Elders Choosing Disciples

After the intense competition between disciples, the ranking came out and was displayed on a gigantic marble stele.

The top 100 names were in a bigger font and in red text. The top 10 were in bold calligraphy that was bronze-colored. The top 3 were the biggest with silver-colored calligraphy and the champion of the Sect Recruitment Competition was colored in gold and was the biggest.

The winner of the competition was a man named Yuan Lei, a very handsome young man that looked like a sword immortal with silver hair like sharp pins. He was even at the peak of the sword soul realm. Anyone could predict that he would be a future powerhouse that wielded the sword.

The second place was a man named Long Jin, he was a handsome man but not as handsome as Yuan Lei, he had a regal aura around him but he was also fierce. It was said that he had a fierce enmity with Yuan Lei because the woman he fancied was interested in Yuan Lei and not him.

Ever since then, they competed against each other and he always lost and was just under him. He was known for dragon-type techniques and Yuan Lei was known for his high-level sword techniques.

The third place was a woman named Li Shuren, she was nicknamed Fairy Li and certainly looked like a fairy, she was very beautiful and pure-looking. Her eyes caused other men to have butterflies in their stomachs and have an urge to protect and want her. Her fanbase was even bigger than Su Liuxian.

Ling Tian was placed 8th because he lost one battle and because of his results in phases 1 and 2.

It was now time for elders to choose disciples. Usually inner and core elders picked from the top 10 to the top 100. Every once in a long time, a secluded elder would pick 1st place or another special disciple that suited their teachings.

All of the disciples were standing in a crowd below the stage, and the group of elders were above and looking at all the disciples, specifically the top 100 more.

The first elder to come out was an outer court elder.

"Hu Cai, will you become my disciple?

"Hu Cai greets master!" Hu Cai who was 226th place immediately accepted. It was rare for even outer court elders to pick disciples who were placed above 250th.

Core elders usually picked from 1st to 20th place and inner court elders picked from 10th to 150th usually.

Now that Hu Cai got picked by an outer court elder, he was sure to have a smooth road ahead of him.

Even if you're placed below 250 in the rankings, it's not guaranteed that you would be picked as a disciple of an elder because there are only so many elders to choose people.

After a few more outer court elders picked some disciples, it was the inner elders' turn.

"Huo Jian, would you like to become my disciple?" An elder with a fiery aura stepped forward and looked at him.

'He looks like a sword practitioner that controls the Fire Dao, I should accept it!" Huo Jian thought.

"Huo Jian greets master!" Huo Jian kowtowed to his new master as a sign of respect.

Once the inner court elders finished choosing, it was now for the real deal, the core elders turn.

Everyone was sweating and nervous. They had a lingering fire and hope swimming around in their hearts.

If they were to be chosen by a core elder, their whole future would change and they could reach a much higher height than they could alone.

In fact, the elders already chose who they wanted. After they chose, they communicated amongst each other and discussed who chose who.

If a higher-ranked elder wanted a disciple a lower-ranked elder wanted, then the higher-ranked elder would get the disciple he wanted from the lower-ranked elder and the lower-ranked elder would have to swallow their defeat without complaining.

"Li Shuren, will you become my disciple?" A curvy woman in her 30s walked out and asked Li Shuren.

'She's Elder Xia, one of the strongest female elders out there, plus she's a core elder that focuses on the Wind Dao!

"Long Jin, will you become my disciple?" An invisible pressure came out of an older middle-aged man with a groomed, silver-white beard and long hair. He seemed to be very strong and emitted an oppressive aura like a dragon.

'Yes! A core elder, and it's also Elder Long that's known for his dragon techniques and the Gold Dao! Well, that's to be expected of me of course!' Long Jin thought to himself and smugly sent a glare of pride at Yuan Lei.

"Long Jin greets master!" Long Jin quickly kowtowed with honor and pride gleaming from him. At the moment, he was very happy.

"Yuan Lei, become my disciple." A young man that looked to be in his late 20s stepped out and looked at Yuan Lei with a smile.

"That's Elder Jian, a sword immortal that's only below the sect master and the ancestors!" Everyone was surprised that a secluded elder would come out and recruit a disciple.

Long Jin immediately shut his mouth and stopped his smug grin. He was disappointed immediately and was angry.

'Why couldn't I get to be under the wing of a secluded elder?' There were veins of anger that protruded from Long Jin.

Right after Yuan Lei accepted the offer from Elder Jian, a bald, hunchbacked old man with a cane and a very long beard stumbled out.

"Ling Tian brat, do you wish to become my disciple?" The old man stroked his beard with his left hand.

"Ling Tian squinted and saw that his cultivation was surprisingly at the Peak Earth Immortal realm, just like the sect master. He even felt space fluctuations around the old man.

'Since he's at the peak of the Earth Immortal realm, I can help him breakthrough with indirect methods... He also is a Space Dao expert. I guess I can accept him, why not?' With that, Ling Tian accepted.

"Ling Tian greets master." Ling Tian humbly kowtowed to his so-called new master of this new body he created on a whim.

"Good, good, good." The old man stroked his beard once more while laughing.

Everyone was in silence, they were very shocked.

"Isn't that Elder Kongjian? Wasn't he in seclusion for over a few millennia?"

"I thought he was dead, turns out he's still alive!" The elders whispered with shock as well.

Back then, Elder Kongjian contributed a lot to the sect by single-handedly turning the tables with his space skills when the Immortal Sword Sect was at war with another sect.

He even set up a space formation that allowed their sect members to teleport across long distances to places.

His contribution points were up the sky and he was usually always in seclusion contemplating the Dao. He also waited for the moment he would breakthrough to the Heaven Immortal realm.

Heaven Immortals are cultivators that could live for tens of thousands of years, while Earth Immortals could only live for 10,000 years. The lifespan of a cultivator increased as they breakthrough.

Heaven Immortals' Dao realm levels would increase drastically in both strength and skill. A single Heaven Immortal could take on multiple Earth Immortals and still win!