Baby girl

Childhood, that universe between the real and the imaginary

from which innocence and carelessness springs. (Salim Boudiaf)


Tuesday, March 21, 2000

What are those ridiculous hands and feet?

It's all wrinkled, it's ugly, they look like toad legs, ugh.

By the way! Where am I now?

From here, I can only see the ceiling. It's not very practical for an inventory of fixtures and even less for a little visit.

Did I fall in the house of some lunatics who drugged me and are having fun doing tests on me? It's possible!

This sort of silly little toy hanging above me, which spins and spins and spins and has been repeating the same tiring music for fifteen minutes, makes me consider this hypothesis.

HAAA, it irritates me.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaa."

Who screaming with such horrible sound power? It's worse than being near loudspeakers at a wild rave party.

Hey, those annoying kid screams are coming out of my mouth.

Life is really unfair on all levels.

You come into the world without asking for anything to see that you've inherited your father's traits.

Namely, a big nose, bulging eyes, lips so thick that during all your school years, your classmates make fun of you. Not to mention that with my hair thicker than a rat's hair, my own parents sometimes gave me silly nicknames.

Subway, job, leukemia... The American dream as it is sold.

At least that's what I thought until I saw those four amphibian limbs and heard that sound who comes out of the back of my throat.

"So my darling, what's wrong? Did we poop in her diaper or were we hungry? Tell Mommy about all your troubles? Here, sweetie, Mommy has something for you."

[What are you doing? We don't know each other. Get this big pink thing out of my sight.]

Why didn't this kind of thing happen to me when I was thirty years old?

Why didn't such a beautiful young woman ever free her breasts for me?

Why did I die at the age of 42, still a virgin?

Haaa, I'm frustrated.

"Waaaaaa, waaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaa."

"So my little girl, we make a big whim? No, no, Mommy will not give in. Mommy knows you're hungry, drink mom's good mimilk."

What did she say? Don't tell me that besides rebirth, they had the good idea to deprive me of my most precious part?

What a misery!

My brain is so undeveloped that when I try to confirm my suspicions, I touch the nose of the beautiful woman.

Carpe diem!

Let's take advantage of this moment I dreamed of before doing my body check.

It is finally a very restful moment.

"Slurp, slurp"

Hum, what a delight.

A lunch break of a new kind that I welcome with a smile but, ohh?

It's stirring too much inside my belly right now.

It feels like waves are breaking in my stomach.

No, no, not that, stop.

I want to die. No, no more waves...

It's hot down there.

It's heavy down there.

It smells bad down there.

I feel ashamed.

"Did we let ourselves go, my angel? Sally, I need you, my little love delivered a large package."

You can call things by their name, you know, my dignity's already pretty much gone anyway.

Ohhh! Another beautiful young woman?

If I were a little older... Forget it, you don't even have enough to pee standing up...

"The young lady had a little moment of bewilderment? Come young miss, let's get back to our minds."

Eh? What's this strang woman saying?

Miss, if you look at me closely you'll notice I'm a baby and babies don't control their sphincter. Please don't talk about my mind, you're scaring me.

"Sally, I have to go outside for a few minutes. I entrust my angel to you, take care of her. See you later my beauty, mommy has to visit a doctor who will tell her that everything is fine. Kisses, kisses, kisses, my love."

That's right, kisses, kisses, kisses, kisses and while you're at your doctor's, ask him for something for my diarrhea. Hey, you, what are you doing?

Hey, we're not intimate enough yet to engage in such questionable activities.

No, don't you dare pull my pink pants down. Vicious woman, I say leave them on.

Haaa, I'm so helpless. Let's check it out. No!

It's worse than helpless.

Haaa, I'm already sick of it.

"Waaa, waaaa, waaaa, waaaa."


two hours before

In the hallway of a big house near a lake, a young man paces.

Usually, Jeff is a calm young man, who does not give in to anyone, let alone face the vicissitudes, but today he seems helpless.

His nervous gestures, his worried face are not feigned.

Jeff stops his steps for a moment. He looks ahead, reaches out but, he does not grasp the handle of the door behind which emanate a succession of painful cries.

Today, his very young wife has decided to give birth at home, depriving themselves of the security represented by hospitals. However, her cries tear the heart of the young man who feels so useless right now.

Jeff reassures himself a bit by remembering that beside her, in addition to the midwife, a doctor and a nurse from a large hospital, made the trip especially, to make sure everything goes well.

However, how long does it take for a baby to be born and will it manage to endure this pain? So many questions that are repeated again and again in his mind so tortured.

"Waaa, waaa, waaa."

At the moment when he hears the so sweet cries, a feeling of unique joy, an incomparable pride overwhelm him but these feelings are quickly stifled again by anxiety.

Jeff listens carefully but does not hear his Abby's voice.

No one deigns to go out to reassure him and according to his experience in the business world, (that smells bad.)

This time, ignoring the absolute order of the doctor, he vigorously pushes the door and rushes into the room.

It's so hot here, it's unbreathable.

He passes the lapel of his shirt sleeve over his forehead and more worried than ever, he continues his progress towards the bottom of the big bedroom. Almost drenched in sweat, Jeff approaches the bed on which sleeps in any case he pray for that to be the case, the one he loves so much.

His eyes sting, the heat is always more overwhelming but seeing the smile of the young maid who was designated as the one who will take care of her child, this infernal heat disappears of itself.

Freed from the chains of which they had himself unconsciously imprisoned, Jeff does the last two meters separating him from the bed of his magnificent young woman who, sleeps very deeply.

While the doctor and the nurse congratulate him and apologize before leaving the room discreetly, the midwife brings him a small thing in a white towel.

"Congratulations, this is a beautiful little girl, mister Prescott."

He smiles at the midwife, taking his little daughter in his arms for the first time, his heart drowns in a river of emotions.

She is as beautiful as her mom.

Thinking about her mom, her Abby, he gets closer to the bed, but Sally, the maid putting a finger on her mouth, makes him understand not to wake his wife for the moment.

Smiling again, he's looking at his sublime little girl. It may not be very objective coming from a man who is a dad for the first time, but the fact is, that it is, that these are his deepest feelings, when he discovers the face of his so small child.

An adorable little creature with clear blue eyes holds out her fingers and then closes them again and again.

Her blond hair is strangely long enough and her tiny nose, like that of her mom makes Jeff want to pinch it. This tiny shrimp does not really look at him, no, she makes bubbles with is so little mouth.

"Lara Eve, it's your dad. Lara Eve, look daddy my angel. "

The young man who realizes that his little shrimp prefers to make bubbles with her mouth than to look at him, inclines her for better see her pretty little face, then he thinks that if he lifted her, it would certainly be more practical.

Judging his idea very good, holding her at arm's length, he puts his daughter in height, but something improbable, somewhat unpleasant happens when Lara Eve sees her father for the first time.

The little girl, should not frown, but she frowns.

The little girl should not contract her jaws and yet that's the case.

Little Lara Eve is agitated, she slowly shakes her little arms and her little legs. Her complexion becomes a little white, but her dad who makes strange and childish noises does not notice it.

Suddenly, she cries, she screams and in an impulse of generosity, she vomits on her dad who asked only to know the face of his little angel.

Panicked, when Sally recovers the tiny Lara Eve, a big smile followed by an expression close to an expression of accomplishment appears on the face of the little girl who bursts out laughing.