Destiny’s Child: Ye Xiaoqi

"Okay, Brother Noc, see you. I'm going to search for my companion."

"Hey, hold on a moment. What's the rush? Xiaoqi, do you want to open some treasure boxes?"

"Treasure boxes? Where?" The term treasure boxes caught the girl's attention and it sparked her interest.

"Follow me. There's a murloc village nearby and I've almost cleared it out. Let's go raid their village and find us some treasure boxes."

Before Nocturne caught Trappistine, the giant turtle, he had caught several murlocs and killed them. Just when he was about to raid the murloc village, the turtle showed up. 

Now, with a lucky girl by his side, he would definitely have better luck in getting better loot from treasure boxes if he let her do all the openings.

Nocturne brought Ye Xiaoqi to the murloc village. This time around, he found two extra murlocs compared to last time. They might have spawned while Nocturne fought the giant turtle or Nocturne had not managed to fish them all out before the turtle.

"I'll aggro them. When I get their attention, you can start attacking. Hit the one I'm hitting, got it?"

"Don't worry bro, I know how the game works."

Even though there were two more murlocs in the village, Nocturne had a little Hunter by his side as well. The two of them cleared out the village with ease.

He let Ye Xiaoqi access the body but did not get anything good.

The two of them split up and searched the village for treasure boxes.

A while later, Ye Xiaoqi found one and she called Nocturne.

"Why are you not opening it?"

"I'm waiting for you to open it with me. Opening it alone is boring, there's no one around me to call me awesome when I get something good."

"Okay… as long as you are happy…"

[Acquired: Heavy Scale Mail, Refined Boots, Small Talent Stone x 4]

[Heavy Scale Mail (Great)]


[45 Armor]

[+6 Agility]

[+6 Stamina]

[Requirement: Level 10]

[Refined Boots (Refined)]

[Armored Boots]

[28 Armor]

[+2 Strength]

[+4 Stamina]

[Requirement: Level 10]

"Wow! A blue gear!" Nocturne was impressed by the girl's luck.

"But are you taking the blue chainmail and I'm taking the green boots?"

"It's because I'm cute, the game likes me. It can't be helped. Come on, hurry up! Distribute it!"


After distributing the loot, Nocturne brought Ye Xiaoqi along to search for another murloc village. 

He then started to fish near a newly found village.

"So this is your way of clearing murloc villages?" Ye Xiaoqi was rendered speechless.

"What else? Who could tank a dozen of murlocs at the same time?" Nocturne sounded righteous.

"I guess that's right. It's boring, what can I do?" Ye Xiaoqi walked in circles and looked extremely bored.

"Why don't you take a walk and see whether you can find a suitable target for taming?" Nocturne suggested.

"Right! Okay then, take your time Brother Noc, I'll go search for my companion!" Ye Xiaoqi had not tamed a monster as her companion and when Nocturne reminded her, she happily dashed into the forest beside the river.

Nocturne sat back and waited for the murlocs to take the bait. 

A while later, Ye Xiaoqi returned with a small furry ball in her arms. It looked like a… cub?

"What's this?"

"I found it in the forest. It might be lost or something, I waited for a while and didn't see the mother. It looks so pitiful and cute, and it nuzzled and licked my hand. I think we were fated to meet each other, so I captured it as my pet."

"I didn't expect you to be so compassionate." Nocturne praised Ye Xiaoqi, who was playing with the cub.

"Say, Brother Noc, do you know why it's licking my fingers non-stop?" Ye Xiaoqi asked while playing with the cub.

"Hungry? Nocturne wondered.

"What should I do? What does a cub eat?" Ye Xiaoqi looked a little anxious.

"Open its mouth and check for teeth."

"Let me see… It has some teeth but I don't think they are strong enough."

A quick thought later, Nocturne took a fish out from his bag, removed the scales and organs and chopped the fish into paste before giving it to her.

"Here, give it some fish paste. It should be able to eat it given its size. The animals in the game are usually stronger, they won't die that easy."

"Brother Noc, you seem skilled, you have a pet at home?" Ye Xiaoqi asked as she fed the cub the fish paste.

"Yeah, I have a cat at home."

"Wow, great! I always wanted a pet but my dad doesn't allow me to have one. He said my mom is allergic to fur, so I came to the game and got my own pet."

"Well, if your mother is allergic, then it can't be helped."

"Hey! It's eating! He seems to like it!" Ye Xiaoqi squealed joyfully as the cub started eating.

"Okay then, after feeding your cub, let's go raid the murloc village. It's getting dark soon," Nocturne said as the cub was almost done with its meal.


Nocturne and Ye Xiaoqi then raided the murloc village but this time, they did not find any treasure boxes.

"It's getting dark, let's go back."

"Okay. Brother Noc, what do you usually do in town at night? Play games at the tavern?"

"I learned Culinary as a life skill, so when it gets dark, I usually go cooking."

"Is your cooking any good?"

"Okay I guess, it's a little spicy."

"Great! I love spicy food!"

"Hey, you just gave away your thoughts of trying to get a free meal."


With that, the little girl followed Nocturne back to town and into the rented kitchen.

Nocturne took the fish that he prepared earlier and set up the table in front of Ye Xiaoqi. He then took a bottle of fruit juice that he bought and a bottle of icy cold fountain water out.

"Dig in. Have some water if it's too spicy."

"Thank you Brother Noc."

The girl dug in and started to devour everything like a tornado.

Nocturne started cooking and also chatted with the girl.

"Xiaoqi, you didn't learn any life skills?"

"I did. I was tricked by some uncle back in the newbie village and I got Arrow Making, it took up two of my life skill slots!"

"Hoho, as expected of Destiny's Child, you even got a rare life skill? It's strong right?"

"I have no idea, all I know is the materials for crafting are damn expensive. I spent every dime on myself and still can't make a full quiver of arrows."

"Phew~ Brother Noc, your cooking is really something, I'm full!"

"Come on, let's go to the auction. I want to put some less useful cooking utensils on it. You can also sell your arrows and get more materials to craft."


After taking a stroll at the auction, the two of them added each other as friends and went offline since it was close to dinner time.

When the two of them came back online, it was already morning in the game. Nocturne continued raiding murloc villages with Ye Xiaoqi.

While Nocturne fished for the murlocs, Ye Xiaoqi played with the cub by the side and she would take a fish or two from Nocturne from time to time to feed the little guy.

Maybe because Ye Xiaoqi fed the cub a lot or maybe because it leveled up somehow, it grew rather quickly and it was already able to chomp off an entire fish in a single bite.

By 10:30 p.m., the two of them had already raided six murloc villages and got two treasure boxes in the process. They had acquired quite a number of gear and a lot of random items.

"Brother Noc, it's about time. I have to go to sleep, I have school tomorrow."

"Oh, you are still in high school?"

"Yeah, third year."

"You are in third year and you still have the time to play games? Girl, you really have a big heart. It's almost time for the college entrance exam right?"

"Why can't I play games now? I've gotten a guaranteed slot and don't have to worry about the examination anymore. Summer break is around the corner and I can play everyday for as long as I like! The thought of it alone makes me excited!"

"Not bad, I didn't expect you to be a smart girl."

"Well, my BFF was actually going to play this game with me. I'm going to play as a Hunter and she was going to play a Mage but during character creation, she saw a Druid can transform into all kinds of cute animals, so guess what happened… She didn't even tell me and went to the elves as a Druid…"

"Hmph! The next time I see her, I'll capture her as my pet! Hahaha!"

The little girl must be thinking about how she would tame her friend as her companion because she was giggling.

"Though every Hunter's dream is to have a Druid as companion or pet, no one has ever done it before, at least not yet," Nocturne reminded her.

"I don't care! I'm lucky! I'll find a way to tame a Druid!"

"Yeah, as long as you like it, why not."

"Hmph! If you don't have dreams, you are as good as a dead fish! Remember to call me if you find any treasure boxes, I'll open them for you for free!"

The girl then went offline after that.

As it was getting late, Nocturne decided to go offline as well.