004 - school competition

it is finally time for the school competition we are the first group to fight, we have improved our teamwork so we have a chance or so we thought, the other team are the best in the whole competition so the principal try to give us a speech but we did not listen we were all shaking with fear then we heard a voice in our heads saying we should ignore what people are saying, he tells us we have a chance if we work together, we head out for our battle,

the battle is fierce but we are losing, because we are losing I get angry and take off the bracelet that is on my arm because of this my power increase, and my power is stronger than the temporary king's power but I do not know how to control so I tell everyone to stand back and I unleash a power so deadly that everyone that was cheering for the enemy team was cheering for us now, the battle was over and I suddenly blacked out next thing I knew I woke up in the nurse room with my friends at the entrance I ask them if they have seen my bracelet, seun drops the bracelet on my hand and whispers "so you are strong I hope you learn to control your power so we can have an all-out battle" I tell everyone that I will get better that very soon I will return to training,

after a few weeks I was ready to go to class, of course, I had to get ready so I went to the dorm but no one was there so I fresh up and head to class apparently because we won, east high is hosting a party for this year win, I head to the party and see most of my class I wave at them and they wave back snd we started dancing, then the principal heads to the stage and cut the music, he said the party was not because of the win we had at the school competition but because someone took a risk for his friends after a moment of silence I hear my name being called as the hero who risked his life for his friends, as I walked to the stage I hear a few people clap their hands and when I got to the stage I could hear everyone clapping and I received my award I headed down, after a few hours of dancing we all headed to our dorm and rested our heads.