The Adventurers

South grabbed his knife and walked over to Snaper, cut its head off, and took a bite of its neck. "Ew, what the hell South! Why would you eat a part of him? and besides that, why would you eat it raw?" Terror asked with a loud tone.

South looked at Terror with a confused look on her face. "Wait, I didn't tell you?" South asked. "Whenever I eat a piece of something I've killed, I get their ability. That's how I got all of the abilities I have."

"How'd you get that skill?" Terror asked.

"I'm not really sure. I was betrayed by people from an old guild I use to be in, I was found by an adventurer named Ichigo, we were desperate for food, so we walked around the labyrinth until we found a coolf, and I slayed it. We didn't know if it was poisonous or not, so I told him I'll take first bite, once that happened. I was out of control, something in me snapped, an... and I killed him. After that, I checked my skills and saw all of these new skills and I saw a new ability. Eater, whenever I kill something and eat it raw, I gain its skills and abilities." South replied.

"Well then' what's done is done. Let's start moving, once we reach the 100th floor, we might be able to get out." Terror said with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure, you had nothing to eat." South asked

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't need food; I need blood to gain strength and stamina." Terror replied with a grin on her face.

Terror started running toward South and bit his neck. "Wha... What the hell are you doing! Get off of me." South yelled.

"Just a little longer, I'm hungry." Terror asked.

"I said no, now get off of me." South said with anger in his voice.

"Fine, but don't expect me to help that much in fights, since I'm not fully energized." Terror said. South and Terror walked out of the dungeon and saw some people.

"Hey, what are you guy's doing all the way down here?" The random adventurers asked.

I can't tell them about Terror or they'll kill her, South thought. "We're trying to find ou..." South was interrupted.

"Wait, isn't that Ichigo's sword? You're the one that killed him, you bastard. I have an idea, why don't we kill you and your little friend here, and take all your stuff, since you did kill our guild member." The random adventurers charged at South and Terror with grins on their faces.

"I got this." South said with confidence in his voice. Since there are 6 of them, I need to attack and defend at the same time. But, how do I do that. South thought to himself. "Quick step" South got behind the leader of the pack of adventurers and killed him. Well, time to try out this new skill, "Quick kick" South kicked 4 of the five guys at once, killing them all with one blow. "Well, that was easier than I thought it was going to be." South said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, show off." Terror said.

"Let me take a bite from each of these guys, then we can continue down the labyrinths." South took a bite from each of the adventurer's arms, then started walking down the labyrinth until they arrived on the 27. "Don't you think we're doing to much." South asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we've went down 4 floors at the beginning of the day. Can we just take a break and look around for some materials we could use to make weapons? Plus, our food supply is running low." South replied.

"Fine, but lets at least make it to floor 30 by tonight. But besides that, how do you know what floor we are on?" Terror asked.

South pulled out his stat-board and showed it to Terror. "This is a stat-board, it shows me all my skills, abilities, the floor we're on, and other things that aren't that important." South replied.

"Well, sense we're here, lets look around for some materials for crafting." Terror said to South with a smile on her face.

"You just want me to make you some new equipment, don't you?" South asked. South and Terror looked around for some materials for crafting and saw something shiny in the distance. "Hey Terror, over here."

"What is it?" Terror walked over toward South and say something shiny. What's that?"

"That's black powder ore. It's an ore that is highly explosive. But smelting it at the right temperature, it turns into a brick type form. After that, all you need to do is hit it in a few spots with a hammer, then it shatters and becomes a powdery substance." South replied. South walked towards Terror with his backpack in his hand. "Hopefully, we'll find a place to smelt the ores. On our way to floor 30, we can look for more ores."

"Fine, but don't expect me to help you." Terror said with a sad look on her face.

On their way to the 30th floor, South and Terror see something out of the corner of their eyes.

"Sou... Sou... South, over the... there!" Terror started to point at an abandon town and started to backup.

"Oh, it's a town. What's so freaky about that?" South asked.

"O... Over there." Terror was pointing at a mysterious shadow in one of the abandon buildings.

"Now that I look closer, I see something over there. If you're scared, I can go check it out for you." South said with confidence in his voice.

The mysterious shadow started to move towards South as he was walking towards one of the houses.

"South, watch out!" Terror yelled. Terror started to run towards South. As fast as she could, Terror ran and pushed South out of the way of the mysterious shadows attack.

"Food, food. I need food." The mysterious shadow said. The shadow started to run towards South's bag and snatched it from South. Food, all my food."

"Hey, get out of there. That's our food." South yelled, rushing towards the shadow with Starks broken sword.

The shadow backed up and ran toward one of the houses.

"Dumbass, you scared it off. Hey, come here. It's okay, we won't hurt you, I promise."

"Fi... Fine. I'll come out, but only if I can eat some of your food." A blonde short girl walked out from the abandon house and walked toward Terror.

"Do you have a name?" Terror asked.

"I... I... I'm Kiko." Kiko replied.