leave the school to the outside. Later we returned to classes and I made two new friends their names are Lennar and Despera they are in my swordsmen class

Lennar after class told me that some rumors have been going around that I was responsible for killing the headmaster. This was absurd because I would never kill unless necessary. Some High-class chasers have later interviewed me and they wanted to know if I was responsible for killing him.

Of course, told them it was not me but they told me that they'll keep an eye on me and the school has now a new security system set up made of professional chasers.

My next class was abilities class and this was to teach us how to use our ability properly. Despera was in this class and it was located in a huge room. surrounded by protective walls because the students will be fighting each other.

Most of the students were eyeing me because of that damned rumor so now I am being watched by both my peers and adults. They treat me like I'm a murderer but in honest truth, am not.

The task for today was to train against other students in a duel to maximize your skill. Everyone had a spot to train and the teacher picked our opponent. Despera whispered,

"I believe you didn't do it, Noah."

I thanked her for it and then the teacher said, "OK students we all know what happened so let's just move on."

"Pick a number in the bucket and head to the assigned ring."

All of us walked to the box of numbers and picked one. I had got number 10 so I quickly made my way there. I was wondering who my opponent would be. Then I see the kid with the green hair walk onto the ring and he had a mouth covering on and some sort of dark purple cloak that covered his entire body.

I say "Good luck."

He looks me up and down and says "I don't care what power you have I won't lose to the likes of you murderer."

I wanted to be nice but when he called me something I'm not I make a scowl and say,

"Fine, won't hold back as I did in the arena."

He makes a calm facial expression that can only be seen in his eyes. The teacher then says,

"Matches begin when you feel so."

*Match Narrative*

*End Of Chapter 12*