Seven Poison Snake King

With a wave of his hand. Ling Tian summoned a colosseum in front of their eyes and the others were teleported to the seats higher up.

Bai Feng was teleported up onto the stage, he looked at the massive gate in the distance where there were two green glistening eyes that gave an impression of looking at prey.

"System, inspect Bai Feng."

[Name: Bai Feng]

[Age: 18]

[Affiliation: Bai Clan]

[Physique: Extreme Yin Body (50% Completed)]

[Bloodline: Ice Phoenix (30% Purity)]

[Martial Spirit: Ice Emperor Sword]

[Cultivation: Peak Core Formation]

[Dao: Extreme Yin]

'There is much room for improvement I see...'

If he wins this match, I'll give him the treasures he needs to complete his physique and bloodline.

As for his martial spirit, he can upgrade its tier when he reaches the Spirit Evolution realm.

The gate finally opened, which revealed a 20-foot tall snake that had seven different colors on its scales.

It had a crystal on its head that represented its majesty as one of the kings of snakes, albeit just the Seven Poison Snake species.

"Nascent Soul!" Bai Feng said in surprise.

Although he could contend with early-stage Nascent Soul realm cultivators, this was a demonic beast.

Demonic beasts are usually stronger than humans at the same cultivation level. They are born with stronger bodies and innate abilities humans don't usually have.

The downside is that they are limited in potential by their race.

Say that an Iron Teeth Rat was born, that rat could only reach the 5th stage of Qi Condensation with its potential and limit.

Iron Teeth Rats on average are usually around the 2nd stage of Qi Condensation.

The only way demonic beasts could reach higher heights was to evolve into a higher species of their kind and branch.

The only two methods there were, was to eat a herb that could help them evolve or to eat a being of a higher race.

For example, say that the Iron Teeth Rat ate a Golden Clawed Rat, it would evolve into a being similar to the race of the Golden Clawed Rat or even become one of them.

It all usually depended on their bloodline and race for demonic beasts.

Bai Feng dashed forwards with his Ice Treading Steps and swerved to the left as the snake went in for a bite.

He used his Frozen Yin Sword Art to slash at its gills and freeze them up with ice.

However, the Seven Poison Snake King had good instincts and used its sharp poison-tipped tail to graze Bai Feng as he tried to escape.

Bai Feng's turned red as his body was heating up, he felt as if he was boiling.

He circulated his yin and ice energy to cool himself down, but that was not the end of it.

The poisoned quickly started corroding his organs and blocked his meridians from allowing his qi to circulate effectively.

Bai Feng decisively froze his left side of the body where the poison started and could only use his right side of the body which was still healthy enough to fight.

He had only about 40% of his fighting prowess left after that large blow.

The Seven Poison Snake King was still strong and was ready to strike again.

"I can't allow this fight to go any longer or else I will be at more of a disadvantage since there is still poison within me!" Bai Feng gritted his teeth.

"Forbidden Technique: Ice Phoenix Descends!"

Bai Feng ruthlessly used up the rest of his qi to the very last drop and slashed down at its other gill which went further in and beheaded it.

Bai Feng crawled over with difficult breaths and dug his way to the Seven Poison Snake King's beast core and gulped it down.

The raging energies within which were not compatible with his body started destroying him within.

He forcibly refined the poisonous energies to act as an antidote and force the earlier poison out of his body and spat out massive amounts of black matter.

He sat there dizzily and fainted on his side, breathing slowly.

His life still in danger, but not as life-threatening as before.