A Fight

"I've fixed the computer for you. I still have other things to attend to, so I'm leaving." It was already late at night, and Finn Taylor had no intention of staying here with two unfamiliar women. Hence, he left right after saying that.

He had no sooner left than Josie Meyer started lambasting him. "What the heck is he up to? He's a piece of trash! He cheated on his wife with her best friend and was forced to get a divorce! How dare he act so self-righteous in front of me?"

Josie Meyer hated the man's guts, and she couldn't help but express her discontent because the latter had lectured her earlier.

"Josie, I really think there's a deep misunderstanding between the two of you."

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? It's fine if you think that he's great, but the way I see it, he's an utter b*stard!"

"B*stard? I don't think so."

"No? Have you thought about it?"

"Thought about what?"