Crisis Cleared

Lu Chuan wouldn't know about the survivor stronghold outside the city, because the two of them hadn't crossed paths.

He knew that there must be a survivor stronghold outside, but he didn't know the specifics. Who would know if they hadn't seen it?

For the time being, survivors were unlikely to appear in the center of the city.

With millions of zombies and countless hidden zombie powerhouses, the survivors could only move around the edges of the city. Any deeper would be difficult.

Those that didn't want to die wouldn't enter this restricted area.

At this moment, Lu Chuan was concerned about the result of the crisis.

The killing was horrific. The seven zombie dogs Lu Chuan originally had were down to two, standing alone, their bodies covered with scars, pieces of muscle bitten off, their appearance tragic.

The third one was still alive, but his lower body was crushed, with only two forelimbs left to support it.

The eyes of this third zombie dog were still hollow and cruel. Even if it only had two forelimbs left, it was still a terrifying existence.

Without the ability to fear pain and possessing a nearly immortal body, such a serious injury only made it inconvenient for it to move and wasn't even considered an injury.

Of the ten zombie dogs that struck, two of them hadn't had their necks bitten off, but were handicapped and were moving around on the construction site.

Two of Lu Chuan's zombie dogs stood up and walked over without a trace of pity. They opened their mouths and bit the opposing zombie dogs' necks, ending their "lives" entirely.

Their strong physiques gave them an advantage in strength.

The attacking zombie dogs were killed before they could get within 100 meters of the biochemical factory.


What is a real butcher-level zombie like?

Basketball player Zombie 41 was a butcher-level zombie and was just like the god of war among zombies.

The machete became his best weapon. Every time his arm swung, a zombie would fall. In front of him, dozens of zombies' corpses piled up.

The reason why he was called a butcher was not because of the number he killed, but because he had the ability to shock others.

Zombie 41 was about 1.9 meters tall, but now, he was only about 1.3 meters or 1.4 meters.

No matter how strong basketball player Zombie 41 was, he was still just one zombie. Faced with a herd of fearless zombies that kept rushing over, he could kill one, but the second one would have the opportunity to come close.

The zombies who only reached the shoulders of Zombie 41 mainly attacked his abdomen and thighs.

The zombies followed the ones in front, and they grabbed and bit frantically.

Like a rock, Zombie 41 remained motionless, hacking and killing the incoming zombies mechanically.

Dozens of zombies were hacked and killed, but he paid a price. The muscles on his legs were bitten off, exposing the bones. Without muscles, the bones could hardly support his weight and had fallen apart.

Even the abdomen was bitten through. Some of his internal organs and intestines were pulled out and scattered on the ground.

Despite this, the fighting power that erupted from Zombie 41 prevented almost all the zombies from passing through. Even though he had lost his lower body, Zombie 41 still used his blunt machete to cut through a large number of zombies, rendering them helpless.

This was enough.

Zombie 41 wasn't alone in this fight; he was supported by several zombies holding rebars. The rebar in their hands pierced the heads of enemy zombies one after another.


Another narrow passage was much more tragic.

The zombies hugged each other, using the most brutal and crazy means to bite each other: one bite for you, one bite for me… The beauty of this scene made it hard for Lu Chuan to watch.

They kept tearing at each other's rotten flesh, grabbing with their hands and gnawing with their mouths.

The most primitive way of fighting..

This kind of fighting style presented the most bloody and cruel scene.

Every zombie was bitten till their bones were revealed and their internal organs spilled all over the floor.

Severed limbs could be seen everywhere here.

As long as they could move, it meant that the battle wasn't over; it would go on until one party's neck was broken or head shattered.

Some scuffles were one to one, while some were several against one.

Pressing the opponent under his body and pouncing down, a zombie bit the enemy's head desperately, tearing off his head and large pieces of decaying flesh. As long as one zombie was attacked by a few others, the result was that within a minute or two, it would be bitten till only the skeleton was left.

Lu Chuan's zombies were naturally at a disadvantage.


Don't forget, Lu Chuan had armed his zombies, and he could control them slightly, hence the ordinary zombies couldn't compare to their combat ability.

With metal shields on their front and back, no matter how hard or long a zombie's fingers were, it is impossible to scratch through the metal.

Lu Chuan's zombies were falling quickly, but they succeeded in stopping the attacking zombies, and continued to kill them to reduce their number.

There were more than a hundred zombies to start with, but at this point, there were definitely not more than ten that could still stand.



The interlacing of the three rebars penetrated the head of the last zombie.

With the rebar withdrawn, the zombie fell softly.

The last enemy zombie was finally killed.

Lu Chuan almost collapsed on the boss's chair. This kind of intense focus and micro-management was more tiring than playing a high-intensity game.

Lu Chuan didn't have a choice; they were outnumbered and micro-management was the only way to reverse this disadvantage.

Now, Lu Chuan finally succeeded.

The mutated zombies that had a small probability of appearing did not come to the construction site.

Otherwise, whether or not he could have defended the biochemical plant was still unknown.

Fortunately, the goddess of luck seemed to be on his side.

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Lu Chuan allowed himself to breathe calmly. People who had not experienced this scene would not understand the kind of immersive realism the holographic projection provided.

Anyway, Lu Chuan's hair was all standing.

On the construction site, the former peace was restored.

Most of the iron pipe passages that were built before had been destroyed, skewed and out of shape. In order to reuse this idea, they would have to be rebuilt.


Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. The next time there was a zombie crisis, there would definitely be a large number of mutated zombies. Against them, these iron pipe passages would be useless.

To defend against zombies of that level, stronger defenses were needed.


The zombie crisis is over.

The message that emerged in his mind declared that this zombie crisis was finally over.

After confirming the clearance, the zombies that disappeared from the street before were released from whatever had restrained them. They came out of their hiding places, turning the streets back into a sea of ​​corpses.

This mysterious power could even control zombies like the Tyrants, and they disappeared without a trace during this period.

Compared to before, nothing had changed.

Among the zombies wandering around, some were on the street, and some came in unconsciously from the collapsed construction site wall, appearing on the construction site.

Lu Chuan's zombies on the construction site cleaned up the mess.

They picked up their mutilated zombie companions and brought them back to the biochemical plant.

Lu Chuan knew that the biochemical plant had a repair function and could heal these mutilated zombies. However, there was no way to resurrect the dead zombies.

"Next, let's take a look at the rewards."