Extremity Pagoda

Ling Tian slashed in front of him and a space rift appeared.

"Let's go!" Ling Tian said while looking at Bai Feng.

They both entered and when they came out they were at Elder Qi's mountain peak.

"Wow..." Bai Feng has never seen the core elder mountain peaks as he was not qualified to go to that area.

Ling Tian could tell that there were still about 27 days left until they finished their one-month training period.

They had to at least have a rudimentary understanding of the cultivation manual until they could train efficiently in the Extremity Pagoda.

Bai Feng on the other hand had higher cultivation and the Extremity Dao, plus he has sufficient understanding even without the special high-grade cultivation manual to train in the Extremity Pagoda.

"Bai Feng, I'll give you the appropriate techniques. Here is the Supreme Pure Yin cultivation manual, Divine Ice Emperor Sword Art, and the Yin Mist movement art." Ling Tian gave Bai Feng three manuals.

"Now then, shall we speed up the process?"

Ling Tian waved his hand in the air and the time around the mountain peak sped up 27 days in a matter of 5 seconds.

No one in the world felt it, including the three disciples on the mountain peak.

All three disciples opened their respective doors at the same time and saw Ling Tian outside.

"Greeting, Master!" All four greeted Ling Tian when they saw him at the same time.

You could tell by their auras that they became much stronger.

Although you could tell that there was some difference in their auras and strength.

Xun Luoyang's aura was strong and domineering but not as strong as the others in reality. Xun Luoyang's Dao was the Slaughter Dao, meaning that he would have to constantly kill and be in the battlefield to increase his Slaughter Dao.

He could have broken through to the Core Formation realm but suppressed it as he wanted the pinnacle foundation and increase his Slaughter Dao before breaking through.

He reached the rudimentary form of the Immortal Asura Sutra and had a faint, illusory asura you could see behind him, although very blurry.

Yang Kai's aura was fiery and very breathtaking. You could tell from the pressure of his aura that he made significant progress and reached the peak of the rudimentary form of the Sun God Script.

He even reached the Half-Step Core Formation stage.

Gu Fang had a very sinister, wicked, and poisonous aura around him. You could feel he was a snake with his listless eyes and prickly aura that felt like a snake, waiting to pounce and eat you up.

He also reached the Half-Step Core Formation stage.

"This is your 5th disciple brother, Bai Feng, he is also the strongest and oldest, but joined later, so he is still 5th. He is at the peak of the Core Formation realm."

"Greetings, Junior Brother Bai, we will treat you well!" All three disciples clasped their hands and greeted Bai Feng.

Gu Fang looked at Ling Tian and asked, "Master, you said that he was our 5th brother, but isn't he supposed to be our 4th brother?"

"It's nice that you noticed... Yes, I took in a 4th disciple, his name is Gong Shen, and he is at the 8th stage of Foundation Establishment. He is participating in the Divine Enlightenment Pagoda." Ling Tian stroked his beard while grinning.

"!!!" Everyone was shocked, including Bai Feng, he didn't know there was someone in the trial that was competing for the Divine Enlightenment Pagoda was also a disciple of his master.

"That's beside the point, today, I will send you all to the Extremity Pagoda. It's a place I created where you can experience the extremity of different biomes to increase your cultivation and Dao. Once you are there, you can select the biome that was designed for you. If the Extremity Pagoda senses that you are in danger, you will be kicked out of the biome and given immediate medical treatment."

Ling Tian looked around to see if they were listening. They were still a bit confused, so he continued explaining.

"For example, Xun Luoyang will enter the Asura Battlefield, a place where it's like hell, there are many strong cultivators at the Core Formation realm that fight each other. The cultivators are actually puppets that act like realistic cultivators created by the Extremity Pagoda."

"For Yang Kai, he will go to the Extreme Yang Biome, where there will be a massive sun, volcanoes, molten lava and rocks, and very hot atmosphere. He will learn the Extreme Yang Dao."

"For Gu Fang, he will be in a Poison Biome, where there will be many types of poison and poison mist to build his body and learn the Way of Poison quicker for the Poison Dao."

"For Bai Feng, he will enter the Extreme Yin Biome, where there will be many ice peaks, icy land, freezing temperatures, yin mist, and more."

"Every biome has some treasures that you may obtain. There are a few enlightenment areas that you can obtain enlightenment in your Dao easier."