Why Go So Far

Mr. Dixon was right to worry about me I'm pretty sure he expected me to go sword chasing but I wanted to do that with Karr and Aubrey but I messed that up now. It has been 1 day and my energy is now completely restored from yesterday and now I need to set things right. I'd never expected me to waste my young life setting everything back to normal.

Now it's time to question my first target of interest. I activated my left eye and opened a rift to the realm of the dead and walked through. I entered and I activated the dark cloak and approached a dark figure and grabbed it by the throat and used both my eyes and gained its memories. With that, I found out where the Devil is right now.

I used a portal and teleported near him when I walked through the other side there was a castle so I started to go to the entrance. The entire castle was made of some red stone and the castle was broken down or rather abandoned. I approached the gate and no one was there so I pushed it open with force and walked inside. When I walk in I immediately see the giant red one I kind of forgot his name but as soon as he saw me he said,

"You foul creature." And he jumped at me I evaded his swing and I went for a punch he did as well and our fists hit and he was knocked back into a wall and the Devil walks out in a cautioned manner. That's his name Satan, Satan got up and attacked me again and threw rapid punches at me and I swiftly evaded them and ducked the last one and punched him in the stomach sending him upward. The Devil yelled,

"Satan you fool stop he has my power he's stronger than half your power right now."

I lock eyes with the Devil and I say, "I am not here to fight I need answers."

Satan's body hits the floor behind me and I jump behind him and kick him towards the devil and continue,

"Devil I need your help."

He looks at me maliciously and says, "Why would I help a vulgar creature like yourself."

"Because I want to make a deal you can't afford to refuse," I replied

He began to look curious and indicated to me that he's listening. I then proceed to say, "If you help me I will give you your power back but you have to promise not to do what you were going to do and get out of us humans lives forever."

"No deal." He replied quickly, and I didn't expect that I was lying about giving his powers but I needed help so I had to force it out of him. I speeded to him and kicked Satan away and punched the Devil against the wall and used both eyes and received what I needed. Satan jumped at me and I punched him in the jaw and teleported the outside gate.

I wanted to know what other ways could I get to the divine plane and I just found out. But for now, I need to get out of here. I opened the rift and something tugged on my pants and it was Babican my blood started rushing and I got light-headed and fell back into the rift.

[One Hour Later]

I open my eyes and the first thing I saw was Babican licking and sniffing my face I immediately jumped up and wrapped my arms around him and tears came from my face and I started being playful with him. He did the same thing as well, I said, "How are you here boy."

I looked to the sky and the sun was getting low but I couldn't rest yet. I took Babican and myself to forsaken to my old home and I sat on the couch and began brainstorming the next step. I thought to myself,

It couldn't be helped I needed to act fast to reach his level and get rid of the sealed gods it's like my father said if someone from now lives until the future it can greatly affect the future. The locations are all in the region which Dalten once lived.

I wish I could do this with Karr and Aubrey but I doubt they would forgive me. But there is no time to look back not until I figure out how to fix my mistake. I needed to be quick and conserve my energy to make it to the other region. I told Babican to stay put I didn't want him to get hurt again because I don't know what is coming next.

I activated my eyes and opened a portal to the region across the sea and step forward. Once I was on the other side I was in a forest filled with the tallest trees I have ever seen. In the distance, I see some sort of old tomb, so I approached it cautiously. There was no door and no gate just a giant hole in the wall that leads to the inside of the tomb. I enter with my armor activated and light from the top of the tomb lit the entirety of the area.

There was a dead torch so I grabbed it and used my fire element and ignited it. I made my way to the back of the tomb and there was a wall that looked to be smashed open. I shimmied my way inside of the wall and aimed my torch and it revealed a grave and on the grave laid a word the name was... Eternity

*End Of Chapter 35*