017 - father

I told the king I am going to the bathroom when I got there I felt rage take over my body I could feel my power taking over me I checked to see if the bracelet I always have on my hand was there but it seems it has been burnt to ashes I closed my eyes hoping the pain will go away but I was somewhere else I could see a man it was the man I always saw in my bream but this time I could see his face he said to me I am your father so I asked why he left us but he ignored my question and said there is no time and disappeared the next thing I knew where that people were looking at with a worried look on their face but I did them I was okay and left the bathroom when I got downstairs I saw king but I did not want him to know that I know he Is the one I want to destroy so I told him "I need to go" he asked me why I was in such a hurry I told him I am in such a hurry because I am not supposed to be here but in my room sleeping he said "okay you can leave" when I left the palace i let out a furious scream and flew when I got to the dorm I saw lisa cooking then the next thing i knew i saw a dart on my leg and fell,

when I woke up I was in a chair but I could not see where I was because it was dark and I had a blindfold on my face but I could hear some voices, the door opened and someone removed my blindfold I could not see for a minute because the light blinded me when I opened my eyes I saw the king coming in when he saw me he said " Samuel I know you are the king of the east universe son but if I kill you I can remain a king forever" After saying all of that he told the men to carry me to the edge of the cliff is they covered my eyes and carried me to the car when we got there they removed the blindfold and pushed me to the edge of the cliff I tried to use my powers to fly but they did not work so I closed my eyes hoping that the death will be quick but I did not feel anything I saw jila holding me then she said "are you okay" I replied by nodding my head when we got to the cave that was nearby she said she found out what the key was for I asked her what it was for she hesitated pressuring her to tell me what it was for she shouted it was for where my dad was i speechless by the answer jila gave me i fainted,

it is bright and my head is aching so I stood up when I stood up I saw that I was still in the cave but I could smell food when I followed the scent it took me to where jila was cooking jila saw me and asked how I was I told her I was fine but she did not believe me then she gave me a tea to drink and told me how when she fought by my dad he was unstoppable he even fought the king of the north after saying how great my father was she said she will train me until we find my dad I accepted but after thirty minutes of training I regretted accepting to train like my father but after a few days my body got used to it then jila told me to run around the forest for one hour I told her that was not possible but she insisted after thirty minutes I was tired I told her but she said I should keep going after going around the mountain for one hour I fell but I forgot this was not as comfortable as a bed and got hurt when it was morining jila woke me up and we did the same thing we did yesterday except this time it was manageable and when jila told me release all my power i could control it then she said tomorrow will be about increasing it she then thought me some skills i could do if i. would control my power when I slept I found my self getting used to sleeping on a bunch on leaves on the floor,

it was time to increase my power so jila took me to a river when we got there she told me to do five thousand pushups I shouted but that is a lot but she said that is small compared to what your father could do feeling motivated I decided I will do five thousand but when I git to one thousand push up my body started to ache so jila time me to jump into the river I asked how will that help but instead of answering she pushed me into the river while I was in the river I felt good like my body was repairing themselves then jila jumped into the river and said she found it when she was in the war after relaxing I came out of the river and went to change my clothe and then I dozed off,

it was afternoon and I was late for training so I ran to jila when I got there she said we will be sparing today because of what she said I was excited because I will get to fight a veteran I was getting ready for my fight when I saw a figure in the trees I said to the person come out or I will unleash my plasma blast but the person did not listen so I blasted it but no one was there so I took all I needed and ran to jila when I got there she was ready to fight