King At The Doorstep

"Hi, Kato what are you doing here?" I had to ask him because I had no clue why he would show up now.

"Oh in the letter I mentioned that I wanted to catch up on things."

"Oh, that's right I forgot about that uh come in." This was not the right time for this don't get me wrong I only went with Aubrey because I didn't want to make her think I didn't like her. I guess I shouldn't have done that.

I asked "So Kato who is uh... These giant uh... Giant men?" I couldn't even guess what they were.

"Oh remember at school I told you before you left I am part royal to the Kingdom Of Judgment, you remember right?"

Damn, I forgot I can only focus on so much right now, "Yes of course I do I just got a lot on my mind right now."

Kato then says "Oh if I'm interrupting right now-"

"Oh, nonsense come to sit." I interruptingly say and I guide him to the couch. We sit and he briefly states what the war has done to his kingdom and how the end of the war was very much needed. I just sat there listening to him go on about the stories of school from how we went from enemies to friends.

But actually, this was convenient because I could use Kato's help finding Dalten since he scrammed and the three members are dead.

"Kato," I said questingly

"Yes, Noah?" He'd reply

"Can I tell you something it has to be a secret... Between us?"

He'd glance over to the bodyguards and they walked into the other room. I look back at Kato and tell him what I need from him filling him in on what I need from him and what is currently happening.

"So you want my help locating Dalten?"

"Yes, my other friends aren't exactly on good terms or at least one isn't."

He put his hand on his chin and thought therapy but then soon put his hand out and said, "I'd be glad to help you, Noah. I shook his hand and we became partners.

*Flash Forward 1 Month*

Dalten: "Noah and the king of Judgment against me and my son I did not expect this, however it goes you won't defeat me so easily, that goes for my son as well."

Noah: "Dalten up to this point you have crossed the line you have killed many patients that I have for you this ends here now."

Kato: "Dalten you have committed crimes against the northern region not to mention killed many of my most noble, humble warriors you will not be forgiven you must die here."

Dalten: "Oh please they have committed much more than I could in one day you nor Noah will kill me it is I who will end you both today."


Noah: "Dalten give up this is the end for you if you give up now I will consider sparing your son he has nothing to do with this."

Dalten: "It's too late I have already unleashed the most catastrophic god of them all... Calulominos!

I look over at Aubrey's unconscious body and hoped she hasn't undergone anything before I could help her.

[Lightning Flash]

*Present Time*

*1 Day Later*

Kato and I have a plan but it's kind of risky I might have to go back to hell. The original plan is to get inside disarm satan and pull information from the Devil. This will be easier because there are two people trying this time. But that's just one of the many plans we have. After that, there's no telling what's going to happen in the near future because I have a horrible feeling about this.


*End Of Chapter 44*