Blood lust


"Am I dead?" I said aloud

I was in a room or a space made of white everything I couldn't find anyone or thing anywhere. The energy I felt was insane I couldn't handle it I felt a drift away from something but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Suddenly I felt the energy being pushed into one precise space to the point where it became visible. The energy formed into a person? I'm not sure but it looks at me with hostility.

"Who are you?" I asked the being

It remained silent so I began to study it, The person or being was a woman with long stringy thin black hair, with a pale skin complexion, her clothing was very different than any other I've seen it was a fancy robe made of a lustered black cloth, and her lips as red as blood, and her presence felt worse than the Devils and he's one of the strongest.

She vanishes in black smoke and reappeared in front of me and her eyes were black hazel eyes and she put her hand on my head and my mind began to emit all of my worst nightmares, fears, memories, and a nonstop vision of who I care for dying at my hand. This went on for what felt like hours but was really a spit second. After that, I felt like killing something and this wasn't resistible I couldn't hold it anymore I wanted blood. I was snapped out of the visions and I attacked her and she poked my forehead aggressively and I was back in reality.

Dalten and Magess were fighting Kato and Karr and Dalten and his son had the upper hand. I couldn't control my rage inside red aura began surrounding me and Magess was closest to me and I rushed over there and my wind knocked anything besides him and me. I tackled him and he was on his back while I was on top beating his chest in hand by hand then two hands by hand.

Dalten tried to pull me off but without looking back I backhanded him so hard he flew across the giant hole in the ground. I resumed beating him until he bled his blood was everywhere and his body didn't resemble a human anymore he looked like a pile of flesh when I was done.

When I was finished my bloodlust was over and my humanity was restored. Dalten limped his way back slowly leaned against a tree and said,

"What did you do, why... Why would-."

"Why would I kill someone you love? it sucks doesn't it?." I replied after.

He then said, "I tried... I couldn't do it Magess I'm sorry I couldn't heal you."

"What are you talking about Dalten?" I asked

He looks at me with eyes so red and full of tears and said, "I became a god so I could find the power to heal him he had a disease."

I began to feel guilt so I did something I thought I would never do. Karr and Kato walked behind me as Dalten sat on his knees holding his sons body. I activated my most powerful form and I summoned an orb full of immense energy that would kill me if I was any younger, but I recently found out about this power when I had become a god for the second time.

I pushed the orb into his son's body and the orb made a bright light and it filled the forest up with it and I passed out right after.

[Day's LATER]

I woke up and we were inside of my home why wasn't I kicked out? I was on my bed, and I thought even though I did something nice I'm not done with Dalten. I left my room and in my living room and only Kato was there I had asked him,

"Where is Karr?"

He replied, "He went after Dalten to find his sister."

"What do you mean went after," I asked in a rush

I then opened a portal and Kato said, "Noah there's something you must know."

I ignored the last part and I walked into the forest where the beam was and the beam was still going and I was hit by a body it was Karr's body he hit me and both him and I slammed into a tree. I got to my feet and in front of him was that woman goddess that made me go on a rampage.

From behind her, I hear, "Give me my son you damn coward and she backhanded Dalten and he was sent into another direction. Karr walked over to me and said,

"Noah I don't know what you did but this woman keeps asking us about you we refused and now she wants blood."

I replied, "What do you mean what I-"

I thought back to when I released Dalten and my power into the sky maybe that created her. She appeared in front of me and grabbed me by the throat, lifted me up, and she said,

"Are you Noah little boy?"

I tried to let out, "Who are you?"

She squinted and threw me into a tree then proceeded to fight all of us at once she'd come to me then to Karr and soon after Dalten. She did this for some time and it felt like a nightmare to be near her.

She appeared in front of me and pushed her hand into my chest but before contact, I activated my armor and dark cloak. Her hit still knocked me backward however, it wasn't that bad I remained on my feet. She didn't bat an eye and neither did I right after I summoned the sword of rage which my father had accumulated. She summoned a sort of staff that looked like a purple midnight sky full of stars.

"What do you want from me, we can talk about this," I said clearly

She floated above me and said, "I want everything." And she vanished

*End Of Chapter 48*