Level Two Biochemical Plant

Lu Chuan didn't have to wait long before the product export pallet began to fill with mist.

The mist rolled on the glass pillar, making it impossible to see anything inside.

Lu Chuan knew that the appearance of the mist meant that the product had been manufactured and it was being conveyed toward the product export pallet.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the mist began to dissipate.

Five zombie dogs appeared on the product export pallet.


Lu Chuan blew a whistle, because the five zombie dogs that appeared were like wolf dogs, all of them possessing tall dog bodies.

Similar to zombies, zombie dogs were also randomized.

How many dog breeds are there in the world?

A zombie dog's physique was linked to its breed. It was possible to get a Chihuahua the size of a human palm. Even if it could exert 100% power, so what?

Foundation determines the superstructure. A Chihuahua originally didn't have much strength, hence even 100% of its power wouldn't be much.

Even if an ant went all out, it wouldn't be able to lift a car.

At first glance, he knew that these five zombie dogs had the physique of wolf dogs.

When the crisis struck, Lu Chuan needed true power to tear apart enemies, not tricks.

If he observed carefully, the zombie dogs were extremely ferocious, their slightly mutated teeth sharp and hard. They were accustomed to having their mouths half-open with their decaying tongues hanging out, dripping black liquid.

Their slender bodies and fur were all rotten, exposing dark red muscles.

The zombie dogs in front of Lu Chuan were actually dogs with their skins removed, which made them look terrifying and hideous, bloody and brutal.

The zombie dogs' eyes were severely damaged, but from the outside, they appeared extremely sharp.

Silently, five zombie dogs appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

"They sure are cold!"

When dogs saw their owners, they would always behave energetically, and would certainly wag their tails.

But these five dogs were the opposite. They stood in front of Lu Chuan coldly, standing stiffly, only raising their heads slightly while staring at Lu Chuan. They didn't wag their tails or even shake their heads.

The cold and sharp gazes carried an icy air that made it seem as though Lu Chuan was the enemy.

What cold zombie dogs.


The level-two biochemical plant started the upgrade, which was estimated to complete in two hours.

The message that appeared in Lu Chuan's mind caused him to be disinterested in the zombie dogs.

The upgrade of the level-two biochemical plant would involve information that would allow Lu Chuan to understand the zombie system of the apocalypse. Now that ordinary zombies and zombie dogs had been unlocked, the third product to be unlocked would be a zombie breed that was stronger than ordinary zombies.

And what was that breed?

Lu Chuan didn't know, because strictly speaking, Lu Chuan wasn't a person from the apocalypse; he had never experienced an apocalyptic disaster, had not faced endless horror and despair, and had never fought against zombies.

The only channel now was the product map.


The warehouse in Basement One of the biochemical plant.

If the bottom layer was expansive, all kinds of items were now piled up like a mountain, and these items constituted everything.

The result of the ant moving plan was the execution of the zombies who brought back anything they can touch. Lu Chuan spent a lot of time cleaning up these items every day.

The useful ones were kept, and the useless ones were discarded.

When Lu Chuan arrived, he quickly set a goal for this trip.

An integrated computer that one of the zombies had moved back from the commercial building, a crystal clear computer.

Its crystal clear appearance wasn't much since it could be realized with the manufacturing power in the modern times.

But if he looked at the interior, he would realize how mindblowing the internal integrations were. The motherboard, hard disk, etc., were all combined into a small board that was about as thick as a hand and three centimeter long. What's more mind-blowing was that even though it was a machine, it had a mature folding technology.

It wasn't like the impractical folding technology that had just appeared in modern times, it was a real folding technology.

An integrated machine with a 24-inch screen.

When it was folded, it would crowd over the integrated electronic paper, becoming a little box the size of a hand.

Folded, he only needed to press the folding button, and it would become a Transformer, turning from a 24-inch screen to a small box. When it unfolded and started up, the small box ejected and turned into a huge screen.

With some understanding of the apocalypse, Lu Chuan could confirm certain circumstances.

The apocalypse and modern times should be parallel worlds.

The time in the apocalypse and the modern times was the same. For example, the modern times were in 2015, and the apocalypse was also in 2015. It was accurate down to the minutes and seconds, with the same timeline.

What made a difference was the subtle history.

What does subtle mean?

In other words, the timeline was basically the same, with only a few minor differences.

And it was the minor differences that led to the technological culture in the apocalypse. Some areas were ahead of the modern time. According to Lu Chuan's understanding, the technology of this folding computer alone was more than 15-20 years ahead of modern times.

But many technologies were at the same level.

There were some technologies that were not available in modern times that existed in the apocalypse.

There were some goods that were not available in modern times that existed in the apocalypse.

The apocalypse should be considered a world richer than the modern times, be it material goods or technology.

There were some things that were exactly the same as in modern times. For example, cars, luxury goods, and so on. There were many cars on the street outside; he could see popular brands, BMW, Mercedes-Benz… and many car models and technologies that were the same as the ones in modern times.

If he could bring a car to the modern times, no one would know that it was a vehicle from the apocalypse.

In the most appropriate explanation, the apocalypse was actually an enhanced version of the modern times. In a parallel timeline, with more elements, the apocalypse was superior to modern times in terms of humanities, technology, and economy.

Perhaps it was the influence of a group, which caused many similarities and drastic differences.

No internet, no information.

It was difficult for Lu Chuan to verify more information, such as the existence of humans.

Lu Chuan thought that since it was a parallel world, it meant that humans were not humans. Humans that modern times were familiar with should not exist. The deviation in certain areas had completely disappeared from humans.

Take the laptop in front of him. Lu Chuan could guarantee that once this laptop appeared in modern times, it would definitely cause a sensation, because its breakthrough was definitely not comparable to the level of the new folding phones.

The apocalypse was indeed like a treasure chest to the modern times.


Lu Chuan didn't think too much, he was simply trying to find himself a computer.

In modern times, when Lu Chuan used to cut back on food and clothing, he used an old desktop computer that he found during his studying days. Back then, he didn't care. Now that the zombie dogs appeared, he was relieved. Of course, Lu Chuan wouldn't mind upgrading his computer.

Another point was that Lu Chuan hoped to find knowledge about this world in the data stored in the computer.

After cleaning the computer that was covered in dust, Lu Chuan tested it, but there was no response.

He searched for a reason. Perhaps because it hadn't been used for five to six years, the battery inside the internal storage had been used up.

Lu Chuan wasn't able to experience it, but he wasn't disappointed.

He tossed the computer in the storage space. There wasn't much time left till the completion of the upgrade.


The upgrade to a level-two biochemical plant is complete.

The level-two product map is unlocked.

The extension of Basement Three is complete, and the second floor has been added.

The holographic projection radiation range of the level-two biochemical plant has increased to two kilometers.

Lu Chuan, who was sitting quietly in the boss's chair, knew that the upgrade was finally complete when he received the messages one by one. He didn't receive the expected benefits, but looking at the messages, he knew that the changes from the level-two biochemical plant weren't insignificant.

Initially the underground warehouse only occupied two floors, but now, it has been expanded to three floors.

The biochemical plant used to occupy only the first floor, but now a second floor was added.

Another change was the holographic projection range, which had increased to two kilometers. In other words, Lu Chuan would be able to see everything within two kilometers from the biochemical plant, while staying in the office.

Lu Chuan had a deep understanding of the benefits of the holographic projection.

With the holographic projection, he had a view from above and could see everything within the range.

With the ability to take hold of two kilometers, security would drastically increase.

Taking control of all the movements within a range of two kilometers, Lu Chuan could better instruct the zombies and adjust all their actions.

Finding an enemy within 2 km was completely different from spotting one within 1 km range.

Not only that, with an increased range of two kilometers, Lu Chuan could see farther and could allow zombies to travel farther, searching for more wealth for him.

Just an upgrade of this feature benefited Lu Chuan tremendously.

The unlocking of the level-two product map made Lu Chuan eager to see the next zombie that was about to be unlocked.

Using his mind, the biochemical plant product tree appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, a gray grid replaced the dark grid from before. It entered a state that could be activated.