

Young Master Zhen cut down the last beast that he would kill today.

"That was certainly a good experience..." Young Master Zhen heaved a sigh of accomplishment. You could feel that he was more mature and stronger.

At this moment, Young Master Zhen had an epiphany and reached enlightenment. All of his previous battles and the experience with them came back to his head.

Massive amounts of spiritual qi gathered around him and swirled like a tornado. His whole body was emitting a golden white wind which was a combination of enlightenment qi and wind qi.

In the back, Ling Tian's eyes emitted a gold light and released a gold stream of enlightenment qi that wasn't seen by the others into Young Master Zhen.

Previously, if the amount of enlightenment qi earlier was a raging wave, now with Ling Tian's assistance, the amount of enlightenment qi now is a boundless ocean of golden enlightenment qi that condensed down and into Zhen Hai's body.

"Young Master Zhen is breaking through! Protect him with your life and don't let any intruders in!" All of the bodyguards had a sense of unity from the previous fights and came together to form a formation around Young Master Zhen.

Zhen Hai rose into the air and sat in a lotus position. The beast by his side was affected by his enlightenment qi and also started breaking through.

If you looked closely, there was a shiny golden mark on both Zhen Hai and the Lightning Horned Beast that closely resembled a fierce golden dragon.

After 30 minutes, Zhen Hai felt as if he was reborn and was a new man. His body was coursing with power and felt amazing.

He clenched his fist and it felt like he could crush anything in his path. The air around him was making cracking sounds and shredded the ground beneath him.

"Congratulations, Young Master on your breakthrough." Although all the bodyguards were from different sects, they felt unified and strong. They treated Young Master Zhen nicely because they were still only outer sect disciples and it was a sect mission they were on.

They all left the forest and entered the Golden Dragon City again to celebrate and have a feast. They were all having a great time until two young men entered the restaurant and went up to the second floor where they were at.

A young man wearing a golden dragon-embroidered robe wrapping his arm around the busty Divine Fairy Sect disciple, and another young man with a flawless white robe and a sword strapped to his left hip was with the first girl from the Divine Fairy Sect looked at them.

"They were the ones who bullied us!" The two girls shouted at the same time in indignation.

"Chop off one of your arms and kowtow three times or I'll kill you all. My name is Ye Ming, a core disciple of the God Dragon Sect!" He released his Peak False Immortal realm cultivation aura to create pressure that pressed down on them.

The two girls in the back were smug as the Nascent Soul bodyguards and Young Master Zhen was pressed down.

"God Dragon Sect?! Isn't that one of the strongest sects on the Immortal Yuan Continent with a Pinnacle Immortal supporting them!?" One of the Nascent Soul bodyguards was shocked.

"We weren't able to tell you our true background since you never know if someone will be so bold as to kidnap one of us as ransom." As cultivators, they weren't that stupid and knew precautions.

"You, cripple yourself or you won't be having a good time if I have to do it... I am Zou Jianhong, a core disciple of the Ancient Celestial Sword Sect." The other young man calmly asked Young Master Zhen as if it was nothing of importance.

The God Dragon Sect and the Ancient Celestial Sword Sect were both sects that are equal in power. They both had Pinnacle Immortals holding the fort and were the true powerhouses of the Immortal Yuan Continent.

Everyone's face was pale... except Ling Tian. He split his consciousness into two to control his other body which was the old hermit expert he used to defend the Immortal Sword Sect.

A formidable pressure took the breath out of the two young men and made their faces white with fear. Ling Tian controlled the body with his second consciousness to float in the air with white and black glowing eyes, emitting the Yin and Yang Dao plus the Spacetime Dao.

'What is a True Immortal doing here? I don't recognize him out of the 16 True Immortals!' The two young men were frightened and confused at the same time.

"Leave or I will annihilate you all!" Ling Tian said with a loud ancient voice that kicked them out without any question.

The aura went away like a gust of wind and the scenery returned back to normal. The second body of Ling Tian's faded away and he acted like he was afraid to avoid suspicion.

Everyone thanked the old man in their hearts and left right away as the situation was too much for their heart to handle.

The two young men dashed away from Golden Dragon City and recollected themselves and their faces returned back to normal.

"Damn, Ye Ming, I knew we should've stuck with the elders protecting us!" Zuo Jianhong angrily complained.

"How should I know there would be a True Immortal expert there? And those old geezers are too annoying, we were only able to hide from them after we used a secret technique and treasure to mask our location and aura!" Ye Ming sat down on his butt, gasping for breath.

"That doesn't matter anymore, we have to report this to the elders and the patriarchs!" They realized the importance of this matter. An unknown True Immortal that appeared out of nowhere was no random matter. Any True Immortal, even though weaker than a Pinnacle Immortal, was still able to make large raging waves on the Immortal Yuan Continent.

They both got on their flying swords and flew at their greatest speeds, leaving the two female disciples of the Divine Fairy Sect behind at the Golden Dragon City.