Yellow River Organization


Just what kind of realm was it?

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.

When facing the unknown, one would often overthink, underestimate, or exaggerate them.

"I'm overthinking it…"

Tang Hong lightly smacked the left side of his face and mumbled. "Take for example that bloody battle yesterday. One of the participants should be the 'Transcendent' that Fang Nanxun mentioned, but I didn't see anything strange earlier…"

"There were no lights, neither wind nor fire was present and I couldn't feel any intent to fight or magic. There was nothing peculiar."

Or maybe… maybe he just couldn't see those irregularities with his mortal eyes.

If this wasn't the case, then how could bare fists and feet possibly resist against a god from a different dimension? If a fight like that truly happened, then it would be akin to cold weapons fighting against hot ones.

Dong Dong~

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


"Han Zhibin and the others are back? All three of them should be back together."

Tang Hong was elated. He felt inexplicably at ease. He didn't feel as apprehensive anymore.

But when he thought about it.

The timing was off.

"Tang Hong."

"Open the door."

A low and magnetic voice penetrated the iron door of the dormitory room.

It was Fang Nanxun!

'He's becoming impatient.'

'He's waiting for my reply.'

Tang Hong was shocked.

He helplessly opened the door and welcomed him into the room. "I've thought about it. I'll join you."

"I didn't force you." Fang Nanxun smiled and looked at Tang Hong.

His gleaming eyes scanned the four-person dormitory room. "It's very clean. How unexpected. I thought college dorm rooms were all messy."

"If you come back here a few days later, you won't be able to talk like that."


Fang Nanxun was confused.


They were in the middle of the Labor Day holiday. Every student had gone outside to have fun. It was natural that the room was clean. Fang Nanxun sat down enviously and lamented. "This really makes me want to attend college too."

"Hahaha, college life is good." Tang Hong did not refute what Fang Nanxun was hinting at.

"College life is truly good. Fang Nanxun sighed and nodded in agreement.

He regretted not being able to attend college.

If he had studied harder, he might have been able to make it to college.

Seeing Fang Nanxun's serious expression, Tang Hong was caught between laughter and tears.

Afterwards, he said, "There's an entire generation of a gap between us."

"Yes, I'm getting old."

Fang Nanxun lowered his head and sighed once more.

"How old?"

"Much older than you."

Tang Hong was silent.

He could not continue the conversation anymore.

This person was too much of a killjoy.


"I'll ask just one thing."

Tang Hong exhaled and turned serious. Fang Nanxun looked up and waited for his question.

He appeared slightly concerned, only to hear Tang Hong's question in a serious tone.

"Can I become immortal?"

Fang Nanxun: "…"


A car with a regular license plate drove away from the campus.

Tang Hong sat in the passenger seat and said, "The recording is already done. Where are we going? To sign the contract?"

"Yes, to sign a Letter of Intent. To be honest, your performance yesterday was flawless."

Fang Nanxun skillfully turned the steering wheel and went on the viaduct. Yesterday, on the spur of the moment, he looked at the surveillance cameras on the perimeter of the experimental site and discovered the talented Tang Hong.

He escaped the bewitchment of the Sacred Voice of the Gods. Furthermore, he also displayed exceptional willpower.

That was a god!

Fang Nanxun's gaze suddenly darkened.

Once anyone entered the range of a god's Divine Breath, they would turn into 'His' servants.

A lot of them were bewitched under the effects of the Sacred Voice of the Gods in the initial blockade. They lost themselves on the battlefield and slaughtered their very own comrades. As a result, the operation had a high mortality rate.

Tang Hong suddenly asked, "What is a Transcendent?"

"Once you are in the special training camp, those special professors will give you a detailed account about it." Fang Nanxun did not want to reveal too much information.

In fact…

He had already violated the rules and regulations by privately seeking out Tang Hong yesterday and telling him about the gods from other dimensions. According to the standard operational procedures, he should have activated the Memory Eraser and erased Tang Hong's memories.


It was unusual that someone who had never come into contact with the gods from the other dimensions could resist the Sacred Voice of the Gods.

He was quite possibly an exceptional genius.

Geniuses were common these days, but exceptional geniuses that have the potential to become a Transcendent were rare. The entire Hua Country only even has six geniuses that could potentially become a Transcendent.

'Even if Tang Hong didn't turn out to be a genius of that standard, his performance was still outstanding and he should not be underestimated. The military might have a lot of talented individuals on their side, but excluding them and the governments of the other countries…"

'The Yellow River Organization is still one of the best in the world…'

Fang Nanxun pondered quietly.

They drove onto the viaduct and went all the way south, crossing the river via the bridge.

Tang Hong asked, "Where are we going? This is the direction heading to Disneyland, right?"

"Don't worry too much, we are not going to that place…"

"Our Yellow River Organization has an office in Yunhai City, we'll be there soon."

"The headquarters of the Yellow River Organization itself is in the imperial capital, so the special training camp is also over there." Fang Nanxun drove all the way to the scenic road beside the river.

On their right were commercial buildings and on their left were restaurants of various themes and styles.

The restaurants were right beside the river, hence they had a lot of customers.

The whole road was crowded, so the traffic has slowed down.

Tang Hong looked ahead. His eyes were drawn to an orange sports car.

He couldn't help but take a second look at it.

"Porsche 718 Cayman."

Tang Hong turned his head and watched as the car drove away.

"Do you like that?"


"Actually, I have a sports car that I don't usually use. You can drive it for fun if you want." Fang Nanxun said indifferently.

He was in his thirties and his enthusiasm for cars had been worn out by the passing years.

He checked Tang Hong's details yesterday and knew that the latter had a driving license.

Tang Hong stared with his eyes wide open. "What model is it?"

Fang Nanxun looked plainly dressed, similar to himself.

But then he thought of Fang Nanxun's mysterious identity as a Transcendent.

He was probably filthy rich.

Tang Hong suddenly got curious.

"Sigh…" Fang Nanxun let out a sigh. "I'm getting old. I don't like to show off. It's better to be low-key… It's just an Audi R8, it's not that expensive."

'Are you sure you know what it means to be low-key?'

Tang Hong felt a tinge of jealousy.

"We're here."

Fang Nanxun, however, didn't care. He turned right, stopped at the roadside, and pointed to a high-class-looking commercial office building. "Our Yellow River Organization's Yunhai office is on the fifth floor. Let's go up together."

They entered the office building and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

"Where's the Yellow River Organization?"

Tang Hong looked left and right. The carpet was brown and the interior decoration looked high-class. He was a little afraid to move, he had never been to such a luxurious place in his life.

"We are called the Yellow River Organization in the world of Transcendents."

"Look at your left. It's the words, 'Mo Yan Group' in gold."

Fang Nanxun pulled Tang Hong and pushed open the glass door that had a few words written on it.

'Mo Yan Group'.

An empty main hall with only several sofas inside came into view.

On the side…

The lady at the front desk got up with a smile on her face.

When she saw Fang Nanxun from the side, her eyes seemed to be burning hot. "Consultant Fang."

"En. Continue what you were doing."

Fang Nanxun nodded and pulled Tang Hong directly into a conference room beside the main hall.

In the conference room, huge floor-to-ceiling windows reflecting the midday sun were present.

There was a long table…

A chair close to the door…

There were also two people sitting on the other side of the table.

Both of them were resting with their eyes closed.

When Fang Nanxun pushed the door and entered, they opened their eyes and looked at Tang Hong. "We only have twenty recommendation slots for the special training camp every year, are you sure about this?"

"Just do it fast."

Fang Nanxun's tone became forceful.

"All right."

The two people did not ask anymore. They drew on the table with their fingertips and the windows suddenly dimmed. A giant screen with the words 'Yellow River Organization' engraved on it slowly lowered itself to the ground.

Tang Hong felt mentally and physically pressured.

The two people looked at each other.

The one who looked to be a young woman asked a few questions.

Tang Hong glanced at Fang Nanxun, who was standing beside the long table.

Fang Nanxun had told him all about these in the car.

It was just a routine inquiry.

Most people who came here joined the Yellow River Organization voluntarily.

Tang Hong knew a little more compared to most others. For example, the gods from the other dimension were indescribable creatures with great power that hot weapons had little to no effect against them.

"Let's sign it."

Hearing Tang Hong's confirmation, two contracts fell in front of Tang Hong with the flick of the woman's fingers. Black and white. It was rather concise. It listed the responsibilities and obligations that Tang Hong had to take care of.

Tang Hong lowered his head and looked at it.

It was an application form for the special training camp of the Yellow River Organization.

Party A was the Yellow River Organization and Party B was Tang Hong.

1. Party A provides Party B with a minimum of six months of special camp participation. (Late June, or late December)

2. Party A provides financial and necessary resources support for Party B. (Party B has the right to use, not ownership)

3. Party B will join the Yellow River Organization after officially completing the special training camp. (If Party B didn't manage to complete the training course, Party B will have to return all the money and resources consumed to Party A.)

"Crude… It's too crude."

Although Tang Hong was a finance professional, he could not stand to see such a simple and crude contract.

Despite specializing in finance instead of law, Tang Hong still couldn't stand the sight of such a simple and crude contract. But after thinking about the terms it had listed, he found that it was nothing out of the ordinary.


Tang Hong held the pen and signed on the contract with vigorous and fascinating strokes. The scene looked as if dragons were flying and phoenixes were dancing.