015 - school competition(2)

It was time for the school competition but this time we had to travel to another solar system to participate in the competition the school told us to pack our bags and bring any money we have after the announcement Luigi told our group that we get the first bus but we will be riding with group two and group three I knew this trip was going to be interesting because the only group we do not like is riding with us after waiting for all of the seniors to leave it was finally our turn to board the bus when we were all seated the bus driver began driving the teacher that was riding with us was jila she said it will take days before we got to our destination so I decided to bring out the game I bought on our summer break when I brought it out everyone wanted to play so I decided I will let everyone play we began to play for 2 hours then everyone was tired and went to sleep when we woke up jila told us we were almost there the. the bus driver decided to make a pit stop we came out of the bus and stretched Luigi told the group we should buy something so we voted Lisa to buy food for everyone so we all gave our money to Lisa but those that did not give any money will not get any food after giving Lisa the money she ran to the fast-food restaurant since the line was short she got the food and ran back the bus driver seeing everyone in the bus began to drive again Lisa gave everyone their food it was night but no one slept everyone was looking outside the bus looking into the stars but I was fast asleep,

" Samuel you are to get stronger " I woke up screaming everyone wondered what was going so I told them I had a bad dream then Lisa told me we were there, I stood up took my bag, and came down from the bus and thanked the driver we went into the hotel the school that was hosting the competition booked for us it was a good hotel we saw other schools we even saw new schools we did not see in the last competition but the school we were eager to meet was the famous team that we beat, when we saw them everyone started to whisper I could tell they were talking about my group and the best team we saw students that were not in the last competition we walked past them and went to our room we could feel their gaze on our backs but we still walked confidently when we got to our room the principal called me and told me to bring my belongings that I am staying with the elites when I got to the

the room was luxurious we had different rooms the principal called the whole school to our training room when I got there I saw my group and went to them after the announcement xenox and I told them about where the elites are staying they all said we were lucky then we began training I was dehydrated so I decided to get water on my way back I overheard someone saying how the match against my group and of the best team in the league is going to be interesting when I got back I did not see my school but one of the teachers from the other school told me that they went back to their rooms so I went back to my room xenox tells me that we have a match against a school tomorrow, therefore, we should get a good night sleep,

It is time for our first match and we are to fight the people I overheard talking about us because they were talking behind our backs I told Luigi "let's go all out" and he said "okay", We made the first move so that gave us the advantage because of that we won the match everyone cheered for us it was not like last time where no one cheered for us we to the other group to watch the match it was group two against an anonymous group we thought group two will lose but they won we ran to congratulate them but they ignored us we went back to our rooms when we got back we saw only two groups were knocked out-group three and five so the principal told us they will not be participating anymore because we had no match tomorrow I decided to train while somewhere sleeping after training for thirty minutes I went to bed on my way there I saw a girl crying so I wanted to comfort her so walked to her and asked what is wrong are you okay she replied by saying nothing is wrong with her so I left as I was walking out of the room she told me that she lost in one of her match i told her it was not worth crying over match you lost instead of crying why not train harder so you can win next she said okay so I left when I got to my room i fell on the bed before I knew it I was asleep,

When I went downstairs I saw xenox leaving the room so I asked one of the seniors why she was leaving they replied by saying she was going to group one of year two, I decided to follow when I got there I saw food everywhere " you guys are having a party without me" I ask them they reply by saying no this is for winning that first match, After fighting all of the matches we were supposed to fight it is finally time to fight the team they said we could not beat but we managed to when we walked to the field everyone was silent when the bell chimed we all ran the other team ran to us when we collided the floor shook everyone felt the shockwave and started cheering we were not sure who they were cheer for but we fought with all our this time we were not losing as bad as last time but we were still losing we could see that they had also improved so I decided to remove the bracelet and because of that everyone one in my team got excited for some reason after fighting my team won again everyone was surprised we could be at them again we won the competition and got our gold medals the principal said the competion was over we should pack our stuff on our way out I saw my mom but she was coveredd with blood