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Ling Tian arrived at Zhu Jian's residence and looked at the scenery.

"As expected of a dedicated sword cultivator." Ling Tian admired the simplistic but calm aura of the environment.

It was a forest of bamboo trees, a nice garden with a calm lake and koi carps swimming about without a worry in the world.

At the top of the hill, there was a simplistic hut with a porch and a rocking chair out front. You could feel a calm but lingering sharp aura emanating from the surroundings.

When Ling Tian was in the middle part of the bamboo forest, a young man appeared from the left of him and had a gentle smile while standing as straight as a sword.

The young man had long white hair and a simple white silky robe. Ling Tian could feel a sword aura that seemed to loom over him.

"What is your reason for visiting my humble residence?" Zhu Jian asked politely while clasping his hands in respect.

"I've come here to give you the Soul Condensation Pill to complete my sect mission." Ling Tian replied.

"Really? I've been trying to find someone to make the pill for me but no disciple with alchemy skills has the needed soul strength to do it! Only the elders have a strong enough soul strength, but there are only a few elders that specialize in alchemy and I don't have enough contribution points and resources because I'm usually too engrossed in practicing the sword." Zhu Jian heaved a sigh of relief and was ecstatic.

"So, why do you need it exactly? Just being curious." Ling Tian asked.

"I need the Soul Condensation Pill to increase my soul strength because I've recently been stuck and couldn't breakthrough because of my low soul strength. Although practicing the Sword Dao can increase your soul strength slowly, it also makes the soul strength dense and has low reserves of soul qi but more strength in attacks. So the only way to supplement this is to use pills, in this case, the Soul Condensation Pill." Zhu Jian explained.

"Other people usually don't have a problem with this as they don't improve their Sword Dao at the pace I go. I'm actually at the peak of the Sword Heart realm and in need of major enlightenment in order to breakthrough to the Sword and Man Union realm."

Ling Tian tossed the pill bottle with just one Soul Condensation Pill in it and kept the other as the requirement was only one pill.

Zhu Jian caught it and popped the cork and looked inside, instantly a dense wave of hazy azure blasted his face and he felt like he was drunk in pleasure.

He saw a translucent azure pill with a golden dragon rune inscribed onto it and it seemed to roar at him with pride and strength. He immediately put the cork back on to stop the pill from leaking any more soul qi.

"A Pinnacle-Ranked Pill!" Zhu Jian had eyes wide open but quickly recovered his composure.

"Fellow Disciple Ling Tian, thank you so much, this is even better than what I expected, it seems like you even added a runic golden dragon that increased its potency. I don't know how you did it or if you even made it but thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Zhu Jian was so moved that he even grabbed Ling Tian's hands.

Ling Tian felt that this was pretty awkward and was glad that no one else was around to see this scene.

"If you really want to thank me, sign the sect mission token and I guess you can be my acquaintance and friend." Ling Tian didn't forget to make connections as this would help him in the future and since Zhu Jian was a Martial Ancestor and a core disciple.

"Of course, of course." Zhu Jian pulled out his sword and signed his signature in beautiful, yet sharp strokes in calligraphic style into the sect mission tablet.

"Thank you, and see you soon." Ling Tian thanked him and left on his flying sword.

"Time for Lin Qigang's sword. I wonder how this guy is doing, I should've visited him a while ago..." Ling Tian mumbled because he actually forgot about him.

Since Li Qigang was chosen by an inner sect elder and lived in a somewhat luxurious residence and it had the standard bamboo and lake with fishes in it but was quite inferior to what Zhu Jian's residence looked like.

Ling Tian walked up to the front of the door and was about to knock but the two doors swung open before he could even raise his hand.

"Ling Tian? What are you doing here?" Lin Qigang was surprised. He was about to go visit his master's place for guidance but was met with Ling Tian right when he opened the doors.

"I'm here to give you an earth-type sword as you requested it in a sect mission tablet." Ling Tian said.

"Really?! I've been needing a new sword that fitted me and didn't get worn out so quickly!" Lin Qigang had a big grin on his face as he showed his sword that was riddled in cracks and chips in the side of the blade.

'How does this guy even train?' Ling Tian said with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, take a look at this beauty first." Ling Tian pulled out the case with the sword in it.

The sword glowed with a smooth brown and gave off an earthly smell with a strong aura of life in it.

The sword finally showed its real appearance after the glow died down. The sword had a bronze look and gleam to it and had an earth dragon pattern inscribed on it.

On one side of the sword, there were three different Chinese characters that read 'Earth, Durability, Sharpness' inscribed onto the bottom of the blade in a vertical column.

"Wow..." Lin Qigang was fascinated by the scene and grabbed the Crimson Sandalwood handle and lifted it up in the air, staring at it from different angles with stars in his eyes.