Ling Tian's Intentionally Indirect Help

Elder Kongjian acted like he heard nothing when the disciples and elders were talking about him.

"Brat, follow me to your living quarters, it's right next to mine. Get settled down for the day and take a rest. You'll be going through a grueling training session tomorrow!" Elder Kongjian laughed out loud very loudly thinking about it.

Normally, people would be freaked out and have chills by his creepy laughter but this was Ling Tian, no one could seriously phase him.

'This old man is a bit senile but that makes sense since he was in seclusion for so long and haven't been able to breakthrough. He doesn't have much longer to live, he only has about 50 years left.' Ling Tian inwardly smiled, he came up with a plan.

Ling Tian followed Elder Kongjian through the sky towards the place they would both live near in the future.

As Ling Tian got closer, he could see that there were two huts that seemed very dilapidated and small. He could sense that there were space fluctuations though because he was a Space Dao expert himself.

"The left hut belongs to me and the right belongs to you now." Elder Kongjian said.

Ling Tian walked in after Elder Kongjian and he saw inside that there was a large amount of room and space compared to the dilapidated hut's outside appearance.

Ling Tian gasped and acted surprised, even though he already knew what was going on.

"Is this the legendary space compression skill of the Space Dao?" Ling Tian further acted surprised and asked Elder Kongjian with wide eyes.

Elder Kongjian smugly chucked while stroking his beard, "Indeed it is! I made this place myself, and in fact, this place can actually defend and hide away from weaker Earth Immortals! Anyone without my permission cannot enter if they are not above my cultivation level and don't have a space-breaking treasure."

There are actually different Dao stages, there are rudimentary, small accomplishment, greater accomplishment, Perfection, Great Circle, Mastery, Expert Level, Immortal Level, and God-Level!

However, those stages are just general terms, more specific terms, for example, are Space Compression which was the Perfection stage, and more.

Elder Kongjian was at the peak of the Great Circle realm, he needed to have an epiphany and reach enlightenment to reach Mastery of the Space Dao.

To reach the Heaven Immortal realm, you would need to have at least one Dao at the Mastery stage.

"Settle down and get used to the environment around here, I purposely made it so that there are more space fluctuations and disturbances to increase your understanding of the Space Dao." Elder Kongjian mentioned.

"Thank you, master, see you tomorrow!" Ling Tian clasped his hands towards Elder Kongjian.

~The Next Day~

An explosion of spatial disturbances erupted outside of Ling Tian's hut that caused him to vomit as he was sleeping for real.

Ling Tian was on the ground vomiting involuntarily because this was not his actual body, it was just Nascent Soul body he created for this specific eccentric experience.

"Get up sleepyhead! It's time for your 'pleasant' training session!" Elder Kongjian's loud voice boomed with spatial qi and sarcasm in his voice when he said 'pleasant'.

"This crazy old bastard is more senile than I thought." Ling Tian muttered begrudgingly. "I'll shock you even more during your so-called 'pleasant' training session..."

Ling Tian walked outside of the hut and glared at Elder Kongjian.

"Oh, don't look at me like that! It's better to train early and hard to increase your strength the most and surpass your fellow disciples!" Elder Kongjian grinned from ear to ear.

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and followed him to the training grounds, which were just flat grounds.

"The best place to practice is on regular terrain, you need to know how to control the space surrounding you and increase the strength plus control."

"First off, show me what you can fully do." Elder Kongjian instructed.

Ling Tian went to the center of the training grounds and took a stance with his sword out, he automatically made it so he was just at the small accomplishment Space Dao realm.

He used his sword qi and Sword Dao Soul Intent to boost the sharpness and speed the sword would go at.

He gathered and injected spatial qi into his sword and swiftly slashed and cut through the spatial fabric in the air which increased the overall strength of his attack.

Ling Tian purposefully added some enlightenment qi aura into the attack which influenced Elder Kongjian standing by to the side.

Elder Kongjian was in a daze and had a gaze that even influenced the surrounding spatial fabric.

'He's going under enlightenment as I planned.' Ling Tian smirked.

Elder Kongjian started mumbling to himself, "Combine both the Sword Dao and Space Dao intricately together to create harmony and surpass the norms. When handling space, think outside the box and masterfully control space to bend at your whim!"

Elder Kongjian's robe fluttered and he started slowly levitating up to the sky. His eyes were pitch black with numerous amount of stars illuminating his gaze.

His whole being emanated the aura of a spatial expert. He subconsciously cut space with just his two fingers and ripped it open. He looked around himself, gazing at different places of the world from a different perspective.

The whole place started getting darker as massive tribulation clouds started forming above him. Everyone in the sect and the surrounding area was shocked, they stared at the commotion and tribulation clouds.

Even the sect leader who was also the Earth Immortal and the ancestor who was at the Heaven Immortal stage but in seclusion. The ancestor only came out if the sect was in dire danger or else he would lose lifespan quicker.

Elder Kongjian looked up with his unyielding and prideful, neutral gaze and sent out a deadly slash of his sword with both the Sword and Space Dao combined. The clouds were parted and destroyed, leaving space cracks in the sky.

He pointed his fingers at the spatial cracks and they healed almost instantly. He looked down at his hands in partial shock with his mouth parted.

His aura and strength started increasing and he felt like he was breaking through. His body cracked and emitted light, he turned younger and more handsome like back in his olden days.

His body emanated a heavenly aura, indicating that he broke through to the Heaven Immortal realm. He let out a breath of relief from all that just happened.

"Brat, I don't know if you intentionally did that or not but thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Elder Kongjian laughed even harder than he usually did and stroked his non-existent beard.

"My beard! What?!" Elder Kongjian was shocked. Ever since he was old, he had grown out the signature beard he always stroked, but now it was gone.

Elder Kongjian shook his head, not thinking about it any longer. He already broke through and thought that this was the price.

Ling Tian wiped away his cheeky smirk before Elder Kongjian noticed it and let out a surprised look with a wide-open mouth.

The ancestor was still peering out from his seclusion cave and let out a sigh of relief, "Our Immortal Sword Sect finally has another Heaven Immortal to back it up."

"My Immortal Sword Sect is finally safer from external war..." The sect master heaved a sigh of relief as well.