The Girl

"Wait, I can use their skills. Spirit claw!" South yelled out as loud as he could the spell spirit claw. All the coolfs retreated after seeing their pack leader get killed. "I didn't make any noise, why did they attack me?" South checked his stat-board and saw, "Better Ears. Better Ears is a skill that are used by any type of dog and wolf creature, Better Ears makes the users ears hear 1000 times more than a human's ear." Wait, I can use this skill as well, I wonder if I eat the pack leaders or the bigger guys if I'll get different skills?" South went over to the pack leaders' body and took a bite out of it. "Damnit, this is degusting, this better be worth it." South checked his stat-pad and saw a new skill, Dark Bite.

Once South got to floor 23, South heard a voice. "Leave here! Leave here now!"

"What the hell was that?" South running towards the voice and saw a huge door. "What the hell is this? When was this door created?"

"Leave here now!" A huge golem appeared behind South.

"I need to get out of here." South pushing the door. "The door needs a key; I've never seen a door like this before." The door needed a ball to unlock it, South looked at the golem and saw a ball hanging off of his belt.

"If you do not leave, you die!" The golem swung his sword at South, nearly hitting him.

"Quick step." South used one of his new skills and blocked the golems swing. "That was close. Darkness" South used a skill that turns the room pitch black. "Dark Eyes. Now I can see, it's go time" South grabbed Ichigo's old sword. "I don't have a lot of durability on this sword, I need to make all my swings count." South stabbed the golem in the foot, but it didn't penetrate the golems armor. "Damnit, looks like his armors stronger Thani thought. Then I need to use it." South pulled out a sniper rifle from his bag. "I'm glad I made this; it was difficult but I eventually did it." South aimed the rifle at the golem and looked through the scope to see if there was any place that had no armor. "The neck, it has no armor." South aiming at the golems neck. The golem swung at South. "Quick step. Electric shot." South used an elemental skill and fired at the golems neck 3 times. The golem fell and the South grabbed the key. "So, the key is a ball. Well, I better take a bit of golem with me." South cuts the golems arm off and starts heading for the door. "The key goes here." The door started to open and revealed a female. "Wha... What is this. Hey, you ok.?"

"Lea... Leave me alone." The mysterious girl said.

"No, you look like you in need of help." South said.

"Fine, I'm a vampire. I was told all my people were killed 1000 years ago, in the Beast War." The vampire said.

"The Beast War, what's that?" South asked.

"It's when the devils and gods went to war. The devils learned how to tame the beast of the land. The humans sided with gods, but the nearly wiped them all out. The vampire replied.

"Damn, I feel bad for you, but is there a way to free you?" South asked.

"Not that I'm aware, you can attempt to attack the restrains and see if that would free me." The vampire replied.

"Spirit claw." South used spirit claw and freed the vampire. "Are you alright?" South asked.

"Ja... Jackass, you nearly hit me" The vampire yelled.

"Sorry, but for you have a name?" South asked.

"A name? I was never given one." The vampire replied with a sad look on her face.

"Then, can I give you one?" South asked.

"U... Um sure." The vampire replied.

"I'll have a name for you by the time you get out of this room." South said with a smile on his face.

Walking toward the door, the vampire hears something. "Above us." The vampire yelled. "I... I can't move, help!"

"Quick step." South used quick step and saved the vampire. "You okay?" South asked.

"Ye... Yes, I'm okay." The vampire replied.

"Do you know what that is?" South asked

"Yes, it's Snaper. The guardian of this room." The vampire replied. "Snaper is supposed to make sure I don't get out, if we can defeat it, your level might go up a few levels."

"Well then, we need to kill it then." South said with a grin on his face. Snaper swung his tail at South again, "Quick step!" Snaper still hit South in the stomach. "God dammit!" South flew across the room and hit a wall.

Snaper started another attack. "Run! He's going to use Metal Snipe, his only ranged attack but it hits like five level 50's attacking you."

"Quick step!" South used quick step but was to slow and was hit. "Dam... Damnit, I'm to slow. Hey vampire girl, I have an idea." South ran over to the vampire. "If you can distract the monster, I might be able to find a weak spot on it." South said.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" The vampire asked.

"I'm not fully sure. But, it's worth a try." South said with confidence in his voice.

South ran to the other side of Snaper and was ready to strike. "Hey ugly, down here." The vampire yelled. Snaper looked down at the vampire and swung its tail to try and hit her. "Wait, South look out! He's swinging his tail at you." The vampire ran toward South and defended him. "Vampiric Shield" The vampire used a shield spell and protected herself and South.

"Thanks kid." South said with relief in his voice. I "I see a weak spot, look under its mouth."

The vampire looked under Snaper's mouth. "I see it, there's a patch of skin shown."

"If you can get it to look up, I might be able to kill it." South said

"Extra hop" The vampire used a jump skill to make herself jump higher. The vampire jumped off the walls to get as high as she can.

Snaper tried to bite the vampire. South ran towards Snaper and started to run up it. South stabbed the patch of skin that was showing. "Inferno ball." South launched a fire ball into the cut he made on Snaper. Snaper fell to the ground. "We... We did it. Vampire girl come he..."

"South!" The vampire ran toward South catching him before his head it a rock. "I got you, sleep for as long as you need to."

"Whe... Where am I?" South asked.

"You're in the dungeon room, you saved me. Thank you" The vampire said with tears going down her face.

"Well then, at least your safe. You never told me your name, what is it?" South asked.

"I... I don't have a name." The vampire struggled. "Vampires pick their own names. But I want you to choose my name."

"Then if you want me to, then I'll pick your name. I got it your name can be Terror."

"Wait, why Terror"

"When you were fighting, you terrified me. Plus, I personally think it's a cute name." South replied.

"Then my name will be Terror. Oh ya, earlier you called me a little kid, I'm actually 267 years old. Vampires can live up to 2000 years." Terror said.

"I didn't know that. Well let's camp here and get some rest. I'll make us some food." South suggested