Worthy Reward

"Not bad." Ling Tian praised.

He flicked a 9th-grade healing pill into his mouth which immediately dissolved and healed his injuries, external and internal.

After about 10 minutes, Bai Feng was brand new.

His skin was looked more flawless and appeared to be brimming with life and vigor after the pill's effects.

His cultivation rose to Half-Step Nascent Soul after that life-and-death situation and the 9th-grade pill's effects.

All he needed was enlightenment and resources to breakthrough. When at the Nascent Soul realm, your martial spirit would be stronger fundamentally.

For example, Bai Feng's martial spirit, the Ice Emperor Sword, a grade 12, would have its ice element become stronger and its sharpness as a sword become stronger as well.

As you strengthen your nascent soul martial spirit, it becomes closer and bonds with your body more, making it more complete. At the end and peak, the nascent soul would then overgo a spiritual evolution. Hence, the Spirit Evolution realm.

"Your reward is this Pure Ice Phoenix Blood, the bloodline you have right now is impure and incomplete. I can sense you got lucky and acquired the bloodline from a drop of Ice Phoenix blood and further enhanced it with your Extreme Yin Dao." Ling Tian said while stroking his beard.

"I can give you another treasure under one condition..."

"Thank you, senior. What is the condition?" Bai Feng asked with his eyes shining when he heard the reward.

"If you become my disciple, I will give you the chance to complete your incomplete Extreme Yin Body." Ling Tian narrowed his eyes.

"Disciple Bai Feng greets Master!" Bai Feng immediately accepted it.

Who wouldn't want a powerful and mysterious master? Old Man Spacetime had the Spacetime Dao, presumably high cultivation because of his abilities, and many treasures!

"Here, do not take this immediately because it will surely affect you harmfully if I don't help you control it. It's pure blood, not the impure blood you obtained before. I also will provide you the chance after." Ling Tian handed over the pure Ice Phoenix blood.

'I will send him to my Extremity Palace...'

The Extremity Palace was a place he created during his previous visits around the universe before. It was one of the best treasures and places in the world.

It held areas of extremity, things at their peak. For example, the Extreme Yin Biome, where cultivators with the Extreme Yin Dao or body can go to, to increase their completion.

There were even weapon extremity biomes, like the Sword Biome, where sword cultivators gain enlightenment of the sword.

It was a chance only handed to disciples of Ling Tian.

"I will now continue the competitions, the beasts fighting will always be different. Anyone else wants to fight?" Ling Tian spoke.

"I shall, senior!" A red-headed tall and muscular man with a halberd entered the stage and went against a Crimson Three-Eyed Bear, a Peak Core Formation demonic beast.


After many competitions between man and demonic beast, the tournament ended and only a minority got to win treasures.

Everyone looked on enviously at the people who obtained a treasure. Just one treasure was enough to stir up a storm in the cultivation world.

It was enough to change one's whole fate and future.

"You may continue on to find the Divine Enlightenment Pagoda, good luck." Ling Tian said as he secretly eyed Gong Shen out of the corner of his eye. Gong Shen did not notice.

Ling Tian teleported away with Bai Feng to a distant mountain range and just so happened to encounter a Spirit Evolution realm demonic beast right in front of him, in which he proceeded to slap it to death with one hit.

Bai Feng gawked with eyes wide open and jaw to the floor!

'He's that strong?' Bai Feng has never seen his Bai Clan Patriarch ever fight so he didn't get to experience a one-sided fight on that level.

"You have four senior brothers, however, they're weaker than you but have better talents and are younger than you." Ling Tian announced to him as he morphed back into Elder Qi.

"Wait, that wasn't your real appearance?!" Bai Feng was once again shocked.

"To tell you the truth, I am Elder Qi of the Azure Dragon Sect, I am a Peak Martial Emperor." Ling Tian said as he almost laughed because he doubled-disguised.

Bai Feng's clan, the Bai Clan, was pretty influential as it had 2 Martial Emperors, with one at the Peak Martial Emperor realm, and the other at early.

He naturally heard of Elder Qi, but he never saw him so he didn't immediately notice. If it was some other core elder he would naturally know.

"Um, greetings once again, Elder Master Qi." Bai Feng stammered.

'No wonder he's so mysterious and strong! I must work hard to keep my disciple status!' Bai Feng had a drop of sweat flowing down his head.

"I will send you to the Extremity Pagoda. I will tell you what it is later, but I'll tell you now that it's a very good place for anyone."

"For now, we'll head to meet your fellow disciples and I'll send you all to the Extremity Pagoda to train."