introduction main characters

king dagarlem: king of the north universe also known as the strongest of the four kings, he took over the west and south. you won't see him yet.

king lortel: king of the west also known as the king of technology he controls the west which specializes in technology he is also the second in command in the leagues of kings.

king dartel: king of the south also known as king of economy, he is friend to the king of the north he is also second strongest in the league of kings.

king poresia: he is the king of the east .nothing is known about him but he is a hero to the east universe.

prince dortel and princess hope: children of king dargarlem.

prince kel: son of king lortel.

prince velsgui and prince tedros: children of king Dartel.

prince samuel: son of the east hero king, poresia ( main character) 

xenox:friend to prince samuel

seun:friend to prince samuel

Roxanne: a noble

luigi: friend to prince samuel

garter: friend to prince Samuel

elite ten: strongest student in our year

kole: he is the temporary kings son

jila: she fought side by side with King poresia

Dante: a warrior for the rebels

knight Percy: fought for the east universe defence

Chloe: as powerful as the four kings also the daughter of king Poresia

Dayan: hero to the rebels

jielong: a girl that likes prince samuel 

Karen: prince Samuel's disciple 

decalius: trained by prince samuel 

White knight: nothing is none about him

aetos: trained by prince samuel

Develos: son of one of the six knights

Enyo: Daughter of one of the six knights

Kaylah: will be the new character in the new volume (The last war)