The Fifth Fragment

"Find a way to improve the zombies' equipment, I need to protect their necks at least."

Lu Chuan touched his chin, watching as the mutated zombie gradually entered the zombie crowd and disappeared.

Mutation was just an unexpected change caused by the virus in the body. This kind of change made them more powerful.

This wasn't a good thing for humans.

If he carried on with that thought, did it also mean that humans under the influence of the virus could become stronger?

"Survivors, in conclusion, are still too distant."

This was the city center, a city completely occupied by zombies. Survivors would only live outside the city. It would be extremely difficult for Lu Chuan to meet them.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry, he was too weak now and dealing with survivors wouldn't be like dealing with zombies.

Zombies were scary, but they were not cunning, and they wouldn't cheat or conspire.

Compared to the survivors, Lu Chuan was more willing to stay with the zombies.


In the apocalypse, survivors were an existence that couldn't be avoided.

No matter how strong the zombies, the survivors would dominate this world in the future.

"It's still a long way away. The first thing to do is solve the immediate problems." Lu Chuan didn't trouble himself with these questions, instead, he cast his eyes on the holographic projection.

The loss of Bus Driver Zombie 09 wasn't in vain, because a zombie dog appeared on the street.

The fifth zombie dog.

By hunting it, he could unlock the second product: zombie dog.

Staring at the figure that appeared, Lu Chuan's eyes became eager.


This zombie dog was attracted by the noise. The zombies didn't have a dedicated living space. They would wander around and maybe stay on this street for this year, but next year, they could appear on the other side of the city.

Mobility was also a zombie characteristic.

The zombie dog didn't even notice that it was being stared at. It was squeezed among the zombies and ran past the feet of each zombie.

Among the zombies, more than twenty pairs of hollow eyes locked on the zombie dog.

In the ever-changing tide of zombies, there were more than two dozen zombies moving uniformly, forming a closed circle.

Finally, the fifth zombie dog had appeared. Lu Chuan couldn't let anything go wrong.

In fact, it would be difficult for a survivor to hunt zombies.


If he used zombies to hunt zombies, it was an easy task.

This also proved that no matter how powerful the enemy may be, as long as it was attacked from within, it could be easily defeated.

The two dozen zombies that kept approaching were "fully armed," moving toward the zombie dog murderously. The closer they got, the more horizontal the rebar in their hands.

Like ancient pike soldiers, they encircled, holding the rebar, and approached step by step.


Lu Chuan clenched his fists. In the boss's office of the biochemical plant, he punched his fists violently into the air.

Orders were issued with 100% execution rate and without any hesitation.

More than two dozen rebar stabbed at the same time, intertwined, forming a central point for the sharpened gun head. And this central point was the zombie dog.


With continuous noises, one after another, the rebar penetrated the zombie's body.

Another brawny zombie waited for an opportunity and slashed with a big knife in his hand. He moved like lightning, chopping off the zombie dog's head.

Everything happened in a few short seconds.

This zombie dog didn't utter a single sound from the time it was ambushed to the moment its head was chopped off; only its limbs showed some signs of struggle.

"All right!"

Lu Chuan became excited and flushed.

Zombie dog fragments: 5/5.

Zombie dog unlocked

In his mind, some notices appeared, which also meant that all of this wasn't his imagination. The second product of the biochemical plant was finally unlocked, and it was no longer just an ordinary zombie he had access to.

Lu Chuan's thoughts turned, and the product panel appeared.

The gray grid before lit up and showed a hideous zombie dog head without skin.


Glancing at the manufacturing price of the zombie dog, Lu Chuan smiled bitterly.

It was also a product of a first-level biochemical plant, but the manufacturing price of the zombie dog was double the ordinary zombie's, reaching a manufacturing cost of 200,000.

People were beneath dogs.

According to some rules of the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan dared to conclude that the price of the disguiser program was linked to the manufacturing cost. With a manufacturing cost of 200,000, the disguiser program was also 200,000.

Zombie dog: It's more threatening than the original zombies. It's lost most of its eyesight due to a high degree of eye decay, has excellent hearing, is fast and sensitive, and is a brutal wandering soul.

This was the description for the zombie dog.

Lu Chuan nodded, and just by the introduction, he knew that it was indeed more powerful than an ordinary zombie.

Lu Chuan's mind was placed on the third grid. The previously black grid… was still black. It wasn't like before; after unlocking the previous product, certain details of the next product would appear.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Chuan wanted to see the product in the third grid.

Once the product grid turned gray, he wouldn't be able to see the detailed introduction, but was rewarded with the product name.

Ordinarily, he should be able to see the product name of the third grid now, but it was a black mass and revealed nothing.

This was unlike before when he unlocked the zombies.

Soon, Lu Chuan found the reason as a message appeared in his mind.

Biochemical Plant Level Two: Manufacture 5 zombie dogs to meet the conditions for opening a Level 2 Biochemical Factory.

Zombie Dog: 0/5.

After understanding the reason, Lu Chuan heaved a sigh of relief. The biochemical plant had levels, and to increase in level, one needed to create a certain number of zombies. In the product tree, there were grids arranged one by one, and only when a certain product grid was unlocked would the manufacturing quantity used for this kind of upgrade be achieved.

Just like now, if the zombie dog were not unlocked, the upgrade conditions for the second-level biochemical plant would not be activated.

It was clear that the biochemical plant had a complete and rigorous upgrade system.

Only by upgrading to a certain level could you unlock and manufacture better products.

Lu Chuan had an unexpected expression. In fact, since he got the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan had been studying it and thinking a lot. Lu Chuan had also thought of such a change in level.

It was like life. Who didn't start from the bottom before rising up, from simple to complex, from easy to difficult?

Lu Chuan was sitting in the boss chair, his eyes narrowed.

"Manufacture five zombie dogs."

Lu Chuan issued an order. Lu Chuan had actually made preparations a long time ago for this moment. He had retained a portion of his funds to be used after unlocking the zombie dog so that he could manufacture them.

To deal with the zombie attack mission, it would be better and safer to have more zombies.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, the manufacturing workshop, which had been silent for a while, once again produced a humming sound that made his blood rush. The sound meant that there would be zombies manufactured soon, which meant that the strength in his hands was growing again.

Leaving the boss's office, Lu Chuan stood in front of the product export pallet.

The manufactured zombies were absolutely loyal. Lu Chuan had interacted with them for a long time and he could confirm this fact, which was the reason he dared to stand here.

Focusing on the product export pallet, Lu Chuan waited for the arrival of the zombies.