Ling Tian Gives No Fucks

Lin Qigang casually swung the sword in the air and it cut through the air with a sing. Earthly winds blew out from the pressure of the swing and brushed past the leaves.

"Wow..." Lin Qigang swung the sword around a few more times and was laughing like a kid who got a new toy.

All of a sudden, Lin Qigang got serious and used his Earth King Sword Art to really bring out the true power of the sword.

Powerful slow, yet fast strokes slashed out in a pattern which slowly grew in power, combined with the dense sword intent and earth qi, gathered in one final single slash.

The big earthly slash came raging down like a tidal wave and obliterated the water in the lake, sending waves of water in all directions.

"Wow, that attack did about 50 percent more than I do without this sword!" Lin Qigang was shocked to the core at the scene.

"Of course, it's the sword I made!" Ling Tian proudly said.

"Buddy, I might have to rely on you in the future to make my other equipment such as my armor... Of course not without pay!" Lin Qigang was ecstatic and tried to contain his excitement as he realized he seemed a little ridiculous.

"No problem. I look forward to working with you in the future!" Ling Tian shook his hand to confirm their relationship of friends.

Ling Tian left on his flying sword and headed towards the Immortal Sword Sect's gates where he would register his leave.

"Elder, I would like to leave the sect in order to complete my sect mission!" Ling Tian clasped his hands and politely said.

"Huh? Yes, of course." The elder was half-asleep and was accidentally about to fall asleep when Ling Tian came by.

He checked the sect mission tablet and its signature and mission credentials quickly and handed it back to Ling Tian before writing it down.

"Okay, you are free to go, good luck and be cautious." The elder said before going back to a semi-sleep state. He would usually be half-asleep but when a disciple came by, he would automatically get up.

Ling Tian continued on his journey and headed to the Demonic Beast Forest for the Illusionary Bewitching Fox.

On his way there, he noticed the two girls from the Divine Fairy Sect that was in the Golden Dragon City that one sect mission with Young Master Zhen.

They were being harassed by five young men with red robes and a tiger symbol on the back, and they seemed to be a part of the same sect.

"Two fairies, how is your day so far?" One of the young men said with a lecherous face.

"It's been fine, thanks for asking, we should really get going now, though." The first girl said.

"Aw, that's no fun, you two should stay here with us fine young men and have a trip with us around town!" Another young man said.

They were all in the air, and so Ling Tian was kind of in the open and they noticed him after they said those lines.

"You. What are you doing here?" One of them said.

"I'm just a passerby, don't worry about me!" Ling Tian did not have good feelings for those two women and he checked the cultivation of the five young men and they were at the Spirit Severing realm.

He didn't want to get in any trouble for no reason and getting ganged up on by five Spirit Severing realm cultivators when he was only at the Spirit Evolution realm was not a good idea.

The busty girl realized that he wouldn't help them so she tried to make him.

"Fellow Daoist, help us out here, you know us!" The busty woman took the opportunity.

'Tch. You're really that shameless, huh?' Ling Tian frowned.

"You're connected to them? You might have to stay here then..." They smiled sinisterly.

"I'm not connected to them, they're just trying to get me to help them and be a scapegoat!" Ling Tian protested.

"If you're truly not with them, then kill one of them."

Without hesitation, Ling Tian beheaded the first girl and not the busty woman because he wanted her to regret it.

"Wow, he actually did it... You can leave now, I guess.." The leader of the five said in mild shock, he didn't expect him to kill one of them, especially without hesitation.

Ling Tian grabbed the other one and cut a space rift before disappearing in front of their eyes before the five recollected themselves.

"Wait, where did they go? A Spirit Evolution realm cultivator shouldn't be able to cut through space like that casually!" They looked around and couldn't catch a glimpse of where Ling Tian went.