
After Ling Tian's random good deed was done, he left the scene with another step forward and disappeared.

He reappeared in the forest near the outside of a kingdom named the Divine Wind Kingdom, the expert holding the fort was the king named Gui Mo, a peak Earth Immortal realm cultivator.

Ling Tian switched his appearance to his old one from where he was disguised as a young man with all black clothing and an above-average appearance when he was in the restaurant.

He walked towards the gates and waited in line while he looked around. There were many luxurious carriages with symbols on them.

He wondered what the occasion was until he was stopped by a guard.

"The fee is 2 middle-ranked spirit stones to stay for 3 days." A sturdy man with a cultivation level of Martial Emperor was standing in front of Ling Tian.

You have to know that if you were a Martial Emperor in Blue Heaven Star, you would be treated with respect and can have a high-ranking position in a sect like Ling Tian's Elder Qi persona.

But here, just a guard for the kingdom was a Martial Emperor. Ling Tian handed over 2 middle-ranked spirit stones and was let by.

However, he felt a breeze pass by him when he passed the gate.

'A detection array and an inspection array?' Those arrays were used to alarm the kingdom if a person with ill intentions or an enemy came.

Ling Tian walked into a restaurant but this time he stayed on the first floor to listen in on information. He ordered a few dishes and some wine and took his time dining.

"Have you heard? The Crown Prince was found out to be a heretic and poisoned his own father when he wasn't expecting it with the Nine Colorless Poison Dew!"

"I've heard! Also, he even got drunk and harassed the King's most beloved consort!"

"What happened to him? I heard he was a good and benevolent young man that helped the country and even won wars with his strategic plans. He even participated in many battles and secured victories on many occasions. He was a prodigy and was at the Sky Shattering 5th stage level!"

'Hmmm, this doesn't seem so simple, I've seen this trope and scheme happen many times before during my previous visits in my universe.' Ling Tian thought while taking a sip of his spicy wine flowing down his throat.

"I heard that the Second Prince is going to be announced Crown Prince instead. He's always been vying for that position before. My friend told me the ceremony will be held tomorrow."

'I already understand, the Queen is behind all of this, I bet.' Ling Tian grinned with shining eyes.

'Another disciple, and another fun thing for me to barge into.' Ling Tian gulped the rest of his wine and left a few spirit stones on the desk and promptly left.

-The next day-

Ling Tian walked out of the inn he stayed at and ate some food before heading out. He was always one to enjoy mortal pleasures. Before he was an emotionless being that just hovered in obscurity, watching over the universe.

Until one fateful day, he saw when the first humans were born, and then later on after much time had passed, there was an abundance of emotions emitted by humans that he became conscious and gained emotions from humans.

Ling Tian ever since then, visited the human-inhabited stars the most every time he visited.

He stopped reminiscing and headed over to where the ceremony was being held, the center of the kingdom where the castle was.

He took a seat and looked around, the place was luxurious and the seats were jampacked with people. Even the sky was filled with many cultivators attending the show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are so grateful that you have attended the ceremony of our Second Prince taking up the Crown Prince's former position that he abused." The Queen herself made an appearance and spoke with fake tears.

"To celebrate this event further, we will be holding an execution for the former Crown Prince for his heinous crimes." With that, the Queen waved her hand and the Crown Prince was dragged down to the stage, his hair was disheveled and his body in bruises, but you could tell he was once a handsome young man.

There was a fiery blaze burning in his eyes, the hatred was almost literally oozing out of his eyes as he looked around and especially at the Queen.

"Former Crown Prince Gui Di, do you plead guilty to your crimes of poisoning your father, the king, abusing your authority, harassing the consort while under the influence, and many more?" The Queen gave a look that wanted him to say yes.

"No, I do not! I have committed no crimes and was schemed against!" Gui Di was indignant and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"You little bitch, we had an agreement that we will let you live and be a cripple for the rest of your life if you said yes, now we actually have to execute you instead of taking you away." The Queen angrily said in Gui Di's head with her divine sense.

"Execute him!" The Queen shouted with anger.

A large, burly man with a massive axe came marching over and raised it.

He was about to swing when-
