Three World Calamitous Fingers

"System, select a random middle-ranked heaven world." Ling Tian commanded while rubbing his hands together.

"Teleporting to Immortal Yuan Continent, a top-grade middle-ranked heaven world."

Ling Tian vanished from thin air from his mountain peak and appeared instantly on Immortal Yuan Continent.

Although it was called Immortal Yuan Continent, it was so gigantic that it was even larger than Blue Heaven Star. Immortal Yuan Continent was covered in 50 percent land and 50 percent water.

The technology here was more advanced than Blue Heaven Star but still not modern and the geography overall looked better here than on Blue Heaven Star.

The environment looked more refined and immortal-like. The view was ethereal on the mountain peak Ling Tian appeared.

Over 1000 miles away from Ling Tian's current location, there was a war breaking out between two sects, the Evil Blood Sect and the Immortal Sword Sect.

The Evil Blood Sect was comprised of demonic cultivators that practiced body refining so their body was much stronger than normal cultivators.

The Immortal Sword Sect on the other hand was a righteous sect that practiced the sword and was orthodox.

The Evil Blood Sect was currently on the winning side with their stronger bodies and larger experience.

The Immortal Sword Sect was like plants in a greenhouse while the Evil Blood Sect was like a plant that endured hard seasons and weather.

The Evil Blood Sect had their own technique called the Blood-Drinking Art and like in its name, it drank the blood of the enemy to grow stronger. Practicing this though causes the user to become more bloodthirsty and evil.

The patriarchs of the two sects were both False Immortals and normally would only fight if the sects were in danger.

The strongest cultivation of this world is Pinnacle Immortal, so the two sects were on the level of average sects.

Ling Tian took one step forward and appeared above the battlefield looking down at the chaos.

Everyone was too bothered by the chaos happening and the constant fighting to notice Ling Tian as they were in a life-and-death situation.

Ling Tian took a deep breath and shouted, "Why are you fighting?!" with a loud boom after that shook the battlefield.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up to see a peerlessly handsome man with an extraordinary immortal-like aura that radiated celestially.

Although everyone was shocked, they couldn't see his cultivation level and continued fighting.

'Want to ignore me? Heh. Take my Three World Calamitous Fingers.'

Ling Tian lifted one of his fingers and pointed it straight down. Tribulation clouds appeared and a massive finger covered in celestial qi and aura that resembled Ling Tian's finger slowly went down.

Anyone that was in the vicinity felt the oppressive atmosphere that was crushing them under the strong gravity and pressure it created.

Of course, Ling Tian reduced the power to that of a False Immortal's attack, however, it was equal to a half-step Earth Immortal's prowess.

It was more than enough to suppress the many cultivators below that had cultivation levels of Spirit Evolution to Martial Ancestor.

Many cultivators died in the immediate vicinity and were crushed. Everyone stopped what they were doing completely and just stared at what happened.

"That was just the first finger, there is three total. I advise you to stop fighting now and learn from each other." Ling Tian warned.

"First of all, Immortal Sword Sect, you're disciples basically live in a greenhouse and don't fight and have much experience at all. Evil Blood Sect, you're arts do indeed make you stronger but what's the point if you're not completely sane and can't control yourselves. Isn't the point of cultivating to become stronger and control your own life? Lastly, you guys have much to learn from each other. For example, Immortal Sword Sect disciples' bodies are weak compared to the Evil Blood Sect disciples, it's always good to have a stronger body, don't just rely on your qi to armor yourself. Evil Blood Sect disciples should learn how to utilize qi and learn more of the way of Dao." Ling Tian explained but did not forget to radiate his enlightenment aura.

'Foo~, that was my good deed for the day!" Ling Tian said shamelessly. He really just did that to feel cool and for fun.