
Nocturne fished while surfing the forum for information. It was then that a fish took the bait.

Just when he was about to reel it in, the fishing rod got heavy all of a sudden but the pressure swiftly disappeared, leaving him confused.

"What happened? The fish got away? There's nothing from the system…"

Confused, Nocturne reeled the line in and he found a fish head hanging on his fishing hook. The rest of its body seemed to be chomped off by something fierce.

"Hoho? Something snatched my fish in the water? I'm interested to find out what it is…"

Nocturne removed the hanging fish head and took a new fish out from the basket to use as bait. He took a few steps forward and cast the line at the spot where the previous fish was chomped off. 

He tugged his rod repeatedly, attempted to lure out the beast that snatched his fish.

A while later, a head surfaced from the water and chomped off half of the fish that Nocturne had on his hook.

This time around, Nocturne got a clear look at the so-called beast: a giant turtle, Level 8 Elite monster.

He did not expect to run into a Level 8 Elite monster. He had the confidence to take it out, so he continued to lure the turtle to the shore using his fishing rod.

He could have jumped into the water and lured it up to the shore himself but he could not swim and was a little thalassophobic. He was fine if the water was crystal clear and he could see the bottom but if it was dark and abysmal, he had a feeling that something in the dark might attack him. 

Moreover, the game designed its water to house many kinds of dangerous and strange creatures, like the giant turtle.

Nocturne slowly lured the turtle to the shore and when the turtle extended its head out to bite what remained of the fish, he activated Provoke. He got into his gear and waited for it to come up shore.

The moment the turtle came up, Nocturne jumped on it and gave it a quick slash.


Nocturne wanted to cry when he saw the pitiful number. 

"Goddamned it! Stupid turtle! Its Defense is really something else!"

The Level 8 Elite turtle, Trappistine, was two levels lower than Nocturne but he only inflicted 6 damage to its HP.

Trappistine looked a little like an alligator snapping turtle, it had a sharp growl that sounded like a female cat's mating call. 

It opened its mouth filled with zig-zag jaws and chomped at Nocturne.


Nocturne sighed a breath of relief after a successful block of Trappistine's attack. It seemed like the turtle had absurdly high defense but ridiculously low attack, its attack speed was below average too. 

As long as he could be careful and block more of the attacks, his newly leveled Vitality Halo and the regeneration from his ring would let him take down the turtle alone.

However, judging from the length of Trappistine's HP, Nocturne looked bitter. It had at least 30K HP and it would take 'god-knows-how-long' to take it down.

A prolonged battle would mean a high consumption of potions. Even though he had quite a number of potions from all the boxes he fished up, most of them were Small Potions, he only had around 10 vials of Elementary Potions.

He did not have a choice, for the sake of rare gear and materials, for the sake of EXP, he had to fight it. No one would give up the chances for rare gear and materials just because of a high potion consumption. Moreover, he might be able to get First Blood off the Elite turtle, which gave him one more reason to fight it.


Fortunately, Holy Smite was able to inflict a portion of holy damage and it consumed only a fraction of his Mana, his Mana regeneration was fast enough to allow him to dish out endless damage.

Unfortunately, Nocturne still underestimated Trappistine's shamelessness.

Half an hour into the battle, Nocturne was able to lower Trappistine's HP to 50% and it was then a Hunter player walked by and noticed the fight.

The player watched the fight from afar with interest.

Nocturne once heard from the forum that Hunters had a rougher start compared to other classes. Aiming for bows was rather low during the early stage and attack rate was relatively low compared to melee classes.

Even though the game system provided assistance to players during combat, it was unable to forcefully alter the arrow's trajectory. It could not alter the trajectory of a misfired arrow in the sky to land on the enemy.

Fortunately, such ridiculous acts only happened in the game. If it was back in real life, a Hunter would be an ally to the enemy and if a Hunter was heavily behind in terms of gear, it would be difficult for a Hunter to find a party for raid dungeons.

The arrival of the Hunter player, a girl, somehow caught Nocturne's attention. When he paid a fraction of his attention at the girl, Trappistine seized the window and dashed back into the water. 

Nocturne had engaged Trappistine near the river and it had been more than half an hour since the fight began. He started to grow weary from the fight, so when he got distracted, he could not stop the turtle from running in time.

Trappistine jumped into the water and swam around for a bit. It somehow got refreshed before it jumped back out of the water and returned to the fight.

Nocturne almost spat blood and passed out on the spot when he noticed Trappistine recovered 25% of its HP by jumping into the water.

The girl giggled when she saw the scene. She said loudly to Nocturne, "Hey, uncle, do you need a hand?"

'Uncle? Am I that old? Girls nowadays… tsk tsk…'

However, when he had another glance at Trappistine's recovered HP, he got tired. He was unsure whether the shameless turtle had any other hidden skills that might trick him, therefore he agreed.

"Okay, send me a party invite. And, I'm still young, call me handsome."

[Player Ye Xiaoqi requested to join your party. Yes/No?]

Pressing Yes, Ye Xiaoqi's avatar appeared in the party window. She was actually a Beast Mastery Hunter.

"Ho, Brother Noc, look at us! We are quite fated! Both our IGN have 'Night' in them!"

"Yeah yeah, chit-chat later. Let's pull this turtle away from the water first."

Nocturne swiftly lured the turtle away from the water source and continued the battle.

The Hunter girl pulled out her bow and started firing arrows.

[-20 (Fire damage)]

'Ho ho, never judge a book by its cover. This little lass can really do some damage and it's Fire damage. She should be using some special skills or special arrows, but her aim is a little…'

The second round started with Ye Xiaoqi's assistance. 

Trappisitine tried to flee back into the water during the fight but Nocturne used Provoke to pull its attention back and with that, the fight went on smoothly.

A little less than half an hour later, the two of them finally took down the giant turtle.

"Me me me! I'll access the loot! I'm telling you, my luck is over the moon!" screamed Ye Xiaoqi right after the turtle died.

"Okay then." Nocturne let the girl access the loot since she claimed that she had good luck.

Ye Xiaoqi happily ran over to the dead turtle to access the loot, even pushing Nocturne away.

[Acquired: Turtle Shell Shield, Shell Pendant, Skill Book: Beast Taming, Thick Scale x 8, Small Talent Stone x 6]

[Turtle Shell Shield (Refined)]

[Off-hand Shield]

[92 Armor]

[+3 Strength]

[+6 Stamina]

[Requirement: Level 10]

[Shell Pendant (Refined)]


[+4 Magic Resistance]

[+4 Stamina]

[+4 HP regeneration every second]

[Requirement: Level 10]

[Skill Book: Beast Taming (Hunter)]

[Beast Taming (Unable to level)]

[Instant Cast (Channeling)]

[Tries to tame a beast to be your companion. Once you lose the target's attention regardless of reasons, the taming will fail.]

[You must dismiss any active companion and have an empty summoning slot to tame a new target as a new companion.]

[Requirement: Level 10]

[Thick Scale (Great)]

[Crafting Material]

[Note: This is a great material to craft chainmail]

Nocturne was shocked by the loot. There was a shield, necklace and a skill book, a total of three rare goods!

Ye Xiaoqi showed a happy face to Nocturne and said, "Look! Look! I told you my luck is good! I'm telling you, I'm Destiny's Child!"

She looked proud.

"Yeah, awesome!" Nocturne did not know what else to say other than a simple awesome.

"Hurry up! Give me the Beast Taming, I'll be able to get my companion!"

Nocturne did not plan to take all the loot as well, so he happily gave the girl the skill book and took the rest.

  1. Ye 夜 in Ye Xiaoqi means night. Nocturne's name also has the same Chinese character 夜, and his full name is 夜语, which is the short form of the author's name 夜鸦星语. We chose to go with Nocturne as an IGN.