Jiao Xiaoyu

Tang Hong signed the contract.

The serious atmosphere in the room dissipated in an instant.

The woman put away the two contracts and smiled at Fang Nanxun before she got up and left the conference room. The other person looked into Tang Hong's eyes and without any word, he followed the woman and left.

Only Fang Nanxun and Tang Hong were left in the conference room.


"Will I not get a copy of that contract?" Tang Hong whispered.

Fang Nanxun smiled and said, "We will keep one, and then hand over the other one to the government."

Tang Hong replied, "Somehow, I keep feeling like I got the short end of the stick."

"Short end of the stick?" Fang Nanxun sneered.

He threw out two keys. "A car key and a key to a multi-story bungalow. You have a house and a car now. Do you still feel like you are losing out?"


Tang Hong abruptly stood up. "This is not right. I can't accept them."

But as soon as he said these words, he obediently picked the keys up from the floor.

Fang Nanxun stifled his laughter. "As long as you managed to resist the gods and survive against them, these things are not worthy of mention…"

"But you don't have to worry if you died, according to the rules and regulations, those who sacrificed themselves in the war can leave a part of their assets to their families. The rest will be redistributed to the others."

"In addition…"

"No one will die in the special training camp, but injuries will be common. During this time, make sure you are strong enough. Don't be too weak."

Tang Hong was startled.

With a solemn expression, he said, "I'm willing to sacrifice and give up my slot in June. I will join the special training camp in December."

He was not joking.

He really wanted to wait until December before joining the special training camp.

After all, he had just gotten the [Power of One] support system. He still wanted to know how the distribution of an Individual Value point worked before going to the special training camp.


Fang Nanxun was in a good mood.

He waved his hand in dismissal.

"I can't change the schedule of the special training camp… Well, I'll still try my best. I'll help you ask."

Tang Hong replied solemnly, "I really hope to join the camp at the end of December."

Fang Nanxun's eyes flashed.

He nodded. "I will do my best. On your side, don't feel too pressured. Your talent has been revealed. Even if we don't accept you, the government will recruit you. In addition, the special training camp entrance test will be ranked and there will be a reward for the top three."

"What reward?" Tang Hong's eyes lit up.

"The reward for the first place in the entrance test of the previous special training camp was 300 points, plus a refined artifact from the Central Research Institute…"

"The rewarded points can be exchanged with the help of the Yellow River Organization. Every point can be exchanged for 100,000 Hua dollars…"

Fang Nanxun saw Tang Hong's eyes light up like searchlights.

His eyes crazily gleamed with greed!

Fang Nanxun was caught between laughter and tears. "Calm down…"

There were only 50 plus days left until the end of June.

It was meaningless to sharpen the spear just before the battle.

Others that had obtained their slots for the training camp in advance had definitely trained for it for more than half a year, or maybe more than a year.

How could Tang Hong possibly compete against them?

This was a completely unfair competition. He was doomed to fail.

Therefore, Fang Nanxun wasn't expecting much from Tang Hong for the entrance test. Rather, he was curious about his improvement at the end of the entire course.

"What is the test all about?"

Tang Hong didn't realize that his voice had become hoarse.

"The test items are being adjusted every year. The special training camps have to keep up with the times too. I will take a look over the specific test items and then I'll send them to you on WeChat."

Fang Nanxun truly wasn't expecting anything from Tang Hong in the entrance test, but he wasn't here to smother Tang Hong's enthusiasm.

It was a good thing for young people to be energetic and self-motivated.

Fang Nanxun couldn't hold off against Tang Hong's blazing gaze. In the end, he left a few instructions to Tang Hong before sending him away.

Out of the upmarket office building where the Mo Yan Group was located.

"You're not sending me back?"

"Take a taxi yourself."

"I have no money."

Tang Hong's expression was complicated, but his mood was even more complicated.

Burning the bridge after crossing it, casting him aside after he had served his purpose.

He was being treated differently after he had signed the contract compared to before he had signed it.

'Ah, the Yellow River Organization…'

Fang Nanxun graciously took out a stack of Hua dollars and handed it over to Tang Hong.

"Why so dramatic?"

"It's difficult for the poor to be able to study, I have to cherish every cent." Tang Hong casually accepted the stack of Hua dollars. He resisted the urge to count the money on the spot as he looked and smiled at Fang Nanxun.

Fang Nanxun's face turned dark. "Do you think that I don't know your family background?"

"My family owns a mine!?"

Tang Hong's eyes widened.

'Could it be that his parents had been concealing that, in fact, he was a nouveau riche?'

If his Dad could not only help him buy whatever item he wanted but could also give him a piece of land. Then, that would truly be wonderful.

"There is no mine, but they are not poor!" Fang Nanxun felt suffocated.

He forcibly endured it, not wanting to hurt Tang Hong.

"Tang Hong, stop talking. You better go."

"Go, go, go…"

As Fang Nanxun watched Tang Hong leave in a taxi, his expression changed several times.

He took out his cell phone and wrote a text message.

'Minister Mo, I found a mortal who can resist the voice of the gods in Yunhai.'

After writing the message, Fang Nanxun hesitated as his fingertips hovered over the 'Send' icon.

Thinking of Minister Mo's temperament, Fang Nanxun didn't send the message in the end.

"I won't tell him yet."

"Let's see what this kid can achieve in the special training camp."

With this method, if Tang Hong didn't pass the final assessment at the end of the special training camp. Fang Nanxun wouldn't be on the losing end.

What he had given to Tang Hong were just the temporary rights to a car and a house…

Thinking about this, Fang Nanxun slowly breathed out.

He took four or five more keys out of his pocket.

The jangling of the keys rang out.

Fang Nanxun looked regretful.

He had borrowed them for nothing. He didn't expect Tang Hong to be so easily satisfied.

After all, didn't all young people nowadays liked to drive a Ferrari with just one hand on the wheel?

"I'm getting old."

He looked up at the wheel to a sun high up in the sky.


Mortal: Infinitely small and weak creature.

Resistance: 42%

Strength: 29%

Realm: 0.00

Individual value: 1

As the taxi passed through the traffic, Tang Hong closed his eyes and took a nap. Although seemingly resting, he was actually sorting out his thoughts. He was trying to figure out how to increase his Individual Value.

Tang Hong believed that the prerequisite for the increase was probably being able to complete tasks alone.

If he completed a task or a specific action alone, there was a chance that his Individual Value would increase. This was a relatively straightforward way to obtain Individual Value points, but it was a very reliable and easy-to-follow method.

There was another way, however, there was too little time for him to experiment. Tang Hong wasn't so sure if it would even work reliably. If he felt lonely or spent a lot of time on a single task, there was a chance that his Individual Value would increase.


"There's also the problem of time…"

"If the degree of difficulty is the main factor, mood and time are secondary factors." Tang Hong boldly guessed that if the difficulty of the incident or actions was not up to standard, loneliness and the amount of time spent on it could compensate for it.

He looked out the window and a slightly familiar street scene came into view.

He was almost at his school.


The increase could be triggered by riding a train alone, or could it also be triggered by a taxi from a ride-hailing application? Tang Hong recalled that he used a ride-hailing application from Disneyland back to his school last night, but he didn't receive any increase in Individual Value.

"Was it because it was too easy?"

"More time should make up for it, then."

Tang Hong rubbed his fingertips. He opened his eyes and glanced at the taxi meter.

Less than forty Hua dollars.

If he wanted to extend the time he was spending inside this taxi, then he had to go to a farther place.

"Go to the airport." Tang Hong wished to test his theory, plus with the cash that Fang Nanxun gave him, he would feel no heartache paying the fare. "I want to go to the airport now."

The taxi driver was momentarily taken aback. "Huh? We're not going to Yunhai University anymore?"

"Yes, yes, yes… Go to the airport, the airport close to Disneyland," Tang Hong said.

As an international financial metropolis, Yunhai City had two airports.

Of course, the taxi driver would not refuse this request.

He turned the vehicle around and prepared to get on the highway.

If they were going to the airport, the whole journey would be on the highway, there was no need to worry about traffic jams. The taxi driver closed his window a little and glanced at the rear-view mirror. "Are you picking someone up?"


Tang Hong replied. Then, he didn't say anything anymore.

If he were to be asked which flight he was going to fetch someone from, he would not be able to answer that question. He was still trying to figure out the rules of the [Power of One] support system. He was just going to the airport because he wanted to test his theory.

If he wanted to go even further, he couldn't possibly use a taxi.

In fact, going around Central should be the best choice. But Tang Hong had a bad impression of taxis. It's okay to ask that of a ride-hailing service, but of a taxi, forget it.

Going around the entire City should take enough time. However, Tang Hong had a bad impression of taxis. He could use the cars from a ride-hailing application, but he couldn't just do that with a taxi.

'Forget it…'


The heat from the sun entering the car along with the May breeze rushing into the car window made Tang Hong feel inexplicably calm and relaxed. The landscape on his right moved ever so slightly as the tall buildings in the area receded gradually.

The urban landscape had vanished.

It was replaced by greeneries.

The air itself seemed to have become fresh.

They traveled without stopping.

There were no traffic lights.

The highway travel was exceptionally smooth.

Tang Hong looked down and scrolled through his WeChat list. There, he found an unforgettable name.

Her WeChat name was Shao Shao Yu and there was an emoji suffixed on her name. He clicked on it and her list was empty.

At the bottom of the interface were the words: Last active three days ago.


Tang Hong took a deep breath and entered the compose message interface.

"How have you been in the imperial capital recently?*Toothy smile emoji*"

"When will you be back at school?"

He wrote these two sentences. Then, he deleted them.

He stared at the face that was familiar, yet strangely unfamiliar. Everyone's first love was the most memorable and unforgettable. After their separation, he always wanted to prove something to her, but even now—Tang Hong was still unsure about what he was trying to prove.


The incredible support system…

He felt akin to a child who was thrilled to have discovered a treasure, but no one else to brag about it to. The distress he felt from bottling these feelings up seemed to have become equal to the joy that he had experienced from discovering that 'treasure'.

Tang Hong sent a WeChat message: "Ambitions will rise like the wind in May."

He wanted to express his excitement and joy, but he didn't want to be too straightforward and blunt about it.

Soon after…

A reply came.


Then, what came afterwards was a picture of a cat that had the muzzle of a shotgun pointed at its neck with the words…

'Talk normally.'

Tang Hong said again: "The spring breeze is proud of the hoof beats, and I will see all of Chang'an flowers while I am here."

He originally wanted to borrow the sentence…

'The weakness of the past was not worth a mention, the decadence of today knows no bounds.'

It meant that the past hardships and sorrow were no longer worth mentioning.

Today was a happy day and the future was boundless.

At this moment, he felt longing and anticipation for the future.

His heartbeat began to accelerate.

He waited patiently…

According to the normal plot development of those novels, she would ask him what was going on and then it would be his time to show off…

However, Jiao Xiaoyu seemed to have seen through Tang Hong's thoughts.

In her reply, she simply congratulated.


"All the best to you in the future."