Last night we slept in a hotel and that was good.
My mattress was funny because it was full of water.
Maybe that's why I wanted to drill it. However, in fact no because, after thinking about it, I told myself that sleeping on the floor was not ideal.
It's a bit of a pity because tonight, I won't be able to drill my mattress anymore because the idiot said that we are going to our house of, of, of, I don't know where but it is around here.
Right now he's gone with his fans and I'm going to visit the Warner Bros movie studios with Linsey and three new men in black that the idiot had to rent in a store.
Flying on board a scale model is really very tiring. Since last night, my little eyes are closing by themselves and my appetite, huhuhu, it's gone.
According to lady big Buttocks, it would be the fault of the jetlag's fault but, as she's always talking nonsense, I have big doubts.
According to me, I think that the idiot must have put something in my mashed potatoes so that I can be calmer. Mister who stinks is already investigating the matter but this man is deceitful and finding clues is very complicated, even for the very clever Mister who stinks.
"Warner, Warner, Warner, Warner, I'm going to snoop around at Warner. Linsey, when do we're coming?"
Linsey is not a particularly clever young woman however, to answer my question, she is still thinking of looking at the GPS ancestor on the dashboard of our beautiful black and burgundy Rolls Royce.
"In less than five minutes young miss but please stay tied up. Young miss, your seat belt, please."
You can pray, your wish will not be granted, because this Lara does not listen to you, fufu.
"Warner, Warner, I want to see actors, actresses, cartoons and dinosaurs. Faster driver, burn the engine. Whoo-hoo, Warner, Warner, Warner."
"Young miss, I beg you, your belt."
Fufufu. "I can't hear anything. Warner, Warner, I want to dance with Mickey."
"Young miss, I'm not sure if Mickey..."
"Don't shatter my childhood dreams, lady big buttocks. Warner, Warner, I want to hunt Pokemons."
The trip is so long that after an hour of cheerful singing, I start to fall asleep.
Now I am sure of it. The idiot, tried to poison, Lara.
"Here we arrived, young miss... No, young miss, don't get out of the car until it comes to a complete stop. Young miss, please wait for your bodyguards. And you three don't stay still, run after her. God, she's exhausting."
I don't know why but, this hangar inspires me.
I skillful dodging of the people wearing a huge glass, dodging of the guards who didn't even see me because of my small size and I run straight ahead at full speed.
Maybe they are doing stunts or karate? If it's karate, I'll hire the actor to break the idiot's face.
Found it!
The entrance to this big warehouse is here.
Kyaaa, kyaaa, I knew it, Lara's intuition is the best one.
Kyaaa, my favorite TV series actress is moving in the hangar.
I'm going to ask her a lot of questions, a sweet bear hugs, hundreds of big sticky kisses and ask her for an autograph.
"Joey, Joey, I love you Joey. You're the prettiest brunette Joey. Joey I'm coming over to give you a huge bear hugs. Hey, you big ugly guy, why don't you keep out the way of Lara Eve. Joey, come save me, the big ugly guy doesn't want me to come see you."
The fat man behind the camera also seems jealous of sharing the pretty Joey.
"Cut. Whose unbearable kid is this and what is she doing here? No one's? Security, throw this little plague outside."
Oh, I had forgotten them, but here they are Linsey and the three men in black.
"Do not touch my young Miss or be prepared to suffer the consequences. This plague as you call her, is the young Miss Prescott. The only daughter of Warner's principal stockholder. Lara, ignore this rude man and go say hello to Joey if you want."
Linsey is a very nice woman after all, so I'll be nicer to her too.
"Thank you Linsey. Joey, this time Lara Eve comes to you. Whoa, you look even better as a real Joey. Now that I'm here, I have to tell you. Joey, forget about that idiot Dawson. He doesn't deserve you, not at all. You're way too nice to him and he's ugly. You deserve better than that indecisive, movie-loving boy. You know, if I wanted to tell you, it's because I didn't want you to ruin your precious adolescence."
Why is everybody laughing? It seems to me that my analysis is correct.
(Purring, purring, purring), Wouhooo, my Joey, hugs me. She lifts me up and on top of that I get a big sound kiss on the cheek.
It's time for the great outpouring of love.
Bear hug attack, launched.
"You are adorable. Don't worry, I'm just pretending to love him to flatter his oversized ego. What's your name, my sweet pea?"
Little pea?
It's a strange nickname but, as it comes from Joey... Yeah, I like it.
Little pea, huhuhu.
I didn't get it all there. She talks as complicated in real life as she does on TV.
"Me, I'm Lara Eve and I love you. I watch Dawson's Creek just to see you. What's an ego?"
It's that smirk that I love, and mommy watching with me loves it too.
The two of us are the leaders of Joey's fan club.
In the evening, when it's time for the TV show, mommy and I run to the TV, we equip our pajamas/popcorn and for almost an hour, we act crazy before Joey.
Should I touch her lip or not? Not now, she might get angry.
"Ego? Tell yourself that he thinks a little too much about himself and not enough about those around him. Do you get it?"
I'm smiling because in the end, I'm very happy to have come here.
"Got it. Say, can't you scold that man over there? He didn't want me to talk to you. My guess is he's a jealous fan who doesn't want to share, Joey. But stop laughing over there."
(Purring, purring, purring) And one more big drooling kiss. Being in Joey's arms is magical. It is truly, one of the most beautiful days of my second life. (Purring, purring) I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.
"I'm sorry, sweetie little pea, but this gentleman is my boss, so I can't tell him off."
What a misery, such a stupid man is a hangar boss. This world is really too unfair.
"Young miss, Joey needs to work. Come, I promise we'll come back to see her before we return to New York."
What a misery the work. "Joey, you're the best. Give me a big, big bear hug before that destiny separates us. Don't forget your so sweet little pea who loves you Joey, huhuhu. Change boyfriends and don't listen too much to your hangar boss. Anyway, soon I'll be back to cheer you on. I'm coming, Linsey."
Why is the bad man coming to me? Does he also want to beat little Lara?
"Young miss, I'm really sorry for scolding you earlier and I..."
You too are a idiot man. "I don't care, but if you scold Joey, I don't know what I'm doing, but be sure! I will! Go Joey, go Joey, go Joey, go Joey."
"Young miss, I'm afraid Joey can't work if you yell. You wouldn't want her to ruin her job because of you, would you?"
I certainly wouldn't. Besides, my Mommy would be very sad if I made our favorite heroine start playing like her feet.
"I'll be quiet, but I need a pen and paper to write down a sentence of encouragement."