Punch A Hole In It

He proceeds to move around to evade me and the voice in me said, "Noah he's aware of how strong that is if it hits him he won't come to you."

I replied, "I have a plan."

He bounced into the air and pointed at me and lightning emitted from his hands I smirked and said, "Got 'em."

I punched at him as a portal opened in front of my fist and the other end opened on his back. My punch hit his back and he snapped in half. Both of his parts hit the ground and I proceeded to walk over to his corpse. I look for a second and his body turns to a shriveled one. I was confused about what happened and out of nowhere the ground separates and he comes from the ground up and elbows me in the chin and sends me flying until it he hit me as I was in the air every time I was about to hit the ground he'd come back and do it again. This carried on for about 10 seconds and his last hit was to my stomach and I was sent into a tree.

"You're strong I'll give you that but not strong enough," he said to my face as he began walking away.

I still had some fight left in me so I grabbed his leg and gripped it and slammed him into the tree and struggled to my feet before saying, "I'm not done with you yet."

He gets up and shakes it off like it was nothing and he replied, "You look beaten and you still want to fight I think you are the craziest person I have ever come across everyone else just well... Died."

Blood was coming from my mouth and the voice in my head said, "Young Noah something is wrong I think your dying from exposure to the dark power that's not supposed to be within your reach."

I was dying the voice said I couldn't believe it all this time and I just die after something that is technically not my fault I wasn't born with this power I was given this power. Blood flowed from my mouth to my feet and I started to see my father but it was probably a hallucination from the blood loss. The guy walked to me and my head was spinning so I was defenseless, he poked my head and I fell over and passed out.


Karr: "Aubrey Noah will come back one day just calm down you don't need to use the mask you were going to save it for an extreme situation remember.

Aubrey: "And this isn't you don't understand Karr I feel like I was close to him a couple of days ago I don't nowhere and why but I saw him."

Their Mother: "Aubrey you need to calm yourself and stop following this boy he can put you in a lot of danger."

Karr: "Mom it's not like that he won't hurt her he is just trying to protect us by staying away and we don't want him to."

Their Mother: "If he is trying to stay away from you guys to protect you then how isn't be dangerous when he is near you?"

Aubrey: "Because he just won't I know it."

Karr: "Trust us mother."

Their Mother: "You must understand if you are endangered by him under any circumstances he must be dealt with by professional sword chasers.

Both Karr and Aubrey: "We are professional sword chasers."

Their Mother: "You both know I mean experienced."

[Spark Sound]

[Portal Opens]

[3 person Narration]

A portal opens as Noah's friends are bickering with their mother about their relationship with the child of darkness. The god Noah fought stepped through and introduced himself as Plague. Everyone was clueless as to why he had come to their home and Plague said,

"I am a friend of yours... Noah, I am here to kill you he didn't follow specific instructions so now I am here to take everyone from him."

Karr had his hands out in a calming the mood manner and said, "OK, listen we don't want any trouble just calm down and we can talk about this."

Plague made a menacing face and said, "Why do you, humans think there are ways to get around death why do you think I won't lie and kill you or just lash out right now and kill you?"

Their mother said, "Why?... Do you think you can just come in my home and threaten my children and I if you thin-."

[Choking Sound]

Plague had quickly grabbed her and held her by the throat and said, "Know your place you don't talk to a god this way you disrespectful woman." And he threw her back before sitting down on the ground and asked,


Karr and Aubrey were showing timidness and terror in their body movements and eyes. He asked again, "Why do you keep fighting when you know you're doomed?" They remained quiet knowing not what to say.

Plague said, "I see you're smarter than your mother now you may speak and you better speak or one of you will die slowly."

The room felt evermore uncomfortable but the words that left Aubrey's mouth were, "Because we fight to win no...no acceptions."

He looks at Aubrey and says, "I know you you're the one that was on his mind before he passed out or maybe he died I don't know I left him."

Aubrey's eyes shot open and asked, "What are you talking about, you don't mean Noah." Karr follows that with, "Aubrey don't be stupid he didn't say talk."

Plague smiled and said, "You saved her by saying that and I was talking about that weak Noah it seems he has died or is dying but you won't have to worry about it you will die next. Now you answer it first."

Karr didn't hesitate to answer he immediately said, "The correct answer to your question you provided to us is we fight because we will not sit still and die, and we will not die easily." Plague laughed and said, "Won't die easily please Noah couldn't even take a little pinch of dark power and you should have seen it." He said comedically followed with, "The blood flowing from his mouth and him struggling to breathe and then bam he hit the floor."

Aubrey was shaking and tears left her eyes and Karr's expression was equal to a frightened child. Plague then asked, "And how do you humans fight with fear in your eyes what draws you to proceed with the battle at hand? The girl will answer this one." Aubrey felt alarmed and she didn't say anything for ten seconds then she said, "It's called adrenaline it is supposed to make your blood run at a fast pace and it makes you do things you sometimes couldn't do like move faster.

Plague then says, "Really that's what kept him fighting... Well, it's been fun but now it's time to ya know die." He then stands back to his feet and aimed his palm up and a clear fire summoned in his hand and he said, "It was nice meeting you two, your mother was rude so she is not nice to meet."

He closes his hand and an explosion occurs filling the home with flames.


*End Of Chapter 54*