Old Friend

Wait it can't be. How could this be real? If this really is Kiko then she should be dead. I saw her die. "You can't be Kiko. Kiko died two years ago in the labyrinth." I yelled.

She looked scared. I looked at Terror trying to make out why she would be scared.

"No, it really is me." She stuttered while backing up. She looks like Kiko but I don't want to jinx myself.

"Let me talk to my companion for a minute." Terror said in a call and quite voice.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked with a hint if anger in my voice.

She looks mad. "I'm in for a long ride, aren't I?"

"Stop goofing around! She looks so scared and all you're doing is trying to play a stupid game. I know you don't trust anyone but you need to put some trust in people. If you don't then will you ever truly have friends." Terror sounds like she doesn't like what I'm doing. But why? Don't I have a valid reason not to trust people?

"Why would I ever need to trust anyone else if I have you? You're all I need because I know you'd never betray my trust."

"Just try trusting her and maybe you can make her one if you're friends."

"Fine. But don't give me any shit if anything bad goes down."

While we were talking Kiko was sneaking towards a sword that was on a skeleton. I noticed it a few times but I knew if I ignored or interrupted Terror I would be yelled at for over an hour.

"Quick step. Quick draw." I drew my sword with my hidden skill and our swords met. "The hell are you doing? Why would you attack us out of nowhere?" She had the look of anger in her eyes. I looked at her arm acting like I was going to strike it but instead, "Fake out. Paralyze punch." I paralyzed her instead to question her.

It took over two hours for her to answer 1 question. As annoyed as I was, I was just glad it was over.

"I think we got all we need from her. Do we let her go or…"?

"I'm going to ask one last question. Four years ago, where you transported with another 23 kids to this world?" Depending on how she answered this it would decide how we will go from here.

"Honestly my memory of back then is faint. But I do remember being transported to this world.

I couldn't believe my ears, I need to make sure she's telling the truth. If she is then I could have her join us. Do you remember anyone that you got transported with?" I asked.

"Yes, But just a few. There was South, Sakuta, Akari, and Chad." Now that I think about it, you look like South but with a different hair color and different hair style."

It really is her, but then why did it look like she died two years ago? "Kiko, it's me South."

As I said that Kiko's I grew wide and tears started to form in her eyes. "But how, you can't be South. South would never remember a piece of trash like me."

"Hey don't say that about me. You were one of the only friends I had, but I still pushed you away. I'm sorry." I untied her and gave her a hug. I could feel tears dripping into my shoulder as I hugged her. But I just stuck with it until she stopped crying.

Once she stopped crying, I looked at Terror and she had the face of someone that's about to kill. "You one now?" Terror asked with a hint of anger.

"I'm sorry. I just needed to have a cry." Kiko apologized. "South, can I come with you?"

"Let me set up a camp here and I'll think about it." I thought to myself, if we bring her along with us would we still have enough food for all of us?

"Terror, can you come over here for a minute?"

"Fine, but this better be important." For some reason Terror sounded mad. But I had to ignore it until we get our camp set up.

"What do you think about letting Kiko join us?"

When I asked that Terror got an angry look but tried to hide it. "I don't care. But if she keeps lacking behind you better be ready to ditch her."

My eyes opened in shock. I never knew Terror could be so harsh. "Alright, but don't be so harsh. She gets easily scared and we don't fully know how long she's been down here for."

"Fine, but tell her not to get in my way."