No Regrets

"Do you really think that you're judging others objectively? How could you think badly of someone who saved you and even think that he was the one who planned it?"

"Michelle, you have to be careful of others. It's completely possible for that to happen. Why can't I have my suspicions then?"

"Because you're making groundless claims. Why don't you tell me what he's trying to achieve from doing that?"

"What's he trying to achieve? He's already achieved it—you protecting him at all costs. You're not even trying to see it for what it is before defending him. Don't you think that's what he's after?"

"So you still think that I'm a promiscuous woman who'll give myself to him once we have a chance to spend time alone?"

"That's what you said. Don't put words in my mouth."

"I said it, but that's what you meant. You've been leading me to say it."