You deserve to play with me! (An emotional situation)

It is true that Maï has does not work near Lara for a long time, but nevertheless, she starts to know the little goblin well.

Lara is a little girl who doesn't cheat with herself or with the others.

If sometimes she lacks a bit of diplomacy and is not very good at communicate her feelings, she fully expresses her emotions and says clearly what she thinks at the moment she thinks it.

She verbalizes her endless love for her Mommy without restraint or modesty and in all places.

Whether it's for her or Sally, in the form of big hugs and sweet words that touch their hearts every time, Lara is always generous in showing them how she feels.

Yet, when she loves, she loves with all her big heart, but, when she doesn't love, she doesn't love.

These are not whims, from Maï's point of view.

This behavior simply emanates from the full and complete personality of this unique little girl who, at 6 years old, still has this unfounded fear of not being loved.

Unfortunately this nature is now playing a very nasty trick on her, because her big heart and her whole character expresses itself unusually when her repressed anguish is pushed to its paroxysm and although it is in a different way, pushed by the terror that represents this unknown thing that overwhelms her, she also expresses it very honestly by screaming and crying.

Maï rushes in the angle and takes Lara in her arms without thinking for a second.

"Lara, remind me and remember why you want to do this movie? Is it to be the best? Is it to get in the papers? Is it to play with a great filmmaker and a great actor?"

Lara hears what Maï says and focuses to dissipate for a moment that nasty feeling that invades her little head and hurts so much.

"No, it's just for fun, but that doesn't mean I want to be bad."

Seeing her little weasel face all sulky, Maï smiles and kisses Lara on the forehead.

"So have fun being Rosy like you have fun being Madam who stinks when you play with your teddy bear. You think we don't know about that maybe? It's by being Lara, but just a Lara as calm as the one watching TV that you'll be a perfect Rosy who stinks. Do you understand, sweetie?"

Lara hesitates for a moment.

Being Madam who stinks was supposed to be a very confidential thing that was never to be revealed, but obviously a spy has infiltrated the privacy of her secret snacks.

The small lips of Lara tremble more and more and after having pushed a very acute cry, she explodes of laughter and hugs Maï very tightly who takes advantage of it to eat her small neck.

"Thank you Maï, the fruit salad is completely gone. Your tongue is often dirty but I love you; bear hug. Michael, I will now be a perfect Rosy who stinks, fufufu. Lara is doing well, everyone stand by, please."

Michael Mann doubtfully looks at Maï who smiles and nods confirming that her little miss is now doing just fine.

As the shot is about to be taken again, Maï takes Mister who stinks in her arms and places herself so that Lara can see him well.

Seeing Maï make dance Mister who stinks, Lara laughs as she runs to the swing and with her head now clearer, she takes a deep breath and she stands ready.

By breathing in as her lovely Mommy taught her, she quickly manages to regulate her too fast breathing and seeing that even after the make-up artist who cleaned up her snotty little nose, the badly sensation doesn't come back, her luminous smile keeps on widening.

Very serene, her text scrolls very quickly in her head, as for the actions she must perform, now, everything seems to be obvious.

Before everyone is ready, she sends a flying kiss in direction of Maï then, she concentrates mainly not to move.

Yes, because to remain motionless, it remains a difficult test for the restless little goblin..


"Rosy my heart, last summer daddy couldn't take you on vacation but now he has a lot of free time. Sweetheart, do you still want to go with daddy?"

Her parents separated two years ago and her mom doesn't want her to see her daddy. She knows that if her daddy has not been able to take her on vacation this summer as he had promised, it is because of the judge and her mommy. The little girl bites her lip. She blinks twice and sighs softly.

"If Mommy knows you came and I saw you, she'll get mad at me again and then she'll punish me."

Bill, looks angrily in the direction of the former marital home that he is now not allowed to go near.

"I'm the one she'll scold, but she scolds me all the time anyway so you might as well get scolded after you get back from vacation, don't you think?"

Rosy, who is only 6 years old smiles, assumes that this argument is quite valid. Very happy to be able to leave in secret with her dad, she wrinkles her nose mischievously, shows her teeth and takes Bill in her arms.

"I want to see the Loch Ness monster."

Bill laughs, puts his daughter on the floor and gives her a little slap on her buttocks.

"We have eternity ahead of us, we will see how we will occupy it. Go get your things ready quickly before your mommy comes back."

The little girl takes off running then disappears behind a shrub but, her little voice is heard.

"I want to see the monster, Daddy. Take me to see the monster."

Bill crouches down, stares at the swing. His eyes are tired, his face marked with weariness, but these gestures show urgency.

"Damn it, what am I doing me."



Very proud of having managed to play her part without mixing everything up in her head, Lara turns her mischievous eyes to her acting partner.

"You were very good Mel. You can still improve but you deserve to play with me, huhuhu. Maï, I'm hungry. Did you get the cubs cakes?"

A little surprised by the naughty words of this little tornado who has already run away, Mel Gibson puts his hand in front of his mouth to avoid and laugh, which has the effect of making him immediately step out of his role.

What nerve does this little girl have to talk like that? Seeing from afar two small buttocks wiggling, he places his hands in voice holder and yells in the direction of the little goblin.

"You were very good too Lara; almost as good as me."

Although the one she calls an ugly old man is very far away, Lara places herself in face of her partner, she spreads her legs and extends her right fist to the sky.

"Huhuhu, I'll take Joey away from Dawson. I'll marry her and you're so ugly that in order not to spoil the pictures, I won't even invite you to the wedding. I'll eat my cakes."

Maï who just heard this sentence, fears that the little girl is going the wrong way.

"Lara, you can't marry a woman, it's forbidden in many states and above all, it is very wrong."

Lara seems very surprised by this strange statement. She picks up her package of cubs cakes and rushes to devour them.

"Why not? My lovely Mommy did marry an idiot, that's what should be banned."

Without taking into account of the occupation of his team members, Michael Mann who has quickly checks the take, raises his hand for everyone to stop their activity.

"Well done, that was perfect with one exception. Lara, when you run to the house, pass by that bush, otherwise you are slightly to be out of shot. Before resuming. Lara is going to rinse your mouth. You're full of chocolate and you look like a panda."

"Say, Mister Senile? Would you also be a Mister nasty who would remove the cubs cakes out of the mouth of a very hungry little girl?"