
Lu Chuan never forgot the reward description for a successful defense: Rewarded with an existing product of the biochemical plant or a random item in the additional mall.

He was at a loss; the goods in the additional mall were all so tempting.

Who didn't want to get rich overnight?

If the reward is a product worth 1.2 billion yuan, it would be difficult to not become rich.

What troubled Lu Chuan was the possibility that the product might be a regenerated limb—the price was in the hundred millions, but how could he turn it into cash? If he really took it out, the sensation it caused would be hard to deal with.

If he didn't turn it into cash, it wouldn't be useful at this moment.

"Do you think it's better to get it?"

In the midst of his dilemma, a roulette table appeared in Lu Chuan's mind. The fields were empty and there was only a big "turn" word in the middle.

His consciousness passed, and the roulette table started to spin frantically.

The items in the additional shopping mall passed by one by one, and Lu Chuan's heart raced when he saw items priced in the billions.

It was a pity such items swept past without slowing at all.

After just ten seconds, the wheel did not stop slowly, instead, it stopped abruptly.

The head of a ferocious zombie dog appeared on the roulette wheel.


Lu Chuan couldn't help cursing.

Damn, he actually got a zombie dog. Where about the promised items worth billions, what about the dreams of becoming a tycoon overnight?

The corners of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched, and he had an urge to vomit blood.

How much was a zombie dog worth?

According to its manufacturing cost, it was only 200,000 yuan.

Whether Lu Chuan wanted it or not, this prize hadn't changed at all.

He only saw mist surging on the product export pallet, and when the mist disappeared in the blink of an eye, a zombie dog appeared. From its appearance, this zombie dog was no different from other zombie dogs. It was the size of a Tugou.

Or rather, it was a Tugou.

He was disappointed. If a more expensive zombie dog had appeared, he could bring it to the modern times and show it off. For instance, breeds such as Tibetan mastiffs.

Rewarding him a zombie dog was bad enough; the worst part was that it was a Tugou, which is commonly known as a native dog in the countryside.


Soon, Lu Chuan noticed the difference.

Zombie dog (enhanced): Born as a native dog, but strengthened by the mutation virus, its overall strength has been enhanced, and it is one of the top zombie dogs in terms of strength. It comes with a disguiser program.


The crisis has passed, allowing Lu Chuan to relax.

Lu Chuan slept in his rented apartment in modern times and didn't get up till the sun rose.

In front of the bed, a Tugou was lying on its stomach.

It wasn't much different from other native dogs. With a standard body type and a cold glance, no one would associate it with a zombie dog. But Lu Chuan knew that this was a real zombie dog.

Even its fur was similar to that of a native dog in the country.

With its own disguiser program, Lu Chuan didn't have to pay 200,000 for it. He brought this zombie dog to modern times with a single thought.

Combining everything, the reward was worth 400,000, if he ignored the enhanced nature of this zombie dog.

Lu Chuan called the zombie dog Little Qiang.

The name Little Qiang has a lot of meaning. For instance, he couldn't be beaten to death.

Seeing Lu Chuan wake up, Little Qiang merely lifted its head, staring at Lu Chuan's dazed state with its hollow eyes. It didn't wag its tail and even its gaze was hostile.

What a cold zombie dog.

Wrongly, outsiders that didn't know the truth would think it was a silly dog.

If they were a little more derogatory, they would call it a mad dog.

Lu Chuan didn't care. He got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and called for it as he left the rented apartment.

"Come on, Little Qiang."

The zombie dog got up and slowly followed behind Lu Chuan.

It was cold and aloof, but could execute 100% of Lu Chuan's instructions.

Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan, the two brawny zombies, were selected by Lu Chuan to follow him out. Guo Zheng, Uncle Zombie, and Zhou Yinghao sat stiffly on the chairs in the room, upright like statues.

Without their boss's instructions, they would sit there like wood until there were instructions.

It seems that Lu Chuan had gotten used to bringing one or two zombie bodyguards when he went out.


The aloof zombie dog followed Lu Chuan, but it was definitely not like other dogs who wagged their tails, chased their owners, barked, or did some tricks to please their owner.

This zombie dog had none of those qualities.

It followed Lu Chuan closely, walking carefully, looking like an officer patrolling the place.

Little Qiang the Tugou moved rhythmically, each step almost exactly the same. It lifted its head slightly and walked with its head tilted up, looking around coldly. It seemed as though it was a noble prince patrolling his territory.

It didn't display cheery behavior or chase after things it was curious about.

Lu Chuan no longer had the strength to complain.

Uncle Zombie was sickly and dazed, Zhong Tong and the others were indifferent and machine-like, and now the zombie dog was cold and aloof.

This disguiser program only gave them a human-like appearance, but in terms of intelligence, there was only a small improvement. They seemed like a mentally impaired group.

Lu Chuan hadn't had a good breakfast in days. He ordered himself a bunch of dumplings and a portion of soy milk, and ate slowly.

He didn't let Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan sit down and eat. With the way they ate, Lu Chuan feared that the other patrons would be frightened.

Little Qiang the zombie dog lay at Lu Chuan's feet, indifferent to everything in the outside world. It didn't have the enthusiasm of a native dog. On the contrary, it seemed to reject the whole world and had an expression that warned others away.

Big bones were being boiled in the bun shop, and after Lu Chuan ate his dumplings, he had an idea.

"Boss, could you sell me a piece of bone?"

The owner of the steamed bun shop was momentarily taken aback. He wanted to buy bones?

Fortunately, the owner of the bun shop saw the dog at Lu Chuan's feet and immediately understood.

"You don't have to buy them. The bones are boiling in the pot, pick a piece." The owner of the bun shop didn't care; his bones were from a cow's legs. It may be the hardest part, but as long as the heat was high, the soup made from it would be fragrant.

These bones were placed inside less than an hour ago and were still at their hardest.

Immediately, the owner of the bun shop glanced at Lu Chuan's dog. "Little brother, this bone is big, your dog's teeth… I'm afraid it won't be able to chew it."

Actually, it wasn't just Tugous, even an American pitbull which had stronger biting force wouldn't be able to chew such a big cattle bone.

A Tugou?

It was more likely to chew a few pieces of chicken bones or pork bones.

There were a lot of people eating breakfast in the shop. Upon hearing the conversation between Lu Chuan and the owner, they all turned to look at Lu Chuan's dog.

This dog didn't wag its tail, it didn't even glance around.

It's hollow eyes gave off a chilly vibe, but no matter how they looked, it just looked like a silly dog.

When everyone at the breakfast place saw the big bones boiled by the owner, they became interested. The bones were as tough as metal; could this dog chew them? They weren't familiar but knew that a Tugou's bite wouldn't be able to handle that at all.

Lu Chuan smiled, walked to the pot, took out a big bone that was still hot, and threw it in front of the zombie dog.


A command was issued.

The zombie dog's head stretched out like lightning and grabbed the big bone.

The next second, everyone watching the Tugou was shocked.

The zombie dog's mouth closed and the piece of cattle bone that they thought was as hard as steel seemed brittle instead, and was bitten off from the middle position in less than half a second. After chewing wildly, Little Qiang swallowed it.

In less than three seconds, the cattle bone that was as thick as an arm disappeared into the zombie dog's mouth.

After finishing this shocking devouring act, the zombie dog lay back down motionlessly.


Everyone who saw it sucked in a cold breath.

A few customers had even dropped the buns in their hands. This Tugou's ferocious devouring and frightening bite force caused their minds to go blank.

Especially the owner of the bun shop: his jaw dropped and he felt as though there was a prickling heat on his face.

It was a slap to his face, and it hurt.

He just said that this Tugou couldn't chew the bones, but then he was given a lesson. The Tugou didn't just chew the bone, it made the bone seem like a soft dessert.

This feeling was unbelievable…